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Journal : Jurnal Tata Boga

Jurnal Tata Boga Vol 7, No 2 (2018): Yudisium Juni 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Tata Boga

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Abstrak Roll cake disebut juga swiss roll yaitu jenis cake yang digulung setelah matang. Roll cake terbuat dari telur, terigu, gula kastor, susu bubuk, shortening dan emulsifier serta penambahan bahan makanan lain yang diijinkan. Roll cake menggunakan banyak kuning telur dan sedikit tepung agar adonan lembut dan ringan sehingga tidak pecah saat digulung. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui : (1) pengaruh substitusi tepung gatot terhadap sifat organoleptik roll cake meliputi bentuk, kulit permukaan, tekstur, pori-pori, warna, rasa, aroma dantingkat kesukaan, (2) kandungan zat gizi pada produk terbaik dari uji organoleptik meliputi karbohidrat, protein, serat, lemak, air, abu, dan kalsium, (3) harga jual produk terbaik roll cake. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan desain pola dua faktor, yaitu: faktor A terdapat 3 perlakuan substitusi tepung gatot sebesar 70%, 85% dan 100% dari berat tepung terigu dan faktor B terdapat 2 perlakuan jenis shortening yaitu margarin 100 gram dan campuran margarin-mentega 50g:50g.Metode pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara uji organoleptik sebanyak 30 panelis yaitu panelis terlatih sebanyak 10 orang (dosen) dan panelis semi terlatih sebanyak 20 orang (mahasiswa). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa(1) subtitusi tepung gatot instan berpengaruh nyata terhadap kulit permukaan, tekstur, warna, aroma, dan tingkat kesukaan. Jenis shortening berpengaruh nyata terhadap pori-pori dan aroma.Produk roll cake terbaik terdapat pada perlakuan substitusi tepung gatot 70 % dengan jenis shortening campuran margarin-mentega,(2)Kandungan gizi roll cake berdasarkan uji kimia di laboratorium pada produk terbaik adalah kadar air 29,10 %, protein 8,10%, kadar lemak 6,57 %, karbohidrat sebanyak 51,10 %, serat 3,84%, kalsium 65,88 %, dan abu 2,11 %. (3) Harga jual produk roll cake gatot per roll adalah Rp 31.801,- Kata Kunci: Roll cake, Tepung gatot, Shortening Abstract Roll cake is also called swiss roll which is kind of cake rolled after baked. Roll cake made of eggs, flour, caster sugar, milk powder, shortening and emulsifier with or without the addition of other permitted food ingredients. Roll cake uses a lot of egg yolks and a little flour to make the dough soft and light so it does not break when rolled. The purpose of this research is to know: (1)the effect of substitution of gatot flour to the organolepticqualityofrollcakewhich include shape, color, taste, aroma, and the level of preference 2) nutrient content in the best roll cake of organoleptic test which include carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, fat, watercontent, ashcontent, and calcium 3) selling price of best roll cake. The research is a research experiment with two factorial.A factor was the substitution of gatot flour, with 3 level of factor 70%, 85% dan 100% of the weight of wheat flour and B factor was 2 type of shortening, that are 100 gram of margarine and 50gram:50gram margarine-butter blend.The data collection was conducted using systematicobservation by 30 panelist, consisted of 10 panelists trained (lecturers) and 20 panelists semi-skilled (students). The results of this research shows that 1) the subtituon of instan gatot flour truly affected surface of roll cake, texture, color, aroma, and level of preference. The type of shortening affect the pores and aroma of roll cake.Best product of roll cake is product with substitution of 70 % gatot flour and type of shortening is margarine-butter blend.2)the nutrient content based on chemical test result obtained from the best product of roll cakewhich include water content of 29.10%, protein 8,10%, fat content of 6.57%, carbohydrate of 51.10%, fiber 3.84%, calcium 65.88% and ashcontent 2.11%. 3) The selling price of roll cake each roll is Rp 31.801,- Keywords: Roll cake, Flour gatot, Shortening.
Jurnal Tata Boga Vol 8, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Jurnal Tata Boga

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Abstrak Kue pia adalah kue yang dibuat dari dua jenis adonan kulit yang diisi dengan kacang hijau yang kemudian dipanggang. Penelitian jenis ini bertujuan mengetahui kualitas kue pia gatot dengan teknik substitusi tepung gatot dan jenis shortening, dengan formulasi bahan tepung gatot instan sebesar 30% dan 50% dan jenis shortening margarine, mentega serta kombinasi margarine dan mentega yang ditinjau dari aspek warna, aroma, lapisan, rasa, keremahan, dan tingkat kesukaan. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode observasi dan instrument lembar uji organoleptik dengan 6 parameter, yang diujikan kepada 30 panelis. 15 panelis terlatih (dosen) dan 15 panelis semi terlatih (mahasiswa). Selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis data anava two way. Hasil penelitian menunjukan kualitas kue pia gatot instan terbaik dengan substitusi tepung gatot instan 50% dan jenis shortening margarin, dilihat dari aspek warna memiliki kriteria warna silver dan berbintik hitam. Aspek aroma memiliki kriteria sedikit beraroma gatot, aspek lapisan memiliki kriteria berlapis tipis, aspek rasa memiliki kriteria gurih pada bagian kulit dan sedikit berasa gatot, aspek keremahan memiliki kriteria kering dan beremah, dan pada aspek tingkat kesukaan memiliki kriteria suka. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa tepung gatot instan dapat dijadikan penganekaragaman kue yaitu kue pia gatot. Kata Kunci: Kue Pia, Substitusi, Gatot Instan, Shortening. Abstract Kue pia is a food made from a mixture of green beans with sugar, which is wrapped in flour and then baked. This type of research aims to determine the quality of pia gatot cake with gatot flour substitution technique and type of shortening, with the formulation of instant gatot flour ingredients of 30% and 50% and the type of shortening margarine, butter and a combination of margarine and butter in terms of color, aroma, coating , taste, weakness, and level of preference. Data collection method used in this study is the observation method and organoleptic test sheet instrument with 6 parameters, which were tested to 30 trained panelists (lecturers) and semi-trained (students). Then it was analyzed using anova two way data analysis. The results showed the best quality of instant pia gatot cake with the substitution of 30% instant gatot flour and margarine shortening type, viewed from the aspect of color had the criteria of silver and black spots. The aroma aspect has a slightly gatot scented criterion, the coating aspect has thin-layered criteria, the flavor aspect has savory criteria on the skin and a slight taste, the weakness aspect has dry and weak criteria, and the level of preference has criteria like. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that instant gatot flour can be used as a variety of cakes, namely cake pia gatot. Keywords: Kue Pia, Substitution, Gatot Instant, Shortening