Kiki Damayanti, Kiki
Bagian Farmakologi Dan Farmasi Klinik, Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Wahid Hasyim, Semarang, Indonesia

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Journal : Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik (Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Clinical Pharmacy)

AKTIVITAS ANTIDIARE FRAKSI AIR EKSTRAK ETANOL DAUN SALAM (Syzygium polyanthum (Wight.) Walp.) PADA MENCIT Kiki Damayanti; Risha Fillah Fithria; Rokhila Kamala Sari; Dewi Ratna Ningsih
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi & Farmasi Klinik Vol 15 No 1 Juni 2018
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (416.236 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/jiffk.v15i01.2172


INTISARI  Beberapa penelitian membuktikan ekstrak dan infus daun salam sebagai antidiare. Fraksinasi dapat menyederhanakan senyawa dalam ekstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas fraksi air ekstrak etanol daun salam (FAEEDS) sebagai protektor diare yang diinduksi castor oil, antimotilitas usus, dan mengetahui keberadaan flavonoid dan tanin didalamnya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental menggunakan randomized matched posttest only control group design. FAEEDS dosis 1, 2, dan 3 g/kgBB diberikan pada mencit secara per oral. Kelompok kontrol positif yang digunakan adalah loperamid HCl 0,5 mg/kgBB dan PGA 3% 25 ml/kgBB diberikan pada kelompok kontrol negatif. Satu jam kemudian, mencit diberi  castor oil secara per oral. Banyaknya feses cair dan tidak terbentuk yang terbentuk selama 4 jam diamati. Pengujian aktivitas antimotilitas dilakukan dengan memberikan suspensi norit 10% 10 ml/kgBB 45 menit setelah pemberian castor oil. Satu jam kemudian dilakukan pengukuran panjang usus yang dilalui marker norit dan panjang usus seluruhnya. Data banyaknya feses yang cair dan tidak berbentuk serta data rasio panjang usus yang dilalui norit diuji perbedaannya dengan uji Mann-Whitney dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%. Keberadaan flavonoid dan tanin diketahui melalui kromatografi lapis tipis.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan FAEEDS beraktivitas sebagai protektor diare dan antimotilitas usus pada semua dosis. Flavonoid dan tanin terkandung dalam FAEEDS.  Kata kunci: fraksi air, daun salam, protektor diare, antimotilitas, castor oil, loperamid HCl  ABSTRACT  Some research proves extracts and infusion of salam leaf as antidiarrheal. Fractination can simplify the compounds in the extract. The aim of this research is to know the diarrhea protector activity of water fraction of ethanol extract of salam leaf (WFEESL), the antimotility activity, and to verify the persence of flavonoids and tannins in the fraction. The research was an experimental study using randomized matched posttest only control group design. WFEESL doses 1, 2, and 3 g/kgBW were given to mice orally. The positive control group was given loperamide HCl 0.5 mg/kgBW. One hour later, each mouse was given 1 ml of castor oil orally. Observations were made on the weight of liquid and unformed stools that formed during 4 hours of observation. Ten percent of carbo adsorbent suspensian 10 ml/kgBW was given orally as marker to the mice in the group of antimotilily activity 45 minutes after castor oil. The parameter which measure was the length of intestinal which passed by carbo adsorbent compared with the whole intestinal length. The data analyzed by Kruskal Wallis test, continued with Mann Withney test, with 95% of confidence level. The presence of flavonoids and tannins are known by thin layer chromatography. The results showed that WFEESL exhibits protective diarrhea and antimotility activity at all doses. Flavonoids and tannins are contained in WFEESL.  Keywords: water fraction, salam leaves, diarrhea protector, antimotility, castor oil, loperamide HCl
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik Prosiding Seminar Nasional "Peluang Herbal Sebagai Alternative Medicine"
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (120.006 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/jiffk.v0i0.1337


