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English Teaching Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : English Teaching Journal

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Communication strategy is the way to help the speakers when facing difficulties in communication using English as a second language. This case study, at the first year students of English Department, aims to know the most frequent students’ strategies to communicate in speaking activity in speaking class. It is  found that thirteen communication strategies were used by the students in speaking English class, but not all of the communication strategies were used in every conversation, but only certain communication strategy was used. It depends on  the materials difficulties. Furhermore, the most frequent  communication strategies is stalling or time gaining strategy. As they need some time to think and then continue talking after they find the right words they need to communicate. This findings is in line with the propossed theory stated that communication strategy is defined as a systematic technique employed by a speaker to express his or her meaning when facing certain difficulties in communication.
Pengaruh Air Laut pada Perawatan (Curing) Beton Terhadap Kuat Tekan dan Absorpsi Beton dengan Variasi Faktor Air Semen dan Durasi Perawatan Syamsuddin, Ristinah; Wicaksono, Agung; M, Fauzan Fazairin
Rekayasa Sipil Vol 5, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Brawijaya

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Dalam proses pembuatan bangunan di daerah pantai, kontak dengan air laut terkadang tidak dapat dihindari. Air laut sendiri memiliki kandungan garam yang tinggi yang dapat menggerogoti kekuatan dan keawetan beton. Hal ini disebabkan klorida (Cl) yang terdapat pada air laut yang merupakan garam yang bersifat agresif terhadap bahan lain, termasuk beton. Pada penelitian ini akan dibahas tentang pengaruh air laut terhadap kuat tekan dan absorpsi pada beton pada masa perawatan selama 28 hari dengan berbagai durasi sentuhan dengan air laut. Hal ini karena kontak dengan air laut tidak hanya terjadi pada saat beton sudah jadi, namun juga pada saat perawatannya (curing). Dalam penelitian ini digunakan benda uji beton dengan variasi faktor air semen 0,45; 0,50; 0,55 serta variasi durasi curing air laut selama 1 hari, 2 hari, 3 hari dan curing air bersih selama 3 hari. Tiap variasi diberikan uji tekan setelah beton berumur 28 hari. Untuk mengukur kedalaman absorpsi air laut yang telah diberi pewarna pada pecahan benda uji dengan menggunakan crack detector. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi faktor air semen 0,45 ; 0,50; dan 0,55 memberikan perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kuat tekan beton baik dengan perawatan air laut maupun air bersih sedangkan variasi durasi curing dengan air laut selama 1 hari, 2 hari, dan 3 hari tidak memberikan perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kuat tekan beton. Absorpsi yang terjadi pada beton dipengaruhi oleh variasi durasi curing air laut dan variasi faktor air semen, semakin lama masa curing dan semakin besar faktor air semen maka semakin besar pula absorpsi yang terjadi. 
Perancangan Pusat Perbelanjaan dengan Tema Green Architecture di Kota Medan wicaksono, agung; Maulana, Sherlly; Saraswaty, Rina
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (952.601 KB) | DOI: 10.31289/jaur.v2i2.2283


Pusat perbelanjaan merupakan tempat favorit bagi masyarakat untuk berbelanja. pusat perbelanjaan saat ini bukan hanya sebagai sarana tempat berbelanja, tetapi juga menjadi tempat refreshing bagi orang-orang yang lelah melakukan aktifitasnya sehari-hari. Berdasarkan kebutuhan dan daya dukung site, Pusat Perbelanjaan ini berlokasi di jalan Ismail Harun Citraland Bagya City, Medan Area, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara. Dengan Luas Site ±2Ha. Konsepan dari pusat perbelanjaan ini nantinya ramah lingkungan dan mampu meminimalkan pemakaian energi dalam operasionalnya sehingga lebih efisien, maka mall ini telah menerapkan teknologi untuk memanfaatkan energi alternatif dari alam yang terdapat pada tapak, seperti energi panas sinar matahari yang diubah menjadi sumber energi utama untuk operasional mall dengan menggunakan surya panel, kemudian mall ini juga memanfaatkan alat filtrasi untuk memfilter air dari atap yang menampung air hujan sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk keperluan mall seperti penyiraman kloset, penyiraman taman serta dimanfaatkan untuk alat penanggulangan kebakaran seperti sprinkler dan hydrant. Selain itu mall ini juga memasukkan penghawaan serta pencahayaan alami ke dalam bangunan dengan membuat banyak bukaan sehingga mampu mengurangi konsumsi energi. Tujuan akhir dari perancangan mall agar masyarakat dan semua pihak yang terkait bisa terhibur dengan fungsi Sumatera Mall, yang selain sebagai pusat perbelanjaan yang ramah lingkungan, tempat rekreasi keluarga.
Corak : Jurnal Seni Kriya Vol 3, No 1 (2014): MEI 2014
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (434.907 KB) | DOI: 10.24821/corak.v3i1.2341


