Saadah Mujahidah
Universitas Karya Husada Semarang

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Journal : Indonesian Health Issue

Manfaat Kompres Dingin Pada Nyeri Perineum Kala IV Durrotun Munafiah; Hermeksi Rahayu; Saadah Mujahidah; Mariza Mustika Dewi; Dian Nuringtyas Rahayu
Indonesian Health Issue Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): FEBRUARI
Publisher : PublisihingId

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (701.898 KB) | DOI: 10.47134/inhis.v1i1.7


Latar Belakang: Rasa sakit yang dialami ibu saat persalinan kala IV disebabkan karena laserasi pada perinium. Laserasi tersebut terjadi karena adanya tindakan medis atas indikasi tertentu yaitu episiotomi atau terjadi ruptur perinium secara alami yang diakibatkan oleh desakan kepala bayi yang terlalu cepat. Laserasi perineum dapat menyebabkan nyeri dan ketidaknyamanan selama beberapa minggu. Tujuan: Menganalisa pengaruh kompres dingin perinium terhadap intensitas nyeri pada persalinan kala IV di ruang bersalin RSUD dr Gunawan Mangunkusumo Ambarawa) Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan quasi experiment. Desain penelitian post test with control group design. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu bersalin pervaginam kala IV sejumlah 20 responden yang dibagi menajdi kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol dengan teknik pengambilan sampel non probability sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan uji statistic Mann Whitney. Hasil: Intensitas nyeri Kala IV pada kelompok kontrol sesudah tindakan kompres dingin (air dingin) perinium rata-rata 5,80. Intensitas nyeri kala IV pada kelompok intervensi sesudah tindakan kompres dingin (es) perinium rata-rata 4,70 dengan nilai signifikansi p<α (0,05). Kesimpulan: Ada pengaruh kompres dingin perinium terhadap intensitas nyeri pada persalinan kala IV. Tenaga kesehatan terutama bidan sebaiknya dapat melakukan intervensi nonfarmakologi dengan memberikan kompres dingin perinium dan pijat perinium dalam upaya mengatasi masalah nyeri yang terdapat pada ibu bersalin kala IV. Background: Pain experienced by the mother during the fourth stage of labor is caused by laceration of the perineum. The laceration occurs because of medical action for certain indications, namely an episiotomy or natural perineal rupture caused by the pressure of the baby's head too fast. Perineal lacerations can cause pain and discomfort for several weeks. Purpose: To analyze the effect of perineal cold compresses on pain intensity in the fourth stage of labor in the delivery room of RSUD Dr. Gunawan Mangunkusumo Ambarawa. Methods: This study is a quasi-experimental study. Post-test research design with control group design. The sample in this study were women who gave birth vaginally during the fourth stage of the study with a total of 20 respondents who were divided into treatment and control groups using non-probability sampling. This study uses the Mann-Whitney statistical test. Results: The fourth stage of pain intensity in the control group after cold compresses (cold water) on the perineum was on average 5.80. The fourth stage of pain intensity in the intervention group after the perineal cold compress (ice) was an average of 4.70 with a significance value of p<α (0.05). Conclusion: There is an effect of perineal cold compresses on the intensity of pain in the fourth stage of labor. Health workers especially midwives, should be able to carry out non-pharmacological interventions by providing perineal cold compresses and perineal massage in an effort to overcome the pain problems found in women giving birth in the fourth stage.