Putu Yuliawati
Department Of Ophthalmology, Faculty Of Medicine, Udayana University, Bali-Indonesia

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BALI MEDICAL JOURNAL Volume 2 Number 2, May-August 2013

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Objective: Tumors in the eye are type of tumors that could afflict eyeball and adnexa. Even though, the incidence is rare, these tumors that usually are secondary tumors cause by cancer spread from other parts of the body, especially the breast, lung, bowel or prostate. Two types of primary tumors arise within the eye itself are known as retinoblastoma in children and melanoma in adults. This study aims to obtain basic figure of eye tumor patients at Sanglah General Hospital Bali-Indonesia, in which these data can be used as a reference for further research. Methods: Descriptive and retrospective methods were applied to observe the patient who came during the period of 1 January 2005 until 30 September 2010. The numbers were taken from the medical records. Results: There were 44 patients recruited, consisting of 59.1% male and 40.9% female. A number of 29.5% of them are between 61-70 years old, 34.1% are from Denpasar, and 34.1% are farmers. There were 95.5% of the patients suffered from an eye lump, and 40.9% of them came with 0.00 logMar of visual acuity. About 47.7% of the tumor grew in the superior palpebra. Pathology anatomy test shows 20.5% Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC), 11.4% Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC), and 11.4% papilloma. Conclusions: The patients at tumor division, eye clinic of Sanglah General Hospital were mostly male, with major age range of 61-70 years old that mainly live in Denpasar as farmers. Their major complaint was the eye lump, which mainly found in the superior palpebra. The pathology anatomy result shows that SCC and BCC was the top and second most found illness. This study can be used as a reference for future research.
Publisher : Udayana University

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ABSTRACT Destructive eye procedure can be carried out by enucleation, evisceration and excenteration. Some efforts have been developed to reduce the complications, but it still occur within several years after the operation. This research aims to find out the characteristic and correlation between time and complications in patient after destructive eye procedure at Plastic and Reconstruction Division Sanglah Hospital’s Eye Clinic. For addition, characteristic of other patients in plastic and reconstruction also provided. This report is an analytical cross sectional study. Data were collected retrospectively from medical report of patients with history of destructive eye procedure in Sanglah Hospital’s eye clinic from January 1st until December 31st 2010. Patient’s characteristics were presented as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Correlations between variables were statistically analyzed with Correlation of Lambda. Eye trauma, anophthalmic socket and nasolacrimal duct obstruction were the most common diagnosis at plastic and reconstruction division Sanglah Hospital’s eye clinic. There were 17 patients with history of destructive eye procedure in this report, including 76.5% male and 23.5% female. There is 58.8% destructive eye procedure held in age 13-50 year, mean 30.75 (SD 19.81). Infection (35.3%), trauma (23.5%) and tumor (11.8%) were the most common cause of destructive eye procedure in this study. Complications of destructive eye procedure occur in 70.6% of patient with contracted socket was the most common complication (58.3%). There was medium correlation between time and complication after the procedure, but the correlation was not statistically significant (r = 0.40; p > 0.05). In conclusion, from this study we obtained that there was medium correlation between time and complication after the procedure, but the correlation was not statistically significant.
