Taufiqurrohman Taufiqurrohman
Islamic University of Nahdlatul Ulama` (UNISNU) Jepara

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Language Circle: Journal of Language and Literature Vol 10, No 2 (2016): April 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Languages ​​and Arts, State University of Semarang

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his research is aimed at finding the theme of a unique Sufi poem expressed by Tiel Aisha Ansari entitled ―Johnny Cash Goes to Hell‖. The analysis used is Riffaterre‘s Semiotic theory. The theory uses two stages of signification. The first finds lexical meaning that is called Heuristic reading. It functions as the footstep for the next signification. The next one explores second meaning that is called Hermeneutic reading. This signification consists of four steps: Hypogram Actual, Hypogram Potential, Model and Matrix. The result of research says that this poem uses character Johnny Cash and St. Peter as the signified. The dialogue was used by Tiel to share Johnny‘s thought. Johnny, the icon for Sufis, was considerate with what people had suffered from. The Hypogram Potential says that a Sufi sacrifices his comfort just for making people who are trapped by wrongness can go back to expedience. The model makes the distribution of meanings to be two, namely morals and universalism. The morals, especially considerate, can be universal. It can go across religions. This can be proved from the using of inter-religion symbols in the poem. That‘s why ―the universal of morals‖ is the theme can be got here.
Pemanfaatan LKS Digital untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar KKPI di SMK Negeri 1 Gesi Kabupaten Sragen Taufiqurrohman, Taufiqurrohman; Suryani, Nunuk; Suharno, Suharno
Publisher : Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pendidikan

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AbstrakLembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) digital adalah salah satu jenis bahan ajar  berbasis aplikasi komputer yang dapat diakses  siswa secara offline menggunakan komputer dan handphone dengan tampilan yang menarik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan (1) hasil belajar siswa pada Mata pelajaran KKPI menggunakan LKS konvensional dan (2) langkah-langkah menyusun LKS digital. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Subyek penelitian ini adalah kelas XI SMKN 1 Gesi Kabupaten Sragen. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan meliputi observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik deskriptif persentase. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan (1) persentase ketuntasan hasil belajar menggunakan LKS konvensional sebesar 49% tuntas dan 51% tidak tuntas (2) mendeskripsikan langkah-langkah menyusun LKS digital.  Kata kunci: LKS; digital; hasil belajar
Literary Traces of the Qur`an in Its English Translations Taufiqurrohman, Taufiqurrohman
Language Circle: Journal of Language and Literature Vol 13, No 1 (2018): October 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/lc.v13i1.15409


Based on many researches have been done, the Qur‘an uses literary methods in conveying the messages. This research uses different perspective in proving such conclusion by using English translations of the Qur‘an written by four authorized Qur‘an translators. The researcher uses Hermeneutics and Aesthetics to find the literary substantiations of English translations of the Qur‘an. Of course there will be random verses of the Qur‘an that would be choosen to be analyzed. Both analysis devices say that English translations of the Qur‘an have literary traces that signify the Qur‘an as a literary masterpiece, such as not only in owning different dictions and layers of meaning but also in owning aesthetic process and poetic texts.
Language Circle: Journal of Language and Literature Vol 10, No 2 (2016): April 2016
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/lc.v10i2.5730


his research is aimed at finding the theme of a unique Sufi poem expressed by Tiel Aisha Ansari entitled ―Johnny Cash Goes to Hell‖. The analysis used is Riffaterre‘s Semiotic theory. The theory uses two stages of signification. The first finds lexical meaning that is called Heuristic reading. It functions as the footstep for the next signification. The next one explores second meaning that is called Hermeneutic reading. This signification consists of four steps: Hypogram Actual, Hypogram Potential, Model and Matrix. The result of research says that this poem uses character Johnny Cash and St. Peter as the signified. The dialogue was used by Tiel to share Johnny‘s thought. Johnny, the icon for Sufis, was considerate with what people had suffered from. The Hypogram Potential says that a Sufi sacrifices his comfort just for making people who are trapped by wrongness can go back to expedience. The model makes the distribution of meanings to be two, namely morals and universalism. The morals, especially considerate, can be universal. It can go across religions. This can be proved from the using of inter-religion symbols in the poem. That‘s why ―the universal of morals‖ is the theme can be got here.
Transient: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro TRANSIENT, VOL. 2, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2013
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (327.172 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/transient.2.3.573-580