Craft product design innovation can be done starting from the manufacture of itsdesign concept which refers to changes in consumers . Craft products that have cultural base inthe community greatly burdened by tradition philosophical values . Changes in product designis very evolutive or tend to be very slow and has particularly certain patterns . Craft productsproduced as commodities to meet the needs of consumers tend to run relatively more dynamic. The main key change lies in HR culprit who have the will and skill to innovate the design ofproducts that have added value better again . The Indonesian people have the capital to makechanges in product design kriyanya . Openness to information and valuable cultural heritageare the two most important factors in product design innovation craft . Keywords : design innovation , product craft , creative industries  Inovasi desain produk kriya dapat dilakukan mulai dari pembuatan konsepperancangannya yang mengacu pada perubahan konsumennya. Produk kriya yang memilikibasis budaya dalam komunitas masyarakat tradisi sangat dibebani oleh nilai-nilai filosofis.Perubahan desain produknya sangat evolutif atau cenderung sangat lambat dan meiliki polapolatertentu. Produk kriya yang dihasilkan sebagai komoditas untuk memenuhi kebutuhankonsumen cenderung berjalan relatif lebih dinamis. Kunci utama perubahan terletak pada SDMpelakunya yang memiliki kemauan dan keterampilan untuk menginovasi desain produk supayamemiliki nilai tambah yang lebih baik lagi. Bangsa Indonesia memiliki modal untuk membuatperubahan pada desain produk kriyanya. Keterbukaan terhadap informasi dan warisan budayaadiluhung merupakan dua faktor penting terjadinya inovasi pada desain produk kriya. Kata kunci : inovasi desain, produk kriya, industri kreatif
Mitra Sains Vol 7, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Tadulako University

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This study is a qualitative research that aims to get a description of the profile of mathematical problem solving class VIII SMP with intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence based on Polya phase. The subjects of this study were students at grade eighth of Junior High School who have a intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence. This study was conducted at the Junior High School in Palu, Central Sulawesi. The results of the study were as follow a) at the time to understand the math problems, subject who have intrapersonal intelligence tend to be cautious and be very confident if it had understood the problem well , while subject who have interpersonal intelligence tend to build up interaction with other people to easily understand the problems; b) during design the problem solving plan, both of the subjects used a same method, subjects with intrapersonal intelligence are relatively more patient and calm in the search for solving ideas than subject with interpersonal intelligence; c) when implemented problem solving plan, both of the subjects used the solving steps according to the plan, subject with intrapersonal intelligence did with relatively more thorough and careful than subject with interpersonal intelligence; d) when look back at the solution obtained, subject with intrapersonal intelligence tend to check repeatedly until feel confident with the answers, while subject with interpersonal intelligence tend to be checked only once and often asked and always said, had been convinced by the answer as to avoid having to prove in writing .
Transmisi Vol 14, No 4 (2012): TRANSMISI
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Elektro, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (692.979 KB) | DOI: 10.12777/transmisi.14.4.127-133