PROPORSI PASIEN KATARAK PADA RUMAH SAKIT MATA BALI MANDARA TAHUN 2015 I Gusti Ngurah Agung Trisnu Kamajaya; Putu Yuliawati; Ariesanti Tri Handayani
E-Jurnal Medika Udayana Vol 9 No 8 (2020): Vol 9 No 08(2020): E-Jurnal Medika Udayana
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

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ABSTRAK Katarak merupakan penyebab dominan kebutaan yang dapat dicegah didunia dan bertanggung jawab terhadap 75% dari seluruh kasus kebutaan dan 90% kasus tersebut berasal dari negara berkembang, terjadi pada seluruh umur dan insidennya meningkat pad,a umur 50 tahun ke atas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jumlah pasien katarak, faktor risiko terkait dan penanganan serta tajam penglihatan paska operasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional yang menggunakan desain cross sectional descriptive study secara consecutive sampling dari rekam medis pasien di RS Mata Bali Mandara pada periode Januari 2015-Desember 2015. Data disajikan dalam bentuk deskriptif. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh, angka kejadian katarak tahun 2015 adalah 2.356 pasien dan 96 pasien dipilih dalam penelitian ini dengan hasil: (1) rentangan umur dominan adalah 60-69 tahun (2) jenis kelamin perempuan ditemukan terbanyak (3) distribusi asal pasien terbanyak dari Kabupaten Gianyar (4) dari 96 pasien dengan 192 mata, terdiagnosis katarak senilis imatur (KSI) sebanyak 96 mata, katarak senilis matur (KSM) sebanyak 24 mata, KSI dan KSM bilateral sebanyak 17 mata, dan katarak juvenile sebanyak 7 mata (5) tindakan small incision cataract surgery (SICS) sebanyak 58 kali dan 93 kali phacoemulsifikasi dan 10 mata tanpa tindakan (6) terdapat penurunan jumlah visus no light perception (NLP) dan counting finger (CF) light perception (LP) serta peningkatan jumlah visus 6/6-6/7.5 setelah tindakan (7) intra ocular lens (IOL) power dominan emetropia (18.00D-22.00D). Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai data dasar untuk penelitian selanjutnya untuk membahas mengenai faktor risiko, hubungan antar variable serta penyebab terjadinya katarak. Kata kunci: jenis katarak, SICS, phacoemulsifikasi, perbaikan tajam penglihatan
PROPORSI PASIEN KATARAK PADA RUMAH SAKIT MATA BALI MANDARA TAHUN 2015 I Gusti Ngurah Agung Trisnu Kamajaya; Putu Yuliawati; Ariesanti Tri Handayani
E-Jurnal Medika Udayana Vol 10 No 6 (2021): Vol 10 No 06(2021): E-Jurnal Medika Udayana
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MU.2021.V10.i6.P13


Katarak merupakan penyebab dominan kebutaan yang dapat dicegah didunia dan bertanggung jawab terhadap 75% dari seluruh kasus kebutaan dan 90% kasus tersebut berasal dari negara berkembang, terjadi pada seluruh umur dan insidennya meningkat pad,a umur 50 tahun ke atas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jumlah pasien katarak, faktor risiko terkait dan penanganan serta tajam penglihatan paska operasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional yang menggunakan desain cross sectional descriptive study secara consecutive sampling dari rekam medis pasien di RS Mata Bali Mandara pada periode Januari 2015-Desember 2015. Data disajikan dalam bentuk deskriptif. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh, angka kejadian katarak tahun 2015 adalah 2.356 pasien dan 96 pasien dipilih dalam penelitian ini dengan hasil: (1) rentangan umur dominan adalah 60-69 tahun (2) jenis kelamin perempuan ditemukan terbanyak (3) distribusi asal pasien terbanyak dari Kabupaten Gianyar (4) dari 96 pasien dengan 192 mata, terdiagnosis katarak senilis imatur (KSI) sebanyak 96 mata, katarak senilis matur (KSM) sebanyak 24 mata, KSI dan KSM bilateral sebanyak 17 mata, dan katarak juvenile sebanyak 7 mata (5) tindakan small incision cataract surgery (SICS) sebanyak 58 kali dan 93 kali phacoemulsifikasi dan 10 mata tanpa tindakan (6) terdapat penurunan jumlah visus no light perception (NLP) dan counting finger (CF) light perception (LP) serta peningkatan jumlah visus 6/6-6/7.5 setelah tindakan (7) intra ocular lens (IOL) power dominan emetropia (18.00D-22.00D). Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai data dasar untuk penelitian selanjutnya untuk membahas mengenai faktor risiko, hubungan antar variable serta penyebab terjadinya katarak. Kata kunci: jenis katarak, SICS, phacoemulsifikasi, perbaikan tajam penglihatan
EGFR Mutated Lung Adenocarcinoma with Secondary Glaucoma as Early Manifestation: A Case Report Ida Ayu Jasminarti Dwi Kusumawardani; Venny Singgih; Ni Wayan Candrawati; Putu Yuliawati; Herman Saputra; I Gusti Ayu Sri Mahendra Dwi
Jurnal Respirasi Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021): January 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (482.313 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jr.v7-I.1.2021.14-18


Background: Orbital metastases are rare in pulmonary adenocarcinoma and can be manifested as glaucoma.Case: A 64-year-old male patient complained of swelling, redness, painful and protruded left eye. Physical and radiological examination revealed mass in the right lung, retrobulbar intraconal mass of the left oculi, and metastases in the ribs, liver, brain, and vertebrae. Result of bronchial mucosal biopsy showed adenocarcinoma. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutation examinations detected exon 19 deletions, therefore Gefitinib was given. Left orbital exenteration was performed and obtained a biopsy result of adenocarcinoma metastases.Conclusion: Orbital metastasis occurs by hematogenous pathway due to direct access of systemic circulation to left orbital blood flow. Glaucoma as a symptom of orbital metastases can appear before primary tumor symptoms, because lung cancer often does not show specific symptoms until advanced stage. Definitive treatment consists of targeted therapy and surgical management for metastases.
