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All Journal Agricultural Science
Sri Hidayati
Faculty of Agriculture, Merdeka University Surabaya

Published : 7 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Journal : Agricultural Science

The Effect Mnure And Concentration Of Em-4 DoseOn Plant Growth And Yield Of RedSpinach (Alternanthera Amoena Voss) Martha Junita Doodoh; Sri Hidayati; Nurlina
Agricultural Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017): September
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Merdeka University Surabaya

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The purpose of the study to determine the effect of various doses of manure on the growth and yield of red spinach. Randomized Factorial Experiment is used with three replications. The first factor is the dose Manure P1 = 5 tons/hectare; P2 = 10 ton/ hectare; P3 =Dose manure 15 t / ha. The second factor is the concentration of EM-4, among others K1 = dose of 5 ml/liter of water/polybag; K2 = dose of 10 ml/liter of water/polybag; K3 = dose of 15 ml/liter of water/polybag. Of the two factors 9 combination treatments are obtained which was then repeated 3 times. There was no significant interaction at F5% test level on all variables studied i.e plant height, leaf number and gross weight per plant at all age of observation. There were significant effects of manure dose factor studied, mainly on plant height variables, number of leaves and gross weight per plant; and statistically, a better value in all of these variables is achieved by treatment P3 manure dose of 15 ton/ha. EM-4 concentration factor has significant influence on plant height variables, number of leaves and gross weight per plant; statistically, a better value in all of these variables are also achieved by treatment of the K3 of 15 ml/liter of water/polybag.
Effect of Manure and Fertilizer Nitrogen Doses on Growth and Crop Kale Army (Ipomeae Reptan Poir) Nurlina; Sri Hidayati; Nurul Huda
Agricultural Science Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018): March
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Merdeka University Surabaya

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This study aims to determine how far a combination of manure and urea fertilizer influence on the growth and yield of kale land. Percobahan do in the garden percobahan Merdeka University Faculty of Agriculture, Surabaya, in the village of the District Karah Jambangan Surabaya. This research method using Randomized Trial group (RAK) factorial arranged, composed of two factors, namely: manure with 3 levels of treatment and the provision of nitrogen fertilizer (urea) with three levels of treatment. Maing each treatment was repeated 3 times and each combination treatment consisting of two plants. The results show there is no interaction on manure and nitrogen fertilizer dosage in all parameters of both observation plant leaf number, plant height and fresh weight pertanaman.begitu also manure does not provide real pengarruh against all plant nitrogen fertilizer dosing significant effect on parameter above the number of leaves, plant height, fresh weight per plant.
Test the Solving of Seed Skin and Media Type Against Germination of Pumpkin Seeds (Cucurbita Maschata) Sri Hidayati; Sri Purwanti
Agricultural Science Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): September
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Merdeka University Surabaya

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Objectives of the research are (1) to test various treatments of seed skin breakdown and media types to pumpkin germination (2) to test various treatments splitting of seed skin on pumpkin germination, (3) To test various types of media treatments for pumpkin germination. Factorial research methods in Randomized Block Design (RBD), consisting of two factors, namely: Treatment of seed skin breakdown with 2 levels of treatment and treatment of media types with 4 levels of treatment. Each treatment combination was repeated three times and each treatment combination consisted of 20 pumpkin seeds. The first factor is the treatment of seed skin breakdown consisting of P0 : without breaking the seed skin and P1 : Breaking the seed skin. While the second factor is media type treatment consisting of M1: Merang paper; M2: Garden Land; M3: Sand and M4 : Fertilizer Cage. Observations carried out consisted of germination rate, germination percentage, plumula length and radicle length. The results of the study and discussion, can be concluded as follows: Overall the combination of the treatment of seed skin breakdown and the type of media on gourd seeds germination has not given a significant interaction effect, except for the significant growth of radicle length. no significant effect on the length of the radicles and the length of pumpkin plumula, very significant effect on germination rate, and on the percentage of germination significantly. In the treatment of the type of media it has a very real effect on all observation parameters. The combination of the treatment of seed skin cracking and paper planting media (P1M1) gave the highest yield on the average length of radicles, germination on the paper medium (M1) gave the longest length of the radicle, the fastest germination rate, and the highest germination percentage obtained at skin stripping treatment (P1).
Seed Scarification Test and ZPT Immersion on Germination of Watermelon Seeds (Citrullus Vulgaris Schard) Sri Hidayati; Sri Purwanti; Yeni Ika Pratiwi
Agricultural Science Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019): March
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Merdeka University Surabaya

