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Journal : Societa: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Agribisnis

Societa: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Agribisnis Vol 2, No 2 (2013): Societa: Penelitian Ilmu-Ilmu Agribisnis
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32502/jsct.v2i2.1197


ABSTRACT   The present research has the objective of determining what production factors affecting the cost of per unit output and total production, and what constraints encountered by cage culture farmers. Data were collected from the field in Lokasi Perairan Inti Rawapening, located in Kebondowo administrative, District of Banyubiru, Semarang Regency. Research results revealed that January-March seeding season, production cost was lower than similar production level to October-December seeding, giving a higher return. Total income and per cage production for the farmer were respectively 8.68 and 1.42 times the later. Cage ownership did affect fish production, but it did not has any effect on production cost. Thus, those who owned the cages earned a higher income due to production increase but with no associated increase in cost as indicated by the increase of order 29.36 and 3.67 for total income and per cage production respectively. Cage number did influence fish production. Although increasing number of cages might reduce cage production, but a larger cost reduction was associated with it, giving cage culture at increasing return to scale. Income of fish farmers with more than eight cages was higher than those 1 to 4 cages as indicated by the increase of total income and per cage production by 2.3 and 2.35 respectively.
Societa: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Agribisnis Vol 7, No 2 (2018): Societa: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu Agribisnis
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32502/jsct.v7i2.1513


ABSTRACT Target production of freshwater fish cultivation in 2014-2018 amounted to 13,227.77 tons for all fish cultivation. The production of fish in Palembang city in 2014 consists of catching the general waters of the type of cork fish whose production reaches 1.96.24 tons. Meanwhile, freshwater fish production consisted of 6,420.75 tons of catfish, 3,374 tons of catfish, 634.07 tons of indigo, 765.70 tons of gouramy (DPPK, Palembang 2014). The purpose of this study is to describe the process of socio-economic activities that take place in the life of the community and analyze the socio-economic factors that affect the income of freshwater fish farmers. The research location in Gandus sub-district and the method used is survey method. The results showed that fish farmers in Gandus sub-district had an average age of 42 years, with an average age of 2.9 years. Fish farmers on average only have high school education and do business as additional income. Selection of the most cultivated location is in the tributary of the river Musi. as much as 70%. Most of the cultivators run their own fish cultivation business that is equal to 70%. Average all cultivators agree on the existing activities on the POKDAKAN. Harvest activity is mostly done 3 times in 1 year that is for type of catfish farming.ABSTRAK Target produksi budidaya ikan air tawar pada tahun 2014-2018 adalah sebesar 13.227,77 ton untuk seluruh ikan budidaya. Adapun produksi ikan kota Palembang pada tahun 2014 terdiri dari  tangkapan perairan umum jenis ikan gabus yang produksinya mencapai 1.96,24 ton. Sedangkan produksi budidaya ikan air tawar yang terdiri dari kan patin sebesar 6.420,75 ton, lele 3.374 ton, nila 634,07 ton, gurami 765,70 ton  (DPPK, Palembang 2014). Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendiskripsikan proses kegiatan sosial ekonomi yang berlangsung dalam kehidupan masyarakat dan menganalisis faktor-faktor sosial ekonomi yang mempengaruhi pendapatan petani budidaya ikan air tawar. Lokasi penelitian di kecamatan Gandus dan metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pembudidaya ikan di kecamatan Gandus mempunyai usia rata-rata 42 tahun, dengan usia usaha rata-rata 2,9 tahun. Pembudidaya ikan rata-rata hanya berpendidikan SMA dan melakukan usaha sebagai penghasilan tambahan. Pemilihan lokasi budidaya yang paling banyak dilakukan adalah di anak sungai sungai Musi. sebanyak 70%. Sebagian besar pembudidaya menjalankan sendiri kegiatan usaha budidaya ikan yaitu sebesar 70%. Rata rata semua pembudidaya setuju terhadap kegiatan yang ada pada POKDAKAN. Kegiatan panen paling banyak dilakukan 3 kali dalam 1 tahun yaitu untuk jenis budidaya ikan lele.
POLA PEMASARAN IKAN PATIN (Pangasius sp.) DI PASAR JAKABARING KOTA PALEMBANG Sari, Lia Perwita; Utpalasari, Rih Laksmi
Societa: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Agribisnis Vol 8, No 2 (2019): Societa: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-Ilmu Agribisnis
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32502/jsct.v8i2.2339


ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to determine the pattern of Catfish (Pangasius sp.) marketing in Palembang City. The research method uses the survey method. The location of the study was determined intentionally (purposive), namely in Palembang Jakabaring Market. The research sample was taken using the accidental sampling method. Taking respondents through this method are collectors, retailers I, retailers II and housewife consumers who buy Catfish found at the research location to ask their opinions about what is needed for the smooth running of this research. The sample size of consumers in this study was set as many as 40 people, each 10 respondents in each cluster. Data collected in the form of primary data and secondary data. Data were analyzed descriptively qualitative and quantitative. Catfish (Pangasius sp.) is one of the local wisdom products from South Sumatra. High public consumption of Patin fish (Pangasius sp.) causes the marketing of Catfish (Pangasius sp.) in  Jakabaring Market to vary from the activities of collecting traders to consumers. The large number of collectors and retailers is very influential on Patin fish (Pangasius sp.) distribution channels to reach the consumer level so that three different marketing patterns are formed in  Jakabaring Market. The purpose of this study is to determine the pattern of Catfish (Pangasius sp.) qualitative descriptive. Researchers used a qualitative method by analyzing the characteristics of each respondent and the pattern of Catfish marketing in Palembang's Jakabaring Market. The results of the study stated that there were three patterns of Catfish marketing in the Jakabaring Market, namely pattern 1: Collector Traders - household consumers, Pattern 2: Collector Traders - Retailer Traders I, and Pattern 3: Collector Traders - Trader Retailers II.ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pola pemasaran ikan patin di kota Palembang. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode survei. Lokasi penelitian ditentukan secara sengaja (purposive) yaitu di Pasar Jakabaring Palembang. Penarikan sampel penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode accidental sampling. Pengambilan responden melalui metode ini adalah pedagang pengumpul, pedagang pengecer I, pedagang pengecer II dan konsumen ibu rumah tangga pembeli ikan Patin yang dijumpai dilokasi penelitian untuk meminta pendapat mereka mengenai hal yang dibutuhkan untuk kelancaran penelitian ini. Besar sampel konsumen dalam penelitian ini ditetapkan sebanyak 40 orang, masing-masing 10 orang responden di setiap cluster. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa data primer dan data sekunder. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dan deskriptif kuantitatif. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif yaitu dengan cara menganalisis karakteristik masing-masing responden dan pola pemasaran ikan patin di Pasar Jakabaring Palembang. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa terdapat tiga pola pemasaran ikan Patin di Pasar Jakabaring, yaitu pola 1 : Pedagang Pengumpul – konsumen rumah tangga, Pola 2 : Pedagang Pengumpul – Pedagang pengecer I, dan Pola 3 : Pedagang Pengumpul – Pedagang pengecer II.