Prosedur Falsanella-Servat pada pada ptosis traumatika: laporan kasus Rima Febry Lesmana; Anak Agung Ayu Sukartini Djelantik; Putu Yuliawati; Ni Made Laksmi Utari; I Made Agus Kusumadjaja
Intisari Sains Medis Vol. 12 No. 1 (2021): (Available online : 1 April 2021)
Publisher : DiscoverSys Inc.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (509.591 KB) | DOI: 10.15562/ism.v12i1.919


Background : Ptosis is a drooping or infero displacement of the upper eyelid. Traumatic Ptosis is the second most common type after acquired aponeurotic ptosis. In this case the patient with mild traumatic ptosis had no improvement for 1 year. Surgery was performed for correction of traumatc ptosis with falsanella servat procedure. The aims of case report are to know managament patient with mild traumatic ptosis who underwent surgery with falsanella-servat procedure.Case presentation: A 18-year-old boy with dropping of left upper eyelid since 1 year ago. He had a history of hordeolum and had a curettage incision for three times. Complete opthalmology examination was perfomed on both eyes and found on right eyelid vertical palpebra fissure 12mm, horizontal palpebra fissure 35mm, levator action 18, margin limbal distance 9, margin reflect distance 4, lid crease 8, no lidlag, positive bell's phenomenon. Left eyelid examination results 8mm vertical palpebra fissure, 35mm horizontal palpebra fissure, levator action 16, margin limbal distance 7, margin reflect distance 2, lid crease 10, no lid lag, positive bell's phenomenon. Correction of traumatic ptosis with falsanella servat was performed and ptosis measurement had done after correction. Conclusion: Surgical procedure using falsanella-servat on traumatic mild ptosis gives good contour, functional and cosmetic results.  Latar belakang: Ptosis adalah penurunan kelopak mata atas dari posisi normal. Ptosis traumatika merupakan kejadian tersering kedua setelah acquired aponeurotic ptosis. Pada kasus ini pasien dengan mild ptosis traumatika yang tidak mengalami perbaikan selama 1 tahun, dilakukan pembedahan dengan teknik operasi falsanell-servat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melaporkan hasil penatalaksanaan pada pasien dengan mild ptotis traumatika yang dilakukan prosedur terapi dengan tekhnik falsanella-servat.Laporan kasus: Pasien laki-laki 18 tahun dengan penurunan kelopak atas mata kiri sejak 1 tahun yang lalu. Pasien riwayat hordeolum pada kelopak atas mata kiri dan sempat di insisi-kuretase sebanyak 3x. Pemeriksaan mata lengkap dilakukan pada kedua mata dan didapatkan kelopak mata kanan fisura palpebra vertikal 12mm, fisura palpebra horisontal 35mm, levator action 18, margin limbal distance 9,  margin  reflect  distance  4,  lid  crease  8,  lid  lag  tidak ada,  bell’s phenomenon positif. Hasil pemeriksaan kelopak mata kiri didapatkan fisura palpebra vertikal 8mm, fisura palpebra horisontal 35mm, levator action 16, margin limbal distance 7,  margin  reflect  distance  2,  lid  crease  10,  lid  lag  tidak ada,  bell’s phenomenon positif. Pasien dilakukan perbaikan ptosis traumatika dengan tekhnik pembedahan falsanella-servat dan pengukuran ptosis setelah perbaikan.Simpulan: Prosedur pembedahan dengan Falsanella-servat pada mild ptosis traumatika memberikan hasil yang baik dalam segi kontur, fungsi dan kosmetik. 
