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School Policies on the Use of Android Devices in Students Learning Activities during the Covid-19 Pandemic Condition Nashruddin, Nashruddin; Tanasy, Novalia
Lembaran Ilmu Kependidikan Vol 50, No 1 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/lik.v50i1.29397


The present study aims at analyzing school policy toward the use of Android devices in the students learning activities during the Covid-19 pandemic condition. The research method used is a qualitative approach with the type of empirical phenomenology research. Six participants were taken using purposive sampling technique as research subjects, consisting of teachers and students’ parents. Data obtained through WhatsApp application. Data was analyzed using empirical phenomenological analysis technique. The results showed that there were 3 aspects analyzed, namely advantages, weaknesses, and expectations of students’ parents towards learning based on Android devices for students. This research concluded that schools should (1) provide opportunities for students to take advantage of Android devices as a learning tool, (2) mediate periodic meetings among teachers and students’ parents to evaluate the behavior and learning outcomes of students, (3) facilitate the learning process so that students and teachers easily access the internet to carry out learning, and (4) guide teachers to improve their digital pedagogy competence to present interesting learning lessons during the Covid-19 pandemic.
HISTOGRAM: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Vol 3, No 1 (2019): Histogram
Publisher : STKIP Andi Matappa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31100/histogram.v3i1.284


Penelitian tindakan kelas ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan strategi pemberian tugas terstruktur dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika siswa sekolah kejuruan pada materi logaritma, semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2018/2019. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 13 siswa kelas XI SMK Keperawatan Dr Wahidin Makassar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus; masing-masing siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, evaluasi, dan refleksi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui tes hasil belajar dan observasi kelas. Hasil tes menampilkan data kuantitatif, sedangkan hasil observasi kelas menghasilkan data kualitatif. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pada siklus I, nilai rata-rata hasil tes siswa adalah 50. Pada siklus II, nilai rata-rata hasil tes siswa meningkat menjadi 79.62, yang mengindikasikan peningkatan hasil belajar matematika siswa. Hasil observasi menunjukkan adanya perubahan sikap siswa dalam pembelajaran ke arah yang lebih baik, khususnya dalam hal keaktifan dalam mengikuti kegiatan belajar mengajar yang meningkat dari siklus I ke siklus II. Dengan demikian, pemberian tugas terstruktur dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas XI SMK Keperawatan Dr. Wahidin Makassar dalam pelajaran matematika, pada pokok bahasan logaritma.
Humor as an Approach Used by Teacher to Evoke Students’ Motivation in EFL Online Learning Nashruddin Nashruddin; Fiptar Abdi Alam
JETAL: Journal of English Teaching & Applied Linguistic Vol 2 No 2 (2021): April
Publisher : English Education Department at FKIP Nommensen University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36655/jetal.v2i2.536


Covid-19 pandemic condition demands the learning activities to be conducted online. The current study aims to investigate the types of humor inserted by the teacher in the EFL online teaching-learning activities, and students’ responses toward the teacher’s humor. The participants of this descriptive qualitative research are an EFL teacher and 29 students of the 2nd grade at SMA Muhammadiyah Barru. To collect data about the types of humor used by the teacher, the researchers directly observe the online learning activities conducted by the teacher and his students. For gaining the deepest data about students’ responses toward the teacher’s humor, the researchers randomly interview 10 from those 29 students. The researchers found that in the online teaching-learning activities, the teacher inserted humorous words that based on the theory were classified into pun fan, joke, innuendo, malapropism, and absurdity. Besides that, the researchers also found new types of humor used by the teacher, which were then named as local humor and plesetan humor. From the interview result, it is found students’ responses towards the teacher’s humor indicate that humor maintains students’ focus in learning activities, stimulates students to solve problems quickly, and keeps students’ self-confidence in online learning.
English as Foreign Language (EFL) Teacher’s Questioning Strategies in Classroom Interaction Nashruddin Nashruddin; Putri Rahmawati Ningtyas
Utamax : Journal of Ultimate Research and Trends in Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): Utamax : Journal of Ultimate Research and Trends in Education
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Lancang Kuning. Pekanbaru. Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (350.414 KB) | DOI: 10.31849/utamax.v2i1.3720


