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Journal : DIDAKTIKOS: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Kristen Duta Harapan

Problematika Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Kristen Multigrade Class (studi kasus di SDN 1 Adimulyo Singosari Malang) Siani Listio; Febrianus Kurnia Yusianto
DIDAKTIKOS: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 1, No 2 (2018): Desember 2018
Publisher : DIDAKTIKOS: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Kristen

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (387.99 KB)


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menemukan berbagai permasalahan yang terjadi dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Kristen dengan sistem multigrade class. Penelitian ini didesain menggunakan pendekatan Studi Kasus (Case Study) untuk menemukan gambaran pola yang terkait dengan fenomena dan mengindentifikasi hubungan-hubungan yang memengaruhi fenomena. Jenis kajiannya adalah studi kasus intrinsik (intrinsic case study) yang ditempuh karena keinginan peneliti untuk memahami kasus dalam seluruh kekhususan dan aspek kesederhanaannya. Paradima penelitian yang dibangun adalah kerangka pikir konstruksi sosial, yaitu berupaya memahami individu dan dunia tempat mereka bekerja. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa pelaksanaan PAK dalam Multigrade Class di SDN 1 Ardimulyo Singosari Malang mengidentifikasi dua permasalah utama dalam pembelajaran multigrade class di SDN 1 Adimulyo Singosari Malang, yaitu manajemen pengelolaan kelas rangkap dan karakteristik pelajaran PAK. Selanjutnya kedua permasalahan tersebut dapat dirinci menjadi empat hal, yaitu: (1) pembelajaran dilakukan pada saat jam pulang sekolah antara jam 11.00-12.00. Alokasi waktu ini tidak sesuai dengan jumlah jam seharusnya dimiliki pembelajaran PAK yakni 2 jam pelajaran (90 menit), (2) kelas dibagi dalam dua kelompok, kelas kecil (kelas 1-3) dan kelas besar (kelas 4-6). Pembagian ini hanya untuk pemberian tugas, dalam penyampaian materi baik kelas kecil maupun kelas besar mendapat materi yang sama, (3) penyampaian materi tidak efektif dalam kelas kecil, karena guru cenderung fokus kepada kelas besar, dan (4) karakteristik PAK memiliki tingkatan pengetahuan yang berbeda-beda sehingga sulit dilaksanakan dalam kelas berbeda dengan materi yang sama.
Rendahnya Minat Belajar Siswa Pendidikan Agama Kristen : Studi Kasus di SMPN 2 Sumbermanjing Wetan Siani listio
DIDAKTIKOS: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Kristen Duta Harapan Vol 5, No 2: Desember 2022
Publisher : STIPAK Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32490/didaktik.v5i2.96


AbstractOne of the successes in learning is the student’s interest and the teacher’s skill in delivering material.Students of SMPN 2 Sumbermanjing Wetan, Christian Religious Education class are assumed to be less interesed in Christian Religious study. This can be showed from their attitudes such as being lazy in doing assignment, not pay attention to the teacher who teaches, but talking to themselves with their friends, often having permission to the toilet, considering Christian religious lesson is not important, because these lessons are often obstained at home or at the church.The purpose of this research is to find out whether the students of SMPN 2 Sumbermanjing Wetan understand the meaning of interest in learning,  to know the condition of their interest in learning, and to find out the causes and solutions so that they can be interested in the subject of Christian Religious EducationThis research uses qualitative method with an intrinsic case study approach because the researcher wants to understand this case in all its specificity and simplicityThe results obstained from observations, interviews, and existing documents show that SMPN 2 students understand the meaning og interest in learning. The constraints come from students (less enthusiastic, unstable). The other constraints are religion classroom with capacity of 30 filled more than 30 .There  is no fan in the class, the hot air  make them discomfort.Lesson conducted at noon  between 10.50 – 12.50 and the lack of supporting facilities such LCD which are limited , so the teacher is not always able to use this facility            To overcome this situation , teacher creativity is needed in in teaching. Class can divided in groups , giving group assigments that can be done outside the classroom, still encouraging or give motivation to the students, providing guidance or conseling outside of teaching hours.  The coorperation among students, teachers, and school principal ai also needed and spiritual guidance teacher in spurring student interest in learning
Integritas Mahasiswa STIPAK Malang dalam Mengikuti Kuliah Daring Siani Listio; Hengki Saputra
DIDAKTIKOS: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 6, No 1: Juni 2023
Publisher : STIPAK Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32490/didaktik.v6i1.162


Based on the researchers' observations while attending online lectures, the researcher found that some students did not pay attention to the lecturer explaining, take a walk around , playing social media/games, doing other subject assignments , not having permission to turn off the camera, talking/discussing with the people around him when the lecturer explained, he was always late for zoom so the researchers decided to conduct a study entitled "Student Integrity of STIPAK Duta Harapan Malang Year 2018-2019 in Attending Online Lectures. Here are three main problem formulations that will be examined in depth in this study, namely STIPAK students' understanding of integrity, forms of integrity in online learning and how  students class of 2018-2019 realize self-integrity in online lectures. By examining these three things, the research objective is to find out the perception of integrity, forms of integrity and its embodiment of integrity in online lectures. This study uses a qualitative phenomenological approach, because researchers are trying to find the essence or meaning of the problems studied. To optimize the data, this study uses a triangulation data collection technique, the researcher assumes that they will find a clear answer from the existing problem formulation. After analyzing the data obtained from the informants, the researchers found that the integrity forms of STIPAK students class 2018-2019 were: 1) being responsible, 2) time discipline, 3) obeying existing rule. However, in reality not all STIPAK students from class 2018-2019 are able to apply this attitude of integrity. The manifestation of the integrity of STIPAK Duta Harapan Malang students for the 2018-2019 class in online lectures is as follows: first, being responsible for the coursework given by doing it honestly even without supervision from the lecturer. Apart from academic assignments, students also get used to being responsible in terms of leadership that has been entrusted from the campus and from lecturers. Second, time discipline. Students try to use their time as well as possible, one of which is during class hours, students force themselves to continue to consistently attend lectures until they are finished. Also try to get in on time. Third, comply with every rule that exists both from the campus and from the lecturers. The advice given to STIPAK Duta Harapan Malang students in taking online lectures is as follows: Because the lecture process is not directly supervised by lecturers or the campus, students need to get used to turning on the camera while attending online lectures. Students are given the opportunity to be more active in the lecture process such as discussions or questions and answers so that students can focus on attending lectures. With the demands given in the lecture process, there will be a sense of responsibility in students. The advice given to STIPAK Duta Harapan Malang students in taking online lectures is as follows: Because the lecture process is not directly supervised by lecturers or the campus, students need to get used to turning on the camera while attending online lectures. Students are given the opportunity to be more active in the lecture process such as discussions or questions and answers so that students can focus on attending lectures. With the demands given in the lecture process, there will be a sense of responsibility in students. Students need to be reminded again that they are prospective PAK teachers who teach about the truth of God's Word and serve as role models for students. Therefore, during the lecture process students must get used to having integrity in any case, especially in taking online lectures.