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Effectiveness of Antihypertension of Rennin Angiotension Inhibitor on Diabetic Patient with Hypertension Leorita, Mesi; IDP, Pramantara; AE, Nugroho
International Journal of Science, Engineering, and Sustainable Technology (IJSESTech) Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : International Journal of Science, Engineering, and Sustainable Technology (IJSESTech)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (12.947 KB)


The combination of diabetes mellitus of type 2 and hypertension will increase risk of microvascular and macrovascular complications. Blood pressure which is controlled suitable to the targeted therapy may reduce the risk. American Diabetes Association (2013) recommended antihypertension of renin-angiotensin inhibitor, namely ACE inhibitor and angiotensin II receptor blockers, in order to control blood pressure of the patient of diabetes mellitus of type 2 and hypertension. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the antihypertension of the renin-angiotensin system through two parameters, namely a) the percentage of therapeutic target attainment according to the JNC 8; and b) the value of blood pressure reduction. The study carried out by using a method of retrospective cohort study. The data were collected from the medical records of patient suffering both diabetes and hypertension at the Internal Disease Clinic of PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital, Yogyakarta. Descriptive analysis was conducted to determine the general characteristics of the patients. Bivariant analysis was carried out to determine three aspects, those are: 1) the profile of each of the antihypertension used (i.e., ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers) in inhibiting the renin angiotensin system, 2) the achievement (in %) of blood pressure treatment targets according to JNC 8, and 3) the value of blood pressure reduction. From 108 patients involved in this study, we obtained 117 patients who used antihypertension, consisting of 65 patients who used ACE Inhibitors and 52 patients who utilized angiotensin II receptor blocker. The average value of blood pressure reduction from the users of the ACE inhibitor is 20.55 ± 16.57 mmHg, while from the users of angiotensin II receptor blocker is 20.42 ± 15.41. We obtained that statistically the effectiveness of the two antihypertension groups of the renin-angiotensin inhibitors was the same.
Gambaran Pencapaian Target Tekanan Darah Sesuai JNC 8 Pada Pasien Pasca Stroke Yang Menjalani Terapi Antihipertensi Tunggal di RSU Bahteramas Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara Tahun 2014 Leorita, Mesi; Fiandari, Dwi Asti
Pharmauho: Jurnal Farmasi, Sains, dan Kesehatan Vol 1, No 2 (2015): Pharmauho
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (167.483 KB) | DOI: 10.33772/pharmauho.v1i2.3470


Hypertension is a main risk factor that causes stroke and also a most significant role to the multiple stroke occurrences. The post-stroke patients are recommended to use appropriate anti-hypertension to achieve blood pressure target. The aim of this research is to depict achievement of blood pressure target according to JNC 8 of the post-stroke patients in Bahteramas Hospital of Southeast Sulawesi Province during 2014. This is a non-experimental research which is carried out with cohort study retrospective method. Secondary data were obtained from medical records of post-stroke patients who acquired single oral anti-hypertension therapy. Univariate statistical analysis was conducted to understand general profile of the post-stroke patients with hypertension, and inspect target achievement of blood pressure therapy according to JNC 8 at any anti-hypertension therapies. There are 55 data of anti-hypertension use from 45 post-stroke patients. Four types of anti-hypertension therapy used by the research subjects including amlodipine 1 x 10 mg, furosemide 1 x 40 mg, captopril 3 x 50 mg, and candesartan 1 x 8 mg. The entire result of research for age group of < 60 years old shows only 20.51% research subjects achieved the blood pressure target of < 140/90 mmHg. For the patients more than 60 years old, the result showed 56.25% research subjects achieved the therapy targeted. Therapy by using amlodipine provides a higher number of research subjects achieving blood pressure target according to JNC 8, both for age group of < 60 years old and > 60 years old. The small achievement percentage of the therapy target is perhaps caused by non-optimal use of the anti-hypertension.Keywords: Post-stroke, anti-hypertension, blood pressure therapy target of JNC 8
Aktivitas Antioksidan dan Toksisitas Akut Ekstrak Etanol Buah, Daun, Batang dan Rimpang Tanaman Wualae (Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M. Smith) Leorita, Mesi; Mardikasari, Sandra Aulia; Wahyuni, W; Malaka, Muhammad Hajrul; Sartinah, Ari; Sahidin, S
Pharmauho: Jurnal Farmasi, Sains, dan Kesehatan Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Pharmauho
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/pharmauho.v4i2.6263


