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Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 14, No 2 (2014): Volume 14, Nomor 2, Oktober 2014
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/bs_jpbsp.v14i2.721


This study aims to obtain data on: (1) a learning model in French writing in accordance with the demands of French writing skills of level B1 DELF CECRL developed from the implementation of local culture-based écriture creative method; and (2) the application of the Ecriture créative model in writing course of Production Ecrite regarding the acquisition of French writing skills of intermediate level (B1) DELF. The research method used in this study was Research and Development (R D) through: (1) preliminary studies, (2) planning and development models, and (3) validation of the model. Results indicate the local culture-based écriture créative model is able to help students improve their writing skills to the B1 DELF level with the rate of achievement of 63.33%. Based on the results, it can be said that this model proved effective in improving the learning process of students’ writing skills in the course of Production Ecrite V.
Character Education Behind the Function and Value of Cirebonan Tarling Art Fajri, Khoirul; Sumiadi, Sumiadi; Sunendar, Dadang; Iskandarwassid, Iskandarwassid
International Conference on Elementary Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): Proceedings The 2nd International Conference on Elementary Education
Publisher : Elementary Education Study Program School of Postgraduate Studies Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in collaboration with UPI PRESS

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A common problem encountered in the development of the art of tarling is the negative understanding of the majority of people about tarling itself. Tarling is currently experiencing difficulties in returning to be the belle of art in Cirebon society. As the development of tarling is used for the entertainment side and little by little reduces the value of tarling itself. This has become a fundamental problem for people who consider the art of tarling to be a mere art without any significant value. The purpose of this study was intended to find out more about character education in the function and value of the cirebonan tarling art. This research method uses descriptive qualitative exposure with ethnographic research design to find out more about character education in the function and value of the tarling itself, as well as using literature study data collection techniques related to Tarling arts and music, as well as interviews with informants. In general, tarling music can be divided into two forms: classical tarling music and modern Cirebon rhythm tarling music. Modern tarling experiences the absorption of various types of music, including pop and dangdut. Little by little in modern tarling puts forward the entertainment and material aspects and little by little reduces the value and function of the art of tarling itself. Whereas classical tarling music still has strong functions and values in instilling character education in every element of the performance of the tarling itself in each of its elements
Bahtera Indonesia Jurnal Penelitian Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
Publisher : Universitas Wiralodra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31943/bi.v6i2.120


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran alih kode dan campur kode bunyi bahasa Sunda dalam percakapan bahasa Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Fakutas Pertanian Universitas Winaya Mukti. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik simak cakap, teknik simak bebas libat cakap, teknik rekam, dan teknik dokumentasi. Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Alih kode dalam tuturan mahasiswa dapat dikelompokan ke dalam dua jenis yaitu alih kode intern dan alih kode ekstern. Alih kode intern berkecenderungan berbentuk: (a) alih kode dari bahasa Indonesia ke dalam bahasa Sunda halus; dan (b) alih kode intern dari bahasa Sunda ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Kemudian alih kode ekstern yang terjadi pada mahasiswa berkecenderungan berbentuk alih kode dari bahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. (2) Sedangkan campur kode yang terjadi dalam tuturan mahasiswa berkecenderungan berbentuk hanya campur kode ke luar (Outer Code Mixing) yaitu berkecenderungan berbentuk campur bahasa Indonesia-Sunda-Inggris di dalam satu kalimat.
Model pembelajaran pelafalan dengan metode verbo-tonal dalam pembelajaran bahasa Perancis Hardini, Tri Indri; Sunendar, Dadang; Mutiarsih, Yuliarti; Lorenzi, Analeila Devira
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 21, No 2 (2021): OKTOBER 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/bs_jpbsp.v21i2.44641


This research was conducted in the context of developing a learning model with the verbo-tonal method of phonetic correction in pronunciation learning for French language learning students at levels A1 and A2 CECRL (Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues / The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). This study aims to describe: (1) the steps of the learning model with the verbo-tonal method in learning French pronunciation for levels A1 and A2 CECRL (2) the flow of pronunciation learning for French learners for levels A1 and A2 CECRL by applying the verb method -tonal (3) the advantages and disadvantages of pronunciation learning models with the verbo tonal method. Researchers used a quantitative approach methodology with the Research Development (RD) method in developing a verbo-tonal method of phonetic correction. The population in this study were all the characteristics of the French Language Study Program students at FPBS UPI. While the sample in this study were all the characteristics that exist in French language learning students at the A1 and A2 CECRL levels in the French Language Education Study Program, FPBS UPI who were selected by purposive sampling technique.
Analysis of Teaching Style of High Grade Teachers in Narrative Writing Learning in Wado District Budianty, Noviana; Sunendar, Dadang
International Conference on Elementary Education Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Proceedings The 4th International Conference on Elementary Education
Publisher : Elementary Education Study Program School of Postgraduate Studies Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in collaboration with UPI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (340.017 KB)