Abstract Wavelet is one method that can be used as a step to recognition an individual. Wavelet is used to perform an image feature extraction. In the process of image texture analysis, showed the value of the coefficients of a wavelet. The magnitude of the coefficients obtained using wavelet feature extraction is influenced by several factors. Besides affected by the type of wavelet used, is also influenced by the magnitude of the wavelet decomposition level of itself. In the wavelet is known as the wavelet energy retention, which means the number of retained energy after undergoing a process of decomposition and cutting coefficients. During the decomposition process, the calculation for texture analysis is often a constraint. In order for the current calculation lighter texture analysis, necessary to the process of cutting coefficients based on the retention factor of the wavelet coefficients. Based on these issues, created a program to analyze the influence of variations in the level of wavelet decomposition and coefficient of variation coefficient of cutting a cut on the image. The object of this final project is 30 iris image that has been converted into polar form presented. Having experienced the process of cutting coefficients, to prevent the image of the reverse transformation has a big difference to the original image, in this study was calculated Mean Square Error (MSE), Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), and Euclidean distance to determine the level of similarity of image input and output images. The Highest values of Retention​, MSE and the Euclidean distance is obtained at the level of decomposition of 1 and the lowest at the level of decomposition 6. While the truncated coefficient and PSNR values ​​obtained at the highest level of decomposition of 6 and the lowest level of decomposition of 6. The variation coefficient of pieces, value retention and highest PSNR obtained at koefsien piece 5 and the lowest coefficient of 50 pieces. While the coefficient value is truncated, MSE and the highest Euclidean distance is obtained at koefsien pieces 50 and the lowest coefficient of 5 pieces. Keywords: iris, texture analysis, Haar wavelet transform, MSE, PSNR, Euclidean distance
Strategy of Managing A Globalizing Business - Weichai Engine Wei, Ding; Wicaksono, Agung
The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration Vol 6, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration

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Abstract - After over 120 years development, diesel engine industry improves and changes people‘s daily life continuously. Although grows up to an diversified group company recently, China Weichai is insisting on the engine manufacturing as the core product and business, which faces fierce competition in domestic market and strives to globalize development. Globalization can increase market size, enhance a product’s growth potential and optimize the location of value-chain activities. Weichai has drawbacks of late start, technology gap, strategic plan, cross culture and shortage of talents on the globalizing way. What's the direction and how to realize the international movement is an urgent question need to be solved. There are a large range of theories that embed international business world. OLI model includes three dimensions of ownership, location and internationalization advantages. It is the most complete theory until now to explain the internationalization directions. It concretes several steps of internationalization process that each company must comply in order to invest abroad properly. EPG Model is another international business framework, including ethnocentric, polycentric and geocentric three approaches. After the analysis of economy situation, risk and regulation, as well as the engine market performance and capacity, Weichai has more confidence of involving exporting, licensing and FDI activities. Ethnocentric approach will be a suitable globalization strategy to Weichai. Start with reorganization, market research, quality consistence improvement, service and spare parts networks, global branding and overseas talents recruitment, Weichai engine globalization strategy can be implemented in future.Key words: Business strategy, Internationalization, OLI model, EPG model
Strategy development for pt kdl as a service company to anticipate potential demand from 35.000mw government program Windu Adlis, Adria; Wicaksono, Agung
The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration Vol 5, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration

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Abstract — PT KDL has three business lines, the Electricity Business, Electricity Services Business, and Oil & Gas Business. Since its establishment in 1996 up until today, PT KDL rely its revenue source heavily on the Electricity Business. Over 86% revenue of PT KDL comes from the Electricity Business. Another two business lines were never really have a high contribution to PT KDL’s revenue. In May 2015, Indonesian government launched the 35.000 MW Electricity Infrastructure Development Program. Goal of this program is to construct power plants and supporting facilities to add another 35 GW to Indonesian installed capacity in five years. PLN will construct a total of 10 GW power plants in this project, along with its transmission and distribution system. Another 25 GW will be handled to private parties through Independent Power Producer (IPP) scheme. This program will require USD 80 billion capital and expected to have around 40% national content. Face a situation where the Electricity Service Business needs to grow and seeing that the 35.000 MW may offer opportunities, PT KDL should develop a strategy for the Electricity Service Business so it could grow and get new customers, as well as anticipating the opportunity created by the government program. The strategy then developed using Business Model Canvass platform which consist of nine building blocks of a business model. This platform is then also used to analyze current business situation and identify gaps between the proposed strategy and current condition of the business. This strategy gap then delivers an action plan that PT KDL should take to make the Electricity Services Business grow and ready to participate in the 35.000 MW program. The action plan covers both marketing area and operational area. Action plans in marketing required PT KD to establish marketing and customer relation function, create marketing database, identify gap of competencies, conduct direct marketing activity, create a dedicated website, and build partnership with power plant EPC contractors. In operational area, the action plan requires PT KDL to establish a work scheduling and planning function, creating warranty and claim management sytem, implementing work management system, and quality assurance and control, analyzing cost structure, partnership with material suppliers, identify all required documents, and organizing routine training and workshop. Keywords: Business Model Canvass, Strategy, Electricity Service Business, 35.000MW
Analysis of the Changes in State Budget Transfer Funds Policy from Central Government to Local Government Galura Teja Utama, Raden; Wicaksono, Agung
The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration Vol 6, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration

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Abstract. In accordance to Law No. 23/2014, the energy development are also responsibility of the Local Governments, but, the Central Government still have to intervene funding through the Special Allocation Fund (DAK) since 2011. In 2016 changes made to the mechanisms in the preparation of DAK allocation, where previously based on the calculation from Central Government (Formula Base) became based on the proposals from Local Government (Proposal Base). So, it is necessary to analyze impact from that changes and develop policies to response. This research was conducted by using “policy analysis”, “system thinking” and “CATWOE Analysis”And the result are: (i) the policy problem are the good proposal dominated from no DAK priority locations, Issue related to political aspect, Possibility an intervention; (ii) the policy performance are Local Governments not able to absorb DAK allocation maximally; (iii) the policy futures are Local governments expected can show their independence by developing the energy sector using Local Government budget, so the MEMR responsibility only as an energy sector regulator; (iv) the policy action are maximize the role of MEMR unit such as R & D MEMR, HRDA MEMR and DG EBTKE; (v) the policy outcomes  is Improve the renewable energy composition in the energy mix, and for the alternative policy is to Establish a non-structural Institution and the duties are to collect funds from funding agencies and doing coordinate cross-institutional and local government to build renewable energy.Keywords Energy Policy, the Special Allocation Fund (DAK), Autonomous Region, Policy Analysis, Systems Thinking
Development of Corporate Strategy for China Oceanwide in Indonesia Ying, Xie; Wicaksono, Agung
The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration Vol 6, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration

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Abstract - Indonesia is now one of the most appealing markets for coal-fired electricity generation. In order to support and sustain Indonesia's economic growth, President Jokowi plans to increase the production of electricity to 35 GW over the next five years. Placed in an increasingly integrated and energy-hungry region, Indonesia's largest economy is definitely one to watch for electricity investors. Therefore, it is an attractive opportunity for independent power producers (IPPs), either private or foreign investors. The huge power generation construction plan has attracted the attention of the world's power giants, including groups from Europe, Korea, Japan, China, one of which is China Oceanwide holding group (Oceanwide) who is a mature coal-fired electricity generation investor. This project is to identify how Oceanwide can develop in the host country Indonesia, how should Oceanwide compete with competitors from Local, Europe, Korea, Japan, even from China and overcome or minimize the investment risks as a new entry FDI company.It outlines the related strategic theory, the business issue exploration, the business solution, the benchmarks’ experience, such as GE, Siemens. It analyzes Oceanwide’s external environment and internal environment by the business strategies such as the selection and evaluation of SWOT analysis, Porter’s five forces model. This project proposed Market entry strategy, G2G Model, Differentiation strategy, risk transfer strategy, Merger and acquisition strategy and Pluralistic Strategy for the development of Oceanwide. Oceanwide right now is applying G2G model, it will work for Oceanwide’s development.Key words: Business strategy, FDI, IPP, G2G Model, Development