ABSTRACT The objectives of this research were to find out the teacher’s questioning strategies, types of the questions, and the reasons of using the questioning strategies in classroom interaction.. This qualitative research using discourse analysis approach. The sample of this study was a teacher of SMPN 1 Tanete Riaja, Barru Regency Data collection of this research was conducted through recording, observation, and interview. The data collected were analyzed through conversational analysis that was used in analyzing teacher's questioning strategies, types of the teacher's questions, and the reasons for using questioning strategies in EFL classroom. The research findings showed that the teacher used questioning strategies by applying some types of questions. The open/ closed questions and knowledge questions were used dominantly by the teacher. It depends on the material that the teacher transferred to the students. Otherwise, synthesis and evaluation questions were used only a few times by teacher. The teacher also applied some strategies, namely questioning in the opening session, questioning in the middle of teaching, prompting the questions, probing the question, and gave reinforcement to the students. The research finding indicated the positive effects of questioning strategies which were applied by the teachers toward EFL Classroom. It was proved by the students’ participation in learning. Moreover, it was shown by the observation sheets that the teacher and all students did a good interaction teaching-learning process.
Do Vary of English Shows Good For the Children during Stay at Home?: A Library research Novalia Tanasy; Sitti Aisyah; Nashruddin Nashruddin
Utamax : Journal of Ultimate Research and Trends in Education Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): UTAMAX : Journal of Ultimate Research and Trends in Education
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Lancang Kuning. Pekanbaru. Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/utamax.v3i2.7133


Children can naturally acquire languages easily and quickly even without formal teaching from teachers. English shows provided the children new knowledges and updates without leaving the comfort of their homes due to lock down. This study was designed to analyse the use of English shows to build the children’s English developmental for learning English as foreign language, including discussion of its advantages and weaknesses. Library research and qualitative method were used to explain the findings. The data collection was documented from 3 working papers, 25 journal articles and 4 renowned books related to the topics. The analysis reveals that the children were able to retell the shows scenes, characters, topics, stories, opinions and they can pronounce English words alike as the natives do. From English shows, the children can learn some positives values and habit from the characters. The weaknesses of this strategy is control means that parents must spare time to accompany their children while watching the shows which may boring and tiring them. The other weakness is cultural shock. The English shows were mostly created by American and European whom have different basic cultures from Indonesian, therefore parents must ready to explain some scenes which are unfamiliar to ours. Lastly, watching English shows from television and YouTube also considered as more expensive instead of learning from classroom since it still need payment, subscription, fast internet connection, gadget and electricity.
Scientia: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian Vol 5 No 2 (2020): Scientia
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/sci.v5i2.1391


Sepak terjang gerakan Muhammadiyah di Indonesia telah berlangsung sebelum masa kemerdekaan bangsa Indonesia. Hingga hari ini telah berkontribusi banyak dalam memajukan bangsa ini dengan dakwah di berbagai lini kehidupan, salah satunya di bidang pendidikan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan rambu-rambu bimbingan dan konseling Islami dalam buku Himpunan Putusan Tarjih Muhammadiyah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan tipe riset analisis hermeneutika bersusun dan teknik triangulasi sumber data, metode dan peer review. Hasil penelitian ditemukan sejumlah rambu-rambu dalam penyelengaraan bimbingan dan konseling Islami di antaranya: berawal dari wold view konselor muslim; grooming konselor muslim; dan rambu-rambu layanan bimbingan dan konseling Islami. Wold view konselor muslim ditemukan pada kitab masalah lima yang menyoal tentang agama, dunia, sabilillah, ibadah, dan qiyas. Grooming konselor muslim ditemukan batasan pada berpakaian, batasan aurat dan larangan memakai cincin emas. Adapun rambu-rambu layanan bimbingan dan konseling Islami perlu memperhatikan batasan pemajangan gambar dalam ruang BK, penggunaan musik, tidak berkhalwat dengan lawan jenis, penggunaan hijab, hingga batasan penerapan teknik sandiwara (sosio-psiko drama) dalam layanan BK.
Linguistics Politeness in Reinforcing Character During Learning Activities Nashruddin Nashruddin; Liqaa Habeb Al-Obaydi
Ethical Lingua: Journal of Language Teaching and Literature Vol. 8 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

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Character education is an effort that is designed and carried out systematically to help students understand the values ​​of human behavior. The current research aimed at: (1) investigating the formation of politeness in the language of learning interactions between teachers and students, (2) analyzing the application of politeness principles as a part in the implementation of character education. The current research applied the descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of this study were 21 students of XI-class and an EFL teacher at SMK Dirgantara Makassar in the learning activity. The data was collected by using the recording technique and note taking. After the data was collected, the researchers analyzed the data by applying the conversation analysis with three concepts, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing or verifications. The result of data analysis found that convey messages properly required using politeness ways. Secondly, in carrying the learning process, teachers should be based on the rules and procedures for polite delivery content, language, and manners. Finally, the conclusions remarks stated that the application of politeness is one of the main factors to achieve character education. This is evidenced by the students’ habit in daily communicating politely after the linguistics politeness was applied in learning activities.
The Application of Visual-Pictures Sequence to Increase Students' Writing Ability Nashruddin Nashruddin; Fiptar Abdi Alam; Zulfikat Alam; Niskarlina Niskarlina
Ethical Lingua: Journal of Language Teaching and Literature Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30605/25409190.349


The present study aims to determine how the use of visual-pictures sequence as learning media can increase students’ ability in writing which include topic sentences, supporting sentences, and closing sentences. Researchers apply classroom action research, which has been implemented in two cycles. Each cycle consists of four learning meetings. This