ABSTRACTThere are differences on the use of antibiotics on typhoid fever’s treatment. However, there was a research concluded that there were no differences between the efficacy of antibiotics on typhoid fever's therapy that shown as fever-free time and treatment duration. The purposes of this study are to determine the various antibiotics that used on typhoid fever’s treatment and to compare the efficacy of that antibiotic at Bancak Public Health Center Semarang regency. This study was an analytically survey research, with retrospective data collection from medical records, used purposive sampling method. The research sample was all adult patients’ typhoid fever hospitalization at Bancak Public Health Center Semarang regency. Data of antibiotic’s efficacy in fever-free time and treatment duration were analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis test. The result showed that the antibiotics used on typhoid fever’s treatment at Bancak Public Health Center Semarang regency were chloramphenicol, amoxicillin, cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, and ampicillin. Ceftriaxone was an antibiotic that provided the shortest fever's free-time and duration of treatment. However, there was no statistically significant difference between efficacy of that antibiotics at Bancak Public Health Center Semarang regency (p>0.05). Key words : Antibiotics efficacy, typhoid fever’s treatment, fever’s free-time, duration of treatment, Bancak Public Health Center.
UJI EFEK TONIKUM EKSTRAK ETANOL BUAH MENGKUDU (Morinda citrifolia L.) TERHADAP MENCIT JANTAN GALUR SWISS Risha Fillah Fithria; Kiki Damayanti; Nurul Mustaufiah
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi & Farmasi Klinik Vol 14 No 1 juni 2017
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (144.319 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/jiffk.v14i1.1765


INTISARI  Buah mengkudu dipercaya dapat meningkatkan stamina. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan adanya efek tonikum ekstrak etanol buah mengkudu (EEBM) terhadap mencit jantan galur Swiss dan mengidentifikasi adanya senyawa golongan flavonoid yang terkandung dalam ekstrak tersebut. Ekstraksi buah mengkudu dilakukan dengan metode maserasi menggunakan pelarut etanol 70%.  Uji kandungan senyawa golongan flavonoid dilakukan  dengan  pereaksi  FeCl3  dan kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT).  Penelitian  ini  adalah  penelitian  eksperimental  dengan  pretest-posttest matched control group design.  Percobaan  uji  efek  tonikum  dilakukan  menggunakan metode natatory exhaustion. Mencit sebanyak duapuluh lima ekor dibagi menjadi lima kelompok. Mencit kelompok I, II, dan III diberi EEBM (160, 400, dan 800) mg/kgBB. Mencit kelompok IV diberi  kafein 100 mg/kgBB  (kontrol  positif)  dan mencit  kelompok V diberi  CMC-Na 0,5% 25 mL/kgBB (kontrol negatif). Sediaan uji diberikan per oral selama 14 hari. Analisis data dilakukan dengan  cara membandingkan waktu  bertahan  berenang mencit  sebelum  dan  sesudah  perlakuan menggunakan  uji  Wilcoxon  dan  uji  t-berpasangan. Analisis data adanya perbedaan efek antar kelompok perlakuan menggunakan  uji Kruskal-Wallis dilanjutkan dengan uji Mann-Whitney dengan taraf  kepercayaan 90%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa EEBM dosis 400 mg/kgBB             (p<0,1) dan 800 mg/kgBB (p<0,1) terbukti  mempunyai  efek  tonikum.  Senyawa  golongan flavonoid berhasil ditemukan dalam EEBM. Kata  kunci  :  ekstrak etanol buah mengkudu  (Morinda citrifolia  L.), tonikum,  natatory exhaustion, flavonoid    ABSTRACT Noni fruit is believed can increase stamina. The purpose of this study was to prove the tonic effect of  noni  fruit ethanol extracts  (NFEE) to the male Swiss mice and identify flavonoid compound contained in the extract. Noni fruit extracted by the maceration method in ethanol 70%. Identification of flavonoid compound conducted with FeCl3 reagents and thin layer chromatography (TLC). This research is experimentally with  pretest-posttest matched control group design. The tonic effect assay conducted with natatory exhaustion method. Twenty-five mice divided  into five groups. Mice in group I, II, and III treated with NFEE (160, 400, and 800) mg/kg BW. Mice in group IV treated with caffeine 100 mg/kg BW (positive control) and group V treated with CMC-Na 0.5% 25 ml/kg BW (negative control). The test preparation given for 14 days orally. Data of survival time swam mice before and after treatment analyzed  statistically with Wilcoxon test and paired t-test. Data was analyzed for different effect intergroup treatment with Kruskal-Wallis and then with Mann-Whitney at 90% confidence level.  The result showed that NFEE (400 and 800) mg/kg BW have a tonic effect (p<0,1). Flavonoid compounds have been found in NFEE. Keywords:    ethanol extract of noni fruit (Morindacitrifolia L.), tonic, natatory exhaustion, flavonoid