This study aims to analyze and determine the teaching styles used by upper class teachers in Wado District, Sumedang Regency in learning to write narratives. Respondents in this study were teachers in 13 schools in the sub-district. The research approach used is a qualitative approach through descriptive methods with the type of survey research. Data retrieval was done by distributing questionnaires through google form which then data were analyzed by means of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. There are seven indicators that are used as a reference to see the sequence of learning carried out by the teacher. Meanwhile, to analyze the teacher's teaching style, it was translated into 15 questions from all indicators of the teacher's teaching style. After collecting data, it was concluded that the dominant teaching style used by teachers in learning to write narratives was interactional teaching style as much as 77.40%. At the implementation stage of learning to write narratives, not all teachers apply these indicators. The percentage of the application of narrative writing indicators that is mostly done by teachers is indicator 1, which is guiding students in determining the theme, topic, and mandate to be delivered. The percentage is 84.6%. Meanwhile, the lowest indicator is indicator 3, which is setting a target readership with a percentage of only around 30.7%.
The Skills of Rewriting Folklore in Class IV Elementary School Students with Video-Assisted Monica, Ratu Anggia Intan; Sunendar, Dadang
International Conference on Elementary Education Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Proceedings The 4th International Conference on Elementary Education
Publisher : Elementary Education Study Program School of Postgraduate Studies Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in collaboration with UPI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (288.688 KB)


This research aims to describe the skills of fourth-graders at SD Negeri Percobaan in rewriting folk tales. In practice, this research uses a content analysis method with a qualitative approach that has three steps, namely condensing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions or verification. Data collection techniques in this study used interviews, questionnaires, tests, and documentation to 15 respondents. By paying attention to the findings and discussion, this research has been able to prove the skills of fourth-grade students at SD Negeri Percobaan have skills in rewriting folklore that are not good in terms of content accuracy. The efforts of teachers in improving the skills of rewriting folklore in students are also found through the use of media and learning methods. The theoretical analysis in the discussion provides broad and in-depth information that the skills of students in rewriting folklore in fourth-grade elementary school students are because they have been able and have a good understanding of following the level of development of their age in learning to rewrite folklore so that their skills can improve.
KECERDASAN MENULIS CERPEN MELALUI TEKNIK PSIKOTRANSMITTER Mimin Sahmini; Dadang Sunendar; Sumiyadi Sumiyadi; Cahyani Isah
Jurnal Semantik Vol 9, No 2 (2020): VOLUME 9 NUMBER 2, SEPTEMBER 2020
Publisher : STKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/semantik.v9i2.p125-136


This research is motivated by the weak ability of students in writing activities. One of the internal factors is the laziness that mounts to start writing, the rigidity of words, and confusion in writing. The purpose of this research is to apply a psychotransmitter communication technique in learning writing to foster writing intelligence. The psychotransmitter technique is a communication technique built through subconscious communication. Psychotransmitters are another name for subjective terms of communication (one-way communication) or telepathy where we can convey a message to someone we want to address so that what we want to convey enters the human subconscious mind. According to research, the subconscious mind affects 80% of the human mind. One of the benefits of this technique is that it can change a person's ego, self-esteem, emotions so that he will be cheated by his ego. Thus we can influence his thoughts with established communication. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method, the writer will explain clearly the steps to develop the intelligence to write short stories. The steps are clearly described based on the theory of NLP, hypnosis, and communication techniques. The results of this study are expected that students can change bad habits into good habits, namely writing skills or writing intelligence. The results of this study will produce writing stages using psychotransmitters.
PEMBELAJARAN SASTRA: BERBAGAI KENDALA DALAM BERMAIN DRAMA BAGI MAHASISWA Safinatul Hasanah Harahap; Dadang Sunendar; Sumiyadi Sumiyadi; Vismaia S. Damaianti
Basastra Vol 9, No 1 (2020): Basastra: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/bss.v9i1.19103


Pembelajaran sastra dapat digunakan sebagai media dalam membentuk pola pikir dan karakter mahasiswa. Drama merupakan jenis dari sastra yang dipelajari sebagai bagian dari materi sastra. Memerankan tokoh dalam drama memiliki kesulitan yang berbeda pada setiap pemain. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan berbagai kendala yang dialami pemeran tokoh dalam drama saat melakukan pertunjukan drama dari sudut pandang mahasiswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan dari wawancara yang dilakukan pada 61 mahasiswa yang mengampu mata kuliah dengan materi bermain drama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kendala bermain drama berasal dari faktor internal (rasa percaya diri, konsentrasi, dan motivasi) dan faktor eksternal (penemuan karakter tokoh drama, pelaksanaan proses latihan, dan penerapan kerja sama tim).Kata kunci: pembelajaran sastra, drama, bermain drama
Fon : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 18, No 1 (2022): Fon: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/fon.v18i1.5441