Rekurensi tinggi pada melanoma maligna konjungtiva: laporan kasus Ni Putu Mariati; Putu Yuliawati; I Wayan Juli Sumadi; I Made Agus Kusumadjaja
Intisari Sains Medis Vol. 12 No. 3 (2021): (Available online: 1 December 2021)
Publisher : DiscoverSys Inc.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1896.064 KB) | DOI: 10.15562/ism.v12i3.1091


Introduction: Ocular malignant melanoma is a rare but deadly disease that most often appears in the uvea, conjunctiva or orbit. Melanoma can be asymptomatic or give symptoms and signs depending on development of neoplasm. This case report aims to discuss the clinical sign of conjunctival malignant melanoma and the treatment given to better understand the disease.Case Report: Female patient, 57 years old complained lump in the left eye since 1 month ago. Red eyes, pain and blurry vision (-). Previously, patients with a history of malignant melanoma in the left eye and had performed surgery 5 times since 2015. Ophthalmology examination obtained visual acuity on right eye 6/18 and left eye 6/45. Anterior segment evaluation of the left eye found mass on palpebra, size 2x1 cm, color according to skin, mobile (-), tenderness (-). In conjunctiva found CVI (+) and symblepharon. There are 3 masses in conjunctiva. First mass in bulbi conjunctival superior to limbus with round shape, diameter 3 mm, brown color and smooth surface. The second mass in superotemporal conjunctival fornix, brownish color, size 1,5x1,5 cm with solid consistency, mobile (+). The third mass in the superior tarsal conjunctival, oval shape, 5x3 mm, brownish color and smooth surface. Lens of right and left eye found hazy. Segmen posterior on both eye within normal limit. Patient was diagnosed with post wide excision + cryotherapy + 5 fu (8 months) + suspected conjunctival tumor ec malignant melanoma + right left eye immature senile cataract. Patient underwent tumor multiple excision + cryotherapy + PA with general anesthesia. The biopsy results showed histomorphology consistent with malignant melanoma. There were no regional or distant metastasis.Conclusion: There are several therapeutic modalities for conjunctival melanoma, such as wide local excision with adjuvant therapy (brachytherapy, cryotherapy, and the use of topical chemotherapeutic agent like Mytomicin C). If tumor become a multiple recurrence or rapidly growing local tumor, the exenteration is needed.  Pendahuluan: Melanoma maligna okular merupakan suatu penyakit yang jarang dengan angka kematian yang tinggi dan paling sering muncul pada uvea, konjungtiva maupun orbita. Melanoma dapat bersifat asimptomatis hingga menimbulkan sekumpulan gejala dan tanda tergantung dari perkembangan neoplasma. Laporan kasus ini bertujuan untuk membahas tanda klinis melanoma maligna konjungtiva dan tatalaksana yang diberikan untuk lebih dapat memahami mengenai penyakit ini. Laporan kasus: Pasien wanita, 57 tahun, mengeluh muncul benjolan pada mata kiri yang disadari sejak 1 bulan yang lalu. Mata merah, nyeri, keluhan kabur (-). Sebelumnya pasien dengan riwayat melanoma maligna pada mata kiri dan telah dilakukan operasi sebanyak 5x sejak tahun 2015. Pemeriksaan oftalmologi didapatkan tajam penglihatan mata kanan 6/18 dan mata kiri 6/45. Evaluasi segmen anterior pada mata kanan ditemukan lensa keruh minimal. Evaluasi segmen anterior mata kiri ditemukan massa pada palpebra, ukuran 2x1 cm, warna sesuai dengan kulit, mobile, padat, nyeri tekan (-). Pada konjungtiva ditemukan conjunctival vascular injection (CVI) (+) dan simblefaron inferior di konjungtiva serta ditemukan 3 buah massa. Massa pertama pada konjungtiva bulbi superior hingga limbus, bentuk bulat, diameter 3 mm, batas tegas, permukaan licin, warna kecoklatan. Massa kedua di konjungtiva fornix superotemporal, warna kecoklatan, teraba bulat, ukuran 1,5x1,5 cm, permukaan rata, konsistensi padat kenyal, mobile, nyeri tekan (-). Massa ketiga di konjungtiva tarsal superior, bentuk oval, uk 5x3 mm, warna kecoklatan, permukaan licin. Lensa keruh minimal dan segmen anterior lain dalam batas normal. Evaluasi segmen posterior mata kanan dan kiri dalam batas normal. Pasien didiagnosis dengan oculi sinistra (OS) post wide eksisi + cryotherapy + 5 fluorouracil (5fu) (8 bulan) + suspek tumor konjungtiva rekuren ec melanoma maligna dan oculi dekstra et sinistra (ODS) KSI dan dilakukan tindakan eksisi tumor multiple + cryotherapy + patologi anatomi (PA) dengan general anesthesia (GA). Hasil histopatologi dari open biopsy sesuai untuk melanoma maligna. Tidak ditemukan adanya metastase regional maupun metastase jauh.Simpulan: Terdapat beberapa modalitas terapi untuk melanoma konjungtiva yaitu wide local excision dengan terapi adjuvant seperti brachytherapy, cryotherapy, dan penggunaan agen topikal kemoterapeutik (mytomicin C). Apabila dalam perjalanannya penyakit menjadi rekurensi multipel atau tumor lokal yang berkembang pesat maka tindakan eksenterasi sangat diperlukan.
Glioma saraf optik sebagai perluasan dari glioma cerebrii: sebuah laporan kasus Anak Agung Surya Nirmala Dewi; Putu Yuliawati; Ni Made Laksmi Utari; Anak Agung Ayu Sukartini Djelantik; I Made Agus Kusumadjaja
Intisari Sains Medis Vol. 12 No. 3 (2021): (Available online: 1 December 2021)
Publisher : DiscoverSys Inc.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1556.624 KB) | DOI: 10.15562/ism.v12i3.1129


Introduction: Optic Nerve Gliomas (ONG) are the most common primary Cerebral Nervous System tumor in childhood with greatest tendency for growth in the first 3-5 years of life (Huang, 2020). Most children diagnosed with ONGs have neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF-1) (Simmons,2013) with painless and slowly progressive decreace of vision. Imaging investigation with CT-scan or MRI is important to diagnose patient with ONG. The aim of this paper is to report a case of optic pathway glioma resulting rapid death of a child.Case Illustration: A 7-year-old girl complained that her eyes could not see in the past 1 year and protrusion with a white spot that is getting wider in the middle of the eye on her right eye since 3 months ago. Her left eye could not see in the past 3 weeks. She also complained about pain on her head. From ophthalmology examination visual acuity both eyes are no light perception. On her right eye we found protrusion with scleral show and lagophthalmos on her right eye, periconjunctival injection with corneal edema, deep anterior chamber and IOP 47. On the left eye we found midilated pupil with decreased reflex and the posterior segment we found optic nerve head hazy demarcated, cup-disc ratio difficult to be evaluated, good retina, decreased macular reflex and macular star (+). From right eye USG we found severe vitreous opacity. The MRI result from June 15th 2020 is suggested for optich pathway glioma dd/ pylocystic astrocytoma and suspected expand to internal auditory canal dextra. The patient was diagnosed with OD Proptosis ec retrobulbar tumor susp optic nerve glioma that expand from chiasma / cerebrii + vitreous