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Purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the combination of seed scarification treatment and ZPT immersion on the power of watermelon seed germination; to find out the effect of treatment of seed scarification on watermelon seed germination; to find out the effect of ZPT immersion treatment on the power of watermelon seed germination. This experiment was carried out in the laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, Merdeka University, Surabaya. Place height of approximately 5 m above sea level. The experiment was arranged factorially in Randomized Block Design (RBD), consisting of two factors: Treatment of seed scarification with 2 levels of treatment and length of immersion of ZPT with 4 treatment levels. Each treatment combination was repeated three times and each combination treatment consisted of 50 seeds watermelon. Factor I is the treatment of seed scarification consisting of without stripping, and stripping Factor II which is the soaking time of ZPT which consists of without soaking; 10 minutes immersion; 20 minutes soaking and 30 minutes soaking. Observations were made every day until the germinated seeds did not germinate again (7 days after germination), observations made included: Germination rate, germination percentage, radicle length, plumula length. The results of statistical analysis showed that the overall combination of seed scarification and soaking of ZPT against watermelon seed germination had not yet given a real interaction effect. Separately the seed scarification treatment had a significant effect on root growth of watermelon sprouts, and did not affect the growth of plumula length, germination percentage and sprout speed, but ZPT immersion treatment significantly affected the percentage of germination, sprout speed, root length growth, and length of plumula growth. . The average percentage of germination, germination rate, length of the plumula and the length of the watermelon seed radicles were best obtained in ZPT immersion treatment with 30 minutes soaking time, which was then followed by other treatments.
Intercropping System for Growth and Yield in Local Varieties of Madura Mahrus Ali; Sri Purwanti; Sri Hidayati
Agricultural Science Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019): September
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Merdeka University Surabaya

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This study aims to determine the growth and yield of Madura corn and Peanut with the intercropping system Sari. This study uses an experimental method (true experiment), defined as the method used to look for the effect of certain treatments on others under controlled conditions. In this case the writer uses the control class as a comparison so this study can also be called a pure experiment. The results showed that the best on Growth Results and Yield with intercropping system was local corn while the peanuts were not so good. Because at the time of harvest corn is harvested earlier than peanuts.
Application of Urban Waste Organic Fertilizer on the Growth of Mustard Plants (Brassica Juncea L.) Indriani Puspita Sari; Sri Hidayati; Nurlina; Mahrus Ali; Sri Purwanti
Agricultural Science Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): September
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Merdeka University Surabaya

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Purpose of this study was to determine the effect of urban organic fertilizer and garden soil on the growth of mustard greens. Implementation at Experimental Garden Faculty of Agriculture, Merdeka University Surabaya Jl. Ketintang Madya VII / 2 Surabaya. This research method used a randomized block design (RAK), where the treatment used (1) factor, namely urban waste organic fertilizer consisting of 8 levels of treatment and repeated 3 times to obtain good results. The parameters of the observations carried out were observing plant length, number of leaves, plant wet weight, observations were made from the age of 14 DAS to 35 DAS with intervals of once a week. The results showed that the treatment of the effect of urban waste organic fertilizer on the growth of mustard greens can be concluded as follows: (1) There is a significant interaction in the treatment of organic fertilizers on the variable number of leaves aged 14 DAS and plant wet weight. The best results were shown in the treatment dose of 15% urban waste organic fertilizer and 85% soil (P3); (2) Treatment of urban waste organic fertilizer at a dose of 15% and soil 85% has a very significant effect on plant length growth at 14 DAS and plant wet weight at harvest and (3) Application of urban waste organic fertilizer with a composition of 15% and soil is 85%. The optimal dosage is able to bind nutrients and provide nutrients according to the needs of the mustard plant.
The Effect Concentration Plant Extracts Bintaro(CarberaManghas)Against Mortality Hama armyworm (Spodopteralitura) Sri Purwanti; Sri Hidayati; Nurlina; Mahrus Ali; Amin Rahayu
Agricultural Science Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): March
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Merdeka University Surabaya

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This study aims to determine the effect of combined treatment plant extracts bintaro and giving the extract concentration on the mortality of armyworm pests. While the research method used factorial experiments conducted with a completely randomized design (CRD). Treatment Factor I was the Bintaro plant organs extracted consisting of 4 levels consisting of 4 combinations of Bintaro organs and 5 combinations of extract concentrations so that there were 20 combinations and 1 control (without giving the extract) so that a total of 21 treatments were repeated 3 times, a total of 63 units. trial. The experimental unit was using a jar with a height of 6 cm, a diameter of 12.5 cm with 8 instar 1 tails, so it needed 504 instar 1 caterpillars. Caterpillar feed is sunflower leaves that are added / replaced every day. The results showed that there was an insignificant effect of the combination of the treatment of Bintaro plant organ extracts and the concentration of Bintaro plant organ extracts with the mortality rate (%) of armyworms, where observations on days 4, 8, 12 and 16 showed a significant value> 0, 05 with the highest R Square achievement on the 16th day of observation of 0.0675 (6.75%), meaning that only a 6.75% mortality rate (%) of armyworms was affected by the combination of the above treatments. The insignificant effect at all levels of treatment factors was the concentration of Bintaro plant's organ extract (K), but the K5 treatment (12.5% extract concentration) showed a tendency to be better than the K1, K2, K3, and K4 treatments with an R Square value of 0, 418370978 (41.84%) means a number of 41.85% mortality (%) armyworms due to K5 treatment (12.5% extract concentration), the remaining 58.15% due to external factors and insignificant influence at all factor levels treatment of Bintaro plant organ extract (B), but treatment B1 (leaf organ extract) showed a better tendency than treatment B2, B3, and B4 with a significant value of F (0.264002509> 0.05) and R Square of 0.296443348 ( 29.64%).