Bambang J. Oetoro
Faculty of Medicine Universitas Khatolik Atmajaya Jakarta

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Journal : Jurnal Neuroanestesi Indonesia

Talaksana Perioperatif Pasien dengan Reseksi Arteriovenous Malformation Intrakranial Endah Permatasari; Bambang J. Oetoro; Syafruddin Gaus
Jurnal Neuroanestesi Indonesia Vol 7, No 1 (2018)
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (475.07 KB) | DOI: 10.24244/jni.vol7i1.28


Tindakan pembedahan eksisi arteriovenous malformation (AVM) merupakan salah satu prosedur yang menantang di bidang neuroanestesia. Diagnosis AVM ditegakkan berdasarkan gejala klinis didukung pemeriksaan neuroradiologis. Untuk persiapan perioperatif pasien AVM yang optimal, ahli anestesi harus memahami patofisiologi AVM dan tatalaksananya. Terapi pada pasien AVM sangat tergantung pada ukuran diameter AVM dan lokasinya. Target utama dari operasi adalah memotong pasokan aliran darah ke AVM. Dengan tindakan reseksi AVM, bila AVM sudah dapat diidentifikasi maka pasokan aliran darah akan dihentikan dan dilakukan pengangkatan nidus. Pada kasus ini dilaporkan seorang wanita usia 19 tahun dengan nilai GCS 15, BB 59 kg, datang dengan keluhan sering sakit kepala semenjak 1 tahun sebelum masuk RS. Hasil angiografi otak menunjukan adanya gambaran AVM di lobus parietal kanan. Dilakukan tindakan reseksi AVM dan pembedahan berhasil dengan baik. Tidak timbul defisit neurologis pascabedah. Pascabedah pasien dirawat di ICU dan pindah keperawatan keesokan harinya.Perioperative Management Patient with Intracranial Arteriovenous Malformation ResectionArteriovenous malformation (AVM) resection is one of the most challenging procedures in neuroanesthesia. Right now, cerebrovascular surgery is frequently done. The diagnosis of intracranial AVM is based on clinical symptoms and is supported by neuroradiological examination. For optimal perioperative management of patients with intracranial AVM abnormalities, anaesthetist should understand the pathophysiology of the AVM disorder and its management. Therapy in AVM patients is highly dependent on the size of the AVM diameter and its location. The main target of surgery is to cut the blood supply to the AVM. In AVM resection, as soon as AVM can be identified, the blood supply will be stop anf the nidus will be remove. In this case report: a 19 year old woman, score GCS 15, 59 kg in weight cames with frequent headache since the previous years before entered the hospital. Brain angiographic results showed intracranial AVM features in the right parietal lobe. The patient underwent the AVM resection action and the operation was done successfully. No neurological deficit was found. Postoperative patients were admitted to the ICU and moved to the ward the next day.
Tata Kelola Edem Paru Neurogenik Riyadh Firdaus; Syafruddin Gaus; Bambang J. Oetoro; Tatang Bisri
Jurnal Neuroanestesi Indonesia Vol 7, No 1 (2018)
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (261.446 KB) | DOI: 10.24244/jni.vol7i1.23


Edem paru neurogenik merupakan salah satu komplikasi pernafasan yang dapat muncul setelah cedera/trauma susunan saraf pusat. Bervariasinya laporan epidemiologi dan patofisiologi edem paru neurogenik dapat menyebabkan misdiagnosis yang dapat memperburuk prognosis pada pasien yang mengalami edem paru neurogenik. Patofisiologi edem paru neurogenik diduga dimulai dari kerusakan pada persarafan autonom pembuluh darah pulmonal dan stimulasi berlebihan dari pusat vasomotor susunan saraf pusat, yang kemudian menyebabkan berbagai perubahan yang terjadi pada pembuluh darah pulmonal hingga disfungsi jantung. Investigasi klinis harus dilakukan hati-hati karena manifestasi klinis yang dapat menyerupai edem paru kardiogenik dan non-kardiogenik lainnya, hasil pemeriksaan yang tidak spesifik, dan tidak adanya kriteria diagnosis. Saat ini belum ada pedoman tata kelola edem paru neurogenik yang dapat diterima secara luas, namun berbagai studi dan literatur menyebutkan tata kelola edem paru neurogenik berupa tata kelola suportif airway, breathing, circulation, di samping tata kelola penyebab cedera/trauma susunan saraf pusat memiliki prognosis yang baik, oleh karena itu identifikasi, investigasi, dan tata kelola edem paru neurogenik harus dilakukan secepatnya. Edem paru neurogenik dapat beresolusi dengan baik dalam 48–72 jam setelah mendapatkan tata kelola yang adekuat.Management of Neurogenic Pulmonary EdemaNeurogenic pulmonary edema is one of respiration complication caused by injury of central nervous system. Due to the vary of neurogenic pulmonary edema epidemiology and pathophysiology leads to misdiagnosed of neurogenic pulmonary edema, which could worsen the clinical condition patients. The pathophysiology of neurogenic pulmonary edema is believed caused by lesion on the autonomic central of vascular pulmonary bed and overactivation of central vasomotor system, which leads to alteration of vascular pulmonary conditions and cardiac dysfunction. Clinical investigation should be done carefully, because the clinical manifestations of neurogenic pulmonary edema mimicking the cardiogenic and non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema, non-spesific diagnostic modalities, and none diagnostic criteria in neurogenic pulmonary edema. Although nowadays none of management guidelines of neurogenic pulmonary edema accepted widely, many study reported the good outcome of supportive management of airway, breathing, and circulation besides the primary management of central nervous system injury. Hence, clinical identifications, investigations, and management of neurogenic pulmonary edema should be done immediately, because of good clinical outcome in 48 – 72 hours with adequate management.