Abstrak Suatu sistem keamanan sangatlah dibutuhkan dalam berbagai bidang. Salah satunya adalah pengenalan plat nomor kendaraan. Mengenali plat nomor kendaraan sangat diperlukan dalam sebuah sistem dan pengamanan di tempat parkir, pelacakan kendaraan dan pengidentifikasian sebuah kendaraan bermotor. Oleh karena itu, timbul kebutuhan akan adanya aplikasi pengenalan pola plat nomor kendaraan yang memudahkan pengontrolan plat nomor kendaraan sepeda motor dalam pengontrolan sistem keamanan parkir dengan memanfaatkan teknologi tersebut. Sistem pengenalan plat nomor ini diharapkan dapat mengenali setiap karakter huruf dan angka yang terdapat dalam citra plat nomor. Citra dari plat nomor kendaraan sepeda motor ditangkap menggunakan kamera digital. Hasil dari citra digital tersebut diproses melalui beberapatahap pemrosesan agar memperoleh gambar. Suatu gambar  dapat mewakili karakteristik dari pola citra tertentu. Hasil gambar plat nomor tersebut kemudian disegmentasi hingga terpisah perkarakternya. Hasil nilai dari segmentasi tersebut kemudian dibandingkan dengan nilai basis data karakter. Penentuan karakter yang sesuai ditentukan dengan mencari nilai minimum pada setiap perbandingan masing-masing karakter yang terdapat pada basis data karakter dengan menggunakan metode jarak euclidean. Diharapkan dengan menggunakan metode jarak Euclidean  diharapkan dapat lebih cepat tanpa banyak mengurangi performance karakter plat nomor. Kata kunci :pengenalan plat nomor, thresholding, segmentasi, jarak euclidean.  Abstract A security system is needed in many areas. Which one is the vehicle number plate recognition. Recognize the vehicle number plate is needed in a system and security in the parking lot, vehicle tracking and identification of a motor vehicle. Therefore, arises the need for application of pattern recognition license plate that permits control of the motorcycle vehicle license plates in parking control security systems by utilizing these technologies. Number plate recognition system is expected to recognize every character letters and numbers contained in the image of the number plate. The image of motorcycle license plates captured using a digital camera. Results of digital image processing is processed through several stages to obtain images. A picture can represent the characteristics of a particular image pattern. The results of license plate images are then segmented to separate by each character. Value of the segmentation results are then compared with the baseline values of character data. Determination of the appropriate character is determined by finding the minimum value in any comparison of each of the characters contained in the character database by using euclidean distance method.By using Euclidean distance method it is expected to be much faster without reducing performance license plate character. Keywords: number plate recognition, thresholding, segmentation, euclidean distance.
Pendampingan Literasi Keuangan pada Pengusaha Industri Kecil Gula Ondrong demi Pertahankan Eksistensi Usaha Athia, Ita; Taufiqurrohman, Taufiqurrohman
Jurnal Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (JP2M) Vol 2, No 3 (2021): Jurnal Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (JP2M)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/jp2m.v2i3.13429


Keberadaan gula ondrong yang berlokasi di desa Sukolilo, kecamatan Wajak, kabupaten Malang, perlahan-lahan mulai menurun. Disinyalir yang menjadi permasalahn menurunnya usaha ini adalah kurangnya pengetahuan keuangan dari pemilik usaha dalam memperhitungkan biaya produksi, yang meliputi biaya bahan baku, upah tenaga kerja, biaya produksi, biaya pengemasan dan pemasarannya. Pendapatan yang diperoleh pelaku usaha seringkali tidak mampu menutup total biaya yang dikeluarkan, sehingga usaha sering mengalami kerugian. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh kelompok mahasiswa KSM (Kegiatan Sarjana Mengabdi) Unisma ini bertujuan untuk membantu pelaku usaha dalam menyusun penentuan Harga Pokok Produksi dan menentukan harga jual produk gula ondrong. Metode yang dilakukan adalah: (1). Wawancara dengan pemilik usaha, (2). Mengedukasi pemilik usaha tentang pentingnya memahami literasi keuangan usaha, (3). Pendampingan penyusunan Harga Pokok Produksi, (4). Pendampingan penentuan harga jual gula ondrong. Hasil dari kegiatan masyarakat ini adalah pengusaha industri gula ondrong mampu menentukan HPP dan harga jual gula ondrong yang telah disesuaikan.
Developing Business Strategy for Indonesian Government Covid-19 Specimen Testing Laboratory through Scenario Planning Taufiqurrohman, Taufiqurrohman; Putro, Utomo Sarjono
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 4, No 4 (2021): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute November
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v4i4.3205


The COVID-19 pandemic is a public health emergency, and COVID-19 specimen testing laboratory plays a critical role in containing the pandemic. This ongoing pandemic has provided an opportunity to assess the preparedness, reaction, and resilience of Indonesia's laboratory systems. Numerous constraints, including population size, geographical fragmentation, staff and equipment distribution, and the uneven capacity of consumables in many areas, have contributed to Indonesia remaining one of the countries with insufficient diagnostic laboratory readiness. The purpose of this study is to navigate the uncertainty of the future by analyzing the potential business impacts of future events and considering alternative possible outcomes for Indonesian government COVID-19 specimen testing laboratory. Four scenarios were developed to serve as a framework for laboratory's strategy due to overcoming obstacles and capitalizing on possibilities over the next five years.25 experts participated in this scenario planning research, including COVID-19 analyst and biomolecular experts from several Covid-19 testing laboratories, health policymakers from various institutions, virologist, researcher and physicians. 19 driving forces identified in this study from a political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal perspective that would shape future COVID-19 testing systems and laboratories. Government policy and the emergence of the SARS-CoV2 variant were identified as critical uncertainty variables with the biggest impact and level of uncertainty in the COVID-19 pandemic situation.The implications and options of each scenario are examined, along with recommendations for the Indonesian government and Covid-19 testing laboratories.
Istikhdām Mauqi’ Wib Ikhtibār al-Kitābah al-‘Arabiyah fī Ta’līm Mahārah al-Kitābah Qism Ta'līm al-Lughah al-'Arabiyyah bi Jāmi’ah Muḥammadiyah Malang Afifah, Nor; Aulannisa, Farah; Rosyidi, Abdul Wahab; Taufiqurrohman, Taufiqurrohman
Arabia Vol 13, No 2 (2021): JURNAL ARABIA
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/arabia.v13i2.11016


The pandemic condition due to the corona virus has changed the education system which is generally done face-to-face, now it must be done virtually by utilizing online media, one of which is a website. The purpose of this study is to describe 1) How to use the Arabic Typing Test website in learning writing skills at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. 2) How is the effectiveness of using the Arabic Typing Test website in learning Maharoh Kitabah at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The method used in this study is an experimental method with a quantitative approach to measure the effectiveness of the Arabic typing test website. Respondents in this study were second semester students of Arabic language education study program, Islamic religious faculty, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The data collection used in the form of interviews, observations, questionnaires and tests. The use of the Arabic Typing Test Website in learning writing skills at UMM is effective. The results of this study are that there are 3 stages of using the websie arabic typing test: 1) preparing a computer connected to the internet, 2) instructing students to enter the website with the address http://ajher.co.id, 3) registering using gmail and choose login. And the use of the Website Arabic typing test in learning maharah kitabah at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang is effective. Â