ABSTRAK: Penelitian berjudul Ginokritik terhadap Novel Tanah Tabu Karya Anindita S. Thayf bertujuan mengkaji tulisan perempuan yang menceritakan perempuan dengan menggunakan teori ginokritik dari Showalter (1981) hanya melalui model penulisan perempuan dan psikologi perempuan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Data penelitian ini berupa teks dari isi cerita novel Tanah Tabu. Intertekstual tulisan laki-laki dalam tulisan perempuan telah hadir sejak permulaan abad 20. Namun, sejumlah besar pengarang perempuan pada Angkatan 2000 menunjukkan kemandirian mereka dalam menggunakan penulisan biologi, bahasa, psiklogi, dan budaya perempuan. Intertekstual feminisme laki-laki dalam novel pengarang perempuan Angkatan 2000 mulai menghilang. Hal ini adalah entitas dari kemandirian feminisme pengarang perempuan. Itu artinya, pengarang perempuan mampu menghasilkan teks sendiri yakni, tidak mengadopsi kembali ciri khas tulisan laki-laki ke dalam karya mereka. Salah satu kemandirian tersebut terdapat pada novel Tanah Tabu karangan Anindita S. Thayf. Sebagai penyampai pesan, Thayf banyak menghasilkan teks bermuatan psikologi pada karyanyanya. Berdasarkan kajian, ditemukan 75 buah teks lisan dan tulisan bermuatan psikologi pada beberapa tokoh perempuan. Hal itu merupakan cerminan dari psikologi Thayf sebagai pengarangnya. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dimanfaatkan dosen dan mahasiswa pada mata kuliah kajian prosa fiksi, dan dapat dijadikan rujukan bagi para peneliti lain dengan sumber data berbeda namun pendekatan serupa.  KATA KUNCI: Ginokritik; penulisan perempuan dan psikologi perempuan; novel Tanah Tabu GYNOCRITICISM AGAINST TANAH TABU NOVEL BY ANINDITA S. THAYF ABSTRACT: The research entitled Gynocriticism against Tanah Tabu Novel by Anindita S. Thayf aims to examine women's writings that tell women by using Showalter's (1981) gynocritic theory only through women's writing models and women's psychology. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The data of this research is in the form of text from the content of the Tanah Tabu novel. Intertextual writing of men in writing of women has existed since the beginning of the 20th century. However, a large number of female authors in the Angkatan 2000 demonstrated their independence in using women's biology, language, psychology, and cultural writing. The intertextual male feminism in the novels of female authors Angkatan 2000 is disappearing. This is the entity of the independent feminism of female authors. That means, female authors are able to produce their own texts, that is, not to re-adopt the characteristics of male writing into their works. One of these independence is found in the Tanah Tabu novel by Anindita S. Thayf. As a messenger, Thayf produces a lot of psychologically charged texts in his work. Based on the study, it was found that 75 oral and written texts containing psychology were found in several female characters. This is a reflection of Thayf's psychology as the author. The results of this study can be used by lecturers and students in the course of fiction prose studies, and can be used as a reference for other researchers with different data sources but with a similar approach. KEYWORDS: gynocriticism; women's writing and women's psychology; Tanah Tabu novel
Bahterasia : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Agustus
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (447.178 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/jpbsi.v1i2.5135


Covid-19 atau virus corona yang mewabah luas hampir di seluruh bagian dunia membuat perubahan besar dalam kehidupan manusia. Oleh karena, beragam cara digunakan dalam sosialisasi pencegahan, seperti komik strip. Penulisan artikel ini bertujuan memaparkan penggunaann komik strip sebagai media pendidikan literasi kesehatan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia pada masa pademi covid-19. Metode penelitian berbasis masalah dan kajian literasi pustaka. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui teknik screen shoot dilanjutkan dengan analisis isi. Validasi data dilakukan melalui ahli pakar yaitu ahli komunikasi visual dan pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian ditemukan beberapa komik strip yang memuat nilai edukasi yang berguna bagi pendidikan literasi kesehatan sesuai jenjang pendidikan. Berdasarkan visualisasi dan keterbacaan (kalimat) di dalamnya menunjukkan komik strip dapat digunakan sebagai media pendidikan literasi kesehatan yang dapat diintegrasikan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia, baik di tingkat dasar maupun menengah. Kata kunci: literasi kesehatan, komik strip, pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia