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Journal : Jurnal Psikologi Mandala

Instrumen Pengukuran Burnout Pada Pekerja Industri Pariwisata di Badung I Made Feby Anggara; Ni Luh Wahyu Santika Sari; Fidhya Dwiputra; Kadek Indah Yanti; I Gde Dhika Widarnandana
Publisher : Universitas Dhyana Pura

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Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan skala psikologi yang akurat dalam mengukur burnout dan mengetahui gambaran burnout pada pekerja industri pariwisata di Badung. Peneliti mengadaptasi Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) dan Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI). Data yang terkumpul dari penyebaran skala melalui Google Form sebanyak 100 orang pekerja industri pariwisata di Badung. Responden penelitian ini ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode quota sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode korelasi Pearson untuk menganalisis adanya hubungan antara burnout dengan job satisfaction. Metode tabulasi silang digunakan untuk mengetahui gambaran burnout pada pekerja. Hasil analisis menemukan bahwa skala MBI merupakan alat ukur yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur gambaran burnout pada pekerja industri pariwisata di Badung. Penelitian ini juga menunjukan tingkat burnout pada pekerja tergolong sedang dilihat dari kategorisasi.Kata kunci: Burnout, Industri pariwisata, MBI, OLBIAbstract. This research aims to find an accurate psychological scale in measuring burn out and knowing the description of employee burnout in tourism industry workers in Badung Bali. This research adaptation scale from Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) and Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI). The Data collecting methods distribution with google form as many as 100 workers in the tourism industry in Badung. The research respondents were determined using the quota sampling method. The data analysis technique used the Pearson correlation method to analyze the relationship between burnout and Job Satisfaction. The cross tabulation method is used to determine the description of burnout on workers. The result of the analysis found that the MBI scale is the most appropriate measuring tool to measure the burnout in tourism industry workers. The Cross tabulation method is used to determne the description of burnout in workers. The results of the analysis found that the MBI scale is the measurement tool to measure the image of burnout in tourism industry workers in Badung. This research shows the level of burnout in workers classified as moderate.Keyword: Burnout, Tourism Industry, MBI, OLBI