Wualae (Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M Smith)  merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman dari famili zingiberaceae yang digunakan masyarakat Suku Tolaki di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara sebagai bumbu masak dan obat secara empiris.  Wualae  diduga memiliki potensi antioksidan   karena mengandung flavonoid. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi  antioksidan ekstrak etanol buah, daun, batang dan rimpang wualae  terhadap radikal bebas 1,1-difenil-2-pikrihidrazil (DPPH) dan toksisitas akut terhadap larva Artemia salina Leach menggunakan metode BSLT. Ekstrak diperoleh dengan metode maserasi menggunakan pelarut etanol 96%  selama 3x24 jam dan dipekatkan pada suhu 60○C. Hasil uji aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak etanol buah, daun, batang dan rimpang  Wualae, diperoleh hasil bahwa semua bagian tanaman Wualae memiliki potensi sebagai  antioksidan dengan afektifitas masuk dalam katagori kuat. Nilai IC50yang paling baik terdapat pada bagian batang (52,345 mg/L), selanjutnya  pada rimpang (58,638 mg/L), pada buah   72,518 mg/L dan pada daun 99,890 mg/L. Hasil uji toksisitas akut  menunjukkan bahwa buah, daun, batang dan rimpang Wualae bersifat sedikit toksik (slightly toxic) dengan nilai LC50masing-masing sebesar 1302.31 µg/mL, 1162.84  µg/mL, 1174.52 µg/mL dan 1074.72 µg/mL.Kata kunci: wualae, Etlingera, antioksidan, toksisitas, obat tradisional, Sulawesi Tenggara
Evaluasi Penggunaan Antibiotik pada Pasien Pediatrik ISPA Non Pneumonia Menggunakan Sistem ATC/DDD di Seluruh Puskesmas Kota Kendari Ihsan, Sunandar; Sabarudin, S; Nuralifah, N; Kasmawati, Henny; Leorita, Mesi; Damu, Rusliati; Sudiman, Aswan; Jamsir, Asmaidah; Hasniar, Wa Ode; Septiyana, Wanda; Mardiani, Siti; Ariani, Eno Retno; Ningsih, Warda Ayu
Pharmauho: Jurnal Farmasi, Sains, dan Kesehatan Vol 5, No 2 (2019): Pharmauho
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/pharmauho.v5i2.10166


Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Akut menjadi penyebab utama morbiditas dan mortalitas penyakit menular di dunia. Menurut WHO kejadian ISPA non pneumonia sangat tinggi pada usia anak. Pendekatan ATC /DDD dilakukan sebagai prediktor untuk menentukan tingkat penggunaan antibiotik secara kuantitatif, dimana semakin tinggi penggunaan antibiotik maka semakin besar potensi ketidakrasionalan penggunaan yang berdampak pada resistensi antibiotik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui rasionalitas penggunaan antibiotik berdasarkan jumlah penggunaan antibiotik dengan menggunakan sistem ATC/DDD pada pasien pediatrik ISPA Non pneumonia di seluruh Puskesmas Kota Kendari. Penelitian ini dilakukan di seluruh puskesmas Kota Kendari tahun 2018 dengan total sampel 3083 pasien. Pengambilan data secara retrospektif melalui data rekam medik dan resep pasien ISPA non pneumonia yang memenuhi kriteria. Data dikumpulkan dengan mengklasifikasikan dalam kode Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) antibiotik berdasarkan Guidelines for ATC and DDD Assignment WHO tahun 2018. Kemudian menghitung jumlah kekuatan antibiotik (dalam gram) yang digunakan dan jumlah hari rawat (total Length of Stay, LOS) berdasarkan jumlah dan durasi penggunaan obat pasien ISPA. Hasil penelitian menunjukan antibiotik yang paling sering digunakan adalah amoksisilin untuk seluruh puskesmas dengan total peresepan sebanyak 2663 kali disusul dengan sefadroksil sebanyak 329 kali dan kotrimoksazol diresepkan sebanyak 102 kali, serta terdapat 2 pasien yang menggunakan eritromisin. Nilai DDD yang paling tinggi adalah amoksisilin yaitu 58/100 patient days, sedangkan nilai DDD terkecil adalah kotrimoksazol. Penggunaan antibiotik di seluruh puskesmas secara kuantitaif belum rasional dengan nilai total DDD rata-rata cukup tinggi yaitu 66/100 patient days.Kata kunci: rasionalitas, antibiotik, Puskesmas, Kendari, non pneumonia