Simon H T Raharjo
Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Pattimura

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JURNAL BUDIDAYA PERTANIAN Vol 13 No 2 (2017): Jurnal Budidaya Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/jbdp.2017.13.2.103


Morphological characters of above ground plant parts can be used to distinguishsweet potato accessions. The objective of this study was to get a number of diversity of sweet potato accessions based on above ground part morphology and to determine the accuracy of in situ characterization. This study used a survey method in five villages in two sub-districts, namely Inomosol and Huamual Muka, Western Ceram District. The first stage of this study involved in situ characterization, and the second stage involved planting and ex situ morphological characterization of 2-month-old plants which was used sweet potato descriptors. Data were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively. The results showed that there were 25 accessions of sweet potato found in Huamual Muka and Inomosol Sub-districts, as distinguished by leaf shape and color, leaf patterns and leaf lobe number, petiole and stem colors, and vine twisting tendency. Verification results of the above ground morphology showed accuracy of ≥80% in 3 phenotypes in leaf lobe pattern, shape of central leaf lobe, linear middle leaves, leaves with 1, 5 and 7 lobes, green abaxial leaf veins, 2 petiole color phenotypes, purplish red stem, and stem additional colors. Meanwhile, the accuracy of characterization of other phenotypes was 0-76%. Keywords: diversity, ex situ, Ipomoea batatas, Maluku, morphology ABSTRAK Karakter morfologi tajuk ubi jalar dapat digunakan sebagai pembeda antar aksesi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan sejumlah klon ubi jalar yang beragam berdasarkan morfologi tajuk serta ketepatan karakterisasi morfologi pada tingkat in situ. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei di lima desa pada dua kecamatan yaitu kecamatan Inomosol dan Huamual Muka pada Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat, Propinsi Maluku. Tahap pertama dengan mengkarakterisasi morfologi tajuk di kebun petani (in situ), dan tahap kedua penanaman dan karakterisasi ex situ di kebun koleksi pada umur tanaman 2 bulan menggunakan deskriptor ubi jalar. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 25 aksesi ubi jalar di kecamatan Inomosol dan Huamual Muka yang dibedakan berdasarkan bentuk dan warna daun, pola dan jumlah lekuk daun, warna tangkai dan batang, serta sifat membelit. Hasil verifikasi terhadap karakterisasi in situ didapatkan akurasi ≥80% pada 3 fenotip pada pola lekuk daun, daun dengan bentuk bagian tengah linear, daun dengan jumlah cuping 1, 5 dan 7, tulang daun permukaan bawah berwarna hijau, 2 fenotip pada warna tangkai daun, batang berwarna merah keunguan, serta ada warna tambahan pada batang. Sedangkan akurasi karakterisasi pada fenotip lainnya yaitu 0-76%. Kata kunci: ex situ, Ipomoea batatas, keragaman, Maluku, morfologi
Keragaman dan Potensi Genetik Ubi Jalar Lokal Pada Kondisi Partial Submergence Helen Hetharie; Simon H T Raharjo; Anna Y Wattimena; Reny Tomasoa; La Dahamarudin
JURNAL BUDIDAYA PERTANIAN Vol 14 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Budidaya Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/jbdp.2018.14.1.1


Excess ground water above normal due to high rainfall affect the growth and yields of crops. The objectives of the study were to measure the genetic diversity of local sweet potato clones, to obtain characters of vegetative and yield characters that were responsive against of partial submergence and sweet potato clones that had highest yield components. The method of research was a one-factor experiment involving 21 sweet potato clones using a Completely Randomized Block design with 3 replication. The partial submergence in this study mean that was the lower parts of the plants submerged when the plant were 2 and 3 months old. Data were analyzed with F test, genotype and phenotype variance, and DMRT test. The results show the sweet potato clones have a wide diversities of vegetative and yield characters. Vegetative characters that were positively responsive to partial submergence were the number of green leaves, leaf area per plant, leaf area index, and stem length. Yield characters that were positively responsive to partial submergence were tuber number and tuber length. Some of the clones with the highest production potential were shown through two of the three yields indicators (tubers number, individual tuber weight and tuber weight per plant), i.e. A13, AR15, B9, BSepa-U, BR5, H1 clones and Antin 2 variety.. Keywords: excess water, genotype variance, Ipomoea batatas, Maluku, yield character ABSTRAK Kelebihan air tanah di atas normal akibat curah hujan yang tinggi mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengukur keragaman genetik klon-klon ubi jalar lokal, serta mendapatkan karakter vegetatif dan karakter hasil yang responsif positif terhadap partial submergence dan klon ubi jalar yang mempunyai komponen hasil tertinggi. Metode penelitian berupa percobaan satu faktor yaitu 21 klon ubi jalar menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap berblok dengan pengulangan tiga kali. Partial submergence dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagian bawah dari tanaman terendam air pada umur tanaman 2 dan 3 bulan. Analisis data dengan uji F, ragam genotip dan fenotip, dan uji DMRT. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa klon-klon ubi jalar mempunyai keragaman luas pada semua karakter vegetatif dan produksi. Karakter vegetatif yang responsif positif terhadap partial submergence yaitu jumlah daun hijau, luas daun per tanaman, indeks luas daun dan panjang batang. Karakter produksi yang responsif positif terhadap partial submergence yaitu jumlah umbi dan panjang umbi. Beberapa klon dengan potensi produksi melalui dua dari tiga indikator produksi (jumlah umbi, bobot per umbi dan bobot umbi segar per tanaman) tertinggi yaitu A13, A15, B9, BSepa-U, BR5, H1, dan varietas Antin 2. Kata kunci: Ipomoea batatas, karakter hasil, Maluku, ragam genotip, terendam