bleeding+secondary glaucoma. OS Optic Nerve Edema ec intracranial mass. The patient was planned for OD extended enucleation join op Tumor Removal from Neuro Surgery under General Anesthesia. However, the surgery was postponed due to unstable condition and patient died from septic shock 2 months after the first arrival at the eye clinic.Conclusion: Optic Nerve Glioma are the most common primary Cerebral Nervous System tumor in childhood. This patient came with decrease of vision, protrusion on her right eye and pain with MRI finding suggested for optic nerve glioma. This patient should have done surgery but her condition was unstable. Good handling and multidisciplinary cooperation in the diagnosis and management of intraocular and intracranial masses are needed to provide a good outcome for the patient. Pendahuluan: Glioma Saraf Optik (GSO) merupakan tumor otak primer yang paling banyak terjadi pada 1 dekade kehidupan dengan kecenderungan terjadi pada usia 3-5 tahun. Anak-anak yang didiagnosa dengan GSO biasanya memiliki neurofibromatosis tipe 1 (NF-1) yang timbul secara sporadik. GSO memiliki gejala penurunan penglihatan tanpa adanya rasa nyeri yang dirasakan perlahan. Pemeriksaan penunjang dalam menegakkan diagnosis GSO bisa menggunakan CT-scan ataupun MRI. Tujuan dari makalah ini adalah untuk melaporkan sebuah kasus bagaimana cara mendiagnosa glioma saraf optic pada anak-anak.Ilustrasi kasus: Pasien perempuan, 7 tahun, datang (2 Juni 2020) dengan keluhan kedua mata tidak dapat melihat sejak 1 tahun yang lalu dan mata kanan menonjol sejak 3 bulan disertai bintik putih yang semakin melebar di bagian tengah mata. Mata kiri dikatakan tidak bisa melihat sejak 3 minggu yang lalu. Nyeri kepala sering dikeluhkan oleh pasien di seluruh kepala. Pemeriksaan oftalmologi didapatkan visus kedua mata no light perception (NLP), proptosis dengan scleral show dan lagoftalmos 2 mm pada mata kanan. Konjungtiva mata kanan didapatkan injeksi perikorna dengan edema kornea. Bilik mata depan mata kanan kesan dalam. Tekanan intraokular mata kanan 47 mmHg. Middilatasi dengan penurunan reflek pupil didapatkan pada mata kiri, lensa jernih dan pada pemeriksaan segmen posterior didapatkan papil nervus optik batas kabur, cup-disc ratio (CDR) sulit dievaluasi, retina kesan baik, reflex makula menurun dengan macular star. Hasil USG mata kanan didapatkan kesan kekeruhan vitreous berat. Pada 15 Juni 2020 pasien dilakukan MRI dengan kesan mengarah pada optic pathway glioma dd/ pylocytic astrocytoma dan suspek perluasan ke regio internal auditory canal dextra. Pasien didiagnosis dengan OD proptosis ec tumor retrobulber susp glioma saraf optik yang berasal dari chiasma / cerebri + perdarahan vitreus + glaukoma sekunder, OS Papil edema ec massa intracranial dan direncanakan OD extended enukleasi join op tumor removal oleh Bedah Saraf dengan General Anestesi. Namun, pasien belum dilakukan operasi karena keadaan pasien memburuk dan meninggal akibat syok sepsis 2 bulan pasca kedatangan pertama ke poli mata. Simpulan: Glioma saraf optik merupakan tumor yang sering ditemukan pada anak-anak. Pada pasien sudah didapatkan nyeri, penurunan tajam penglihatan dan proptosis serta gambaran MRI yang mendukung diagnose glioma saraf optic. Sebaiknya pasien dilakukan tindakan pembedahan namun keadaan umum pasien tidak memungkinkan. Penanganan yang baik dan kerjasama multidisiplin dalam penegakan diagnosis dan tatalaksana massa intraocular maupun intracranial dibutuhkan untuk memberikan luaran yang baik bagi pasien.
Melanoma maligna orbita: sebuah laporan kasus Ni Luh Putu Nurindah Sukmawati; Putu Yuliawati; Ni Made Laksmi Utari
Intisari Sains Medis Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022): (Available Online : 1 April 2022)
Publisher : DiscoverSys Inc.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (657.208 KB) | DOI: 10.15562/ism.v13i1.1269


Introduction: Orbital melanoma (OM) is the most common type of primary intraocular neoplasm in adults. Although the incidence of OM is only 5% of melanoma tumors, OM causes death in 13% of melanoma tumors. The management of orbital melanoma originating from the uveal tissue is still controversial between surgical and nonsurgical therapy. Case Report: A male patient, 63 years old, complained that the patient's right eye was said to have appeared a lump since five months ago with a size of 6 x 6 x 7 cm, blackish red in color with clinical signs of malignancy. The patient underwent orbital exenteration and the patient's condition had no recurrence or other complaints until four months after the procedure. Conclusion: Orbital melanoma of uveal origin is a complex malignancy that requires a multidisciplinary approach to therapy and management. Early detection and adequate therapy are very important in increasing survival rates.   Pendahuluan: Melanoma orbita (MO) merupakan tipe yang paling sering dari neoplasma primer intraokular pada dewasa. Meskipun insiden MO hanya 5% dari tumor melanoma, namun MO menimbulkan kematian pada 13% akibat tumor melanoma. Tatalaksana melanoma orbita yang berasal dari jaringan uvea sampai saat ini masih kontroversial antara terapi bedah dan nonbedah. Laporan Kasus: Seorang pasien laki-laki, 63 tahun, mengeluh mata kanan pasien dikatakan muncul benjolan sejak lima bulan yang lalu dengan ukuran 6 x 6 x 7 cm, berwarna merah kehitaman dengan klinis mengarah keganasan. Pasien dilakukan eksenterasi orbita dan kondisi pasien tidak terdapat kekambuhan ataupun keluhan lain hingga empat bulan setelah tindakan. Simpulan: Melanoma orbita yang berasal dari uvea merupakan keganasan yang kompleks yang membutuhkan pendekatan multidisiplin dalam terapi dan tatalaksana. Deteksi dini dan terapi yang adekuat sangat penting dalam upaya meningkatkan angka ketahanan hidup.
Myoepithelial carcinoma of lacrimal gland in HIV patient: A rare case L.P. Suryantini Septia Dewi; Putu Yuliawati; made laksmiNi Made Laksmi Utari; sukartiniA.A.A. Sukartini Djelantik
Intisari Sains Medis Vol. 13 No. 2 (2022): (In Press : 1 August 2022)
Publisher : DiscoverSys Inc.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (757.343 KB) | DOI: 10.15562/ism.v13i2.1367


Introduction: Lacrimal gland tumors have 1: 1,000,000 cases per year, accounting for one-fourth of lesions that occupy the orbital space. The rarity of lacrimal gland tumors and the many types of tumors with various types of lesions make determining optimal treatment difficult. A myoepithelial tumor is a rare epithelial neoplasm of the lacrimal gland. This paper aims to report a good outcome case of myoepithelial carcinoma. Case Report: A 30-year-old male complained of protruding his left eye since 2014, accompanied by pain and clear white discharge. The vision was getting blurry and also double vision. Patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) disease since 2013 on Anti Retro Viral (ARV) therapy. Right eye visual acuity was 6 / 7.5, and good eyeball examination. The left eye was 6/10 with no pinhole improvement, non-axial proptosis, and superolateral mass. The movement of his left eye was restricted. Other anterior and posterior segments were promising. The patient was diagnosed with pseudotumor and was given oral methylprednisolone. The eye condition is said to be getting better. The patient complained that the left eye was more prominent and protruding three years later, with blurred vision accompanied by infection. Left eye visual acuity becomes Light Perception Bad Projection with non-axial proptosis, retraction of palpebra and pus. Orbital exenteration was performed, and anatomical pathology examination revealed myoepithelial carcinoma of the lacrimal gland. The patient was planned for radiotherapy. Conclusion: These rare cases have made setting up a regimen in randomized controlled trials difficult. The rapid development of therapy gives more hope to treating patients with lacrimal gland tumors.