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Publisher : Proceeding SENDI_U

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Purchasing Consortium (PC) adalah bergabungnya dua atau lebih organisasi dengan badan hukum terpisah baik secara sendiri, maupun melalui pihak ketiga melalui pembagian dan atau penyatuan volume pembelian, informasi, dan resources yang dimiliki. Tujuan dari penggabungan tersebut adalah untuk dapat meningkatkan bargaining power, sehingga diperoleh harga beli barang atau jasa yang lebih murah dari supplier. Penelitian ini mencoba melakukan permodelan untuk dapat meminimumkan total biaya tahunan, pada beberapa buyer yang melakukan pembelian multi item melalui PC pada supplier tunggal yang menawarkan skema diskon tetap dengan menggabungkan pengiriman. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode analitis untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan serta metode game theory untuk pengalokasian saving. Dari hasil percobaan numeric diperoleh hasil bahwa dengan melakukan pembelian dan pengiriman melalui PC, total biaya yang dihasilkan lebih baik bila dibandingkan dengan pembelian dan pengiriman tanpa melalui PC pada setiap kombinasi jarak antara supplier-buyer maupun buyer-buyer. Shapley value yang digunakan dalam pengalokasian saving dapat membagi saving sesuai dengan kontribusi yang dilakukan tiap anggota dalam pembentukan PC bila dibandingkan dengan pembagian sama rata. Kata kunci: Purchasing consortium, multi item supplier tunggal, skema diskon tetap, Shapley value
THROUGHPUT ANALYSIS ON A MULTI-STATE MANUFACTURING SYSTEM BY CONSIDERING AVAILABILITY Salsabila, Nabila Yuraisyah; Siswanto, Nurhadi; Widodo, Erwin; Rochmadhan, Oryza Akbar
Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol 21, No 2 (2019): JTI Dec 2019
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (298.302 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/jti.21.2.69-78


Manufacturing technology becomes more complex as customer demand increases. Most manufacturing companies consist of multi-state manufacturing networks. Therefore, the reliability and availability parameters become an important issue to satisfy customer demand. Unavailability can result in reducing throughput because of decreasing operational production time. To resolve this problem, the buffer inventory can minimize the occurrence of material starving and production blocking during the equipment downtime. This paper will focus on experimenting with buffer inventory levels and the capacity of a multi-state manufacturing network to increase the production throughput on a company that has 70,000 tons per year of capacity. However, due to the unavailability problem, the existing system capacity decreases to 62,175 tons per year. The simulation model is used to improve throughput by modeling the failure interruption and the buffer inventory logics during the production process.
J@ti Undip : Jurnal Teknik Industri Volume 4, No. 3, September 2009
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (147.17 KB) | DOI: 10.12777/jati.4.3.147-154


AbstrakPengadaan sistem solusi e-Commerce adalah sebuah investasi yang tidak kecil bagiperusahaan.Langkah analisis yang tepat perlu dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi pemilihan metodepengadaannya. Secara praktis, beberapa cara pengadaan telah sering dilakukan oleh pelaku industri,namun aspek obyektivitas mekanisme penilaian seringkali masih menjadi prioritas kedua setelah intuisiatau subyektivitas pengambil keputusan. Penelitian ini mencoba mengusulkan pemanfaatan AHP sebagaisalah satu solusi untuk permasalahan diatas. Dalam sebuah kasus pengadaan sistem e-Commerce untuksebuah perusahaan manufaktur nasional, dilakukan penetapan goal, identifikasi kriteria pengambilankeputusan serta penentuan seluruh alternatif solusi pengadaan yang mungkin untuk diterapkan. Seluruhelemen tersebut disusun berdasarkan pedoman strukturisasi dalam AHP. Sebagai tindak lanjut, pihakmanajemen diminta memberikan nilai preferensi dalam skema pairwise comparison antar kriteria maupunantar alternatif di dalam tiap kriteria. Alternatif terbaik dapat dipilih berdasarkan sintesis tingkatkepentingan tertinggi sebagai hasil kalkulasi dari model secara keseluruhan. Hasil yang didapatmenunjukkan bahwa AHP dapat dipakai sebagai alat yang cukup komprehensif untuk melakukan evaluasimetode pengadaan solusi e-Commerce. Dengan memanfaatkan mekanisme evaluasi yang diusulkan olehpenelitian ini, perusahan yang melaksanakan implementasi sistem berbasis cybermedia ini dapatmeminimalkan risiko bisnis khususnya untuk tinjauan aspek metode pengadaannya.Kata kunci: e-Commerce, metode pengadaan, AHP.AbstractThe procurement of e-Commerce system solution is considered as a non trivial investment..Aproper analysis is needed to evaluate suct procurement. Practically, a number of procurement methodshave been frequently done by industrila performer. However, the objectivity of evaluation mechanism stillbecome second priority following intuition and subjectivity of the decision maker. This reserach proposesAHP as one solution to overcome aforementioned problem. In an e-Commerce procurement case for onenational company, goal elicitation, criteria identification and alternatives determination were done. All ofthose elements are composed based on AHP structure. As the following step, management was asked togive her preference in pairwise comparison for criteria and alternatives as well. The best alternative thencould be chosen based on the synthesis for the whole model. The result shows that AHP could be used asa comprehensive tool to evaluate the procurement method of e-Commerce system solution. Using theproposed evaluation mechanism, company implementing this cybermedia-based system could minimize itsbusiness risks especially on its procurement method context.Keywords: e-Commerce, procurement method, AHP.
Lightweight Approach Of Xml Implementation As Industrial Standard For Information Sharing Widodo, Erwin
Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol 8, No 2 (2007): Agustus
Publisher : Department Industrial Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1175.765 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/JTIUMM.Vol8.No2.117-125


Information sharing in supply chain has emerged as one critical factor in maintaining company's responssiveness. This ability is needed to overcome both the supplier and customer requirements in sharing their data to accomplish their operational routines. A lot of efforts have been devoted in such research area including XML (eXtensible Markup Language) technology. However, a stepwise approach on how to utilize this advance technology is still lacking. This paper proposed a lightweight approach to implement XML in information sharing firmly. The main XML characteristics will be exploited so that the advantages of utilizing this mark up language may be highlighted. Based on these important remarks a lightweight approach of implementing XML is possible to be composed. The expected outcome is a step-by-step guidance for data exchanger to utilize XML simply but precisely and accurately. A case study of information sharing in commerce is elaborated to enhance our understanding on how to implement this approach in real domain problem.
Penetapan Harga Berbasis Penerimaan Konsumen di Dual-Channel Supply Chain Widodo, Erwin
Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol 15, No 1 (2014): Februari
Publisher : Department Industrial Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (318.585 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/JTIUMM.Vol15.No1.1-8


Dual-Channel Supply Chain (DCSC) is a mixed structure which simultaneously utilizes both offline and online channel to distribute one particular product or service. This structure provides market reach extension in which eventually leads to revenue increase. Whatsoever, aside of this advantage, DCSC also brings some challenging problems. One prominent problem is of about between-channel pricing-problem. In its practice, DCSC actors often apply intuitive offline and online pricing without further analytical evaluation. Yet there is no representative mechanism to address this critical problem. This paper attempts to resolute this challenge by proposing a qualitative estimation mechanism on customer acceptance on online channel relative to offline one. This proposed approach is about to utilize an interplay relationship between offline and online prices. The main parameter to consider is a ratio of customer acceptance parameters. These parameters are elicited from 3 groups of products which are sold under DCSC structure in Indonesian cases to exhibit the different properties in each product group. Numerical experiment result shows that the utilization of this pricing mechanism may increase the financial performance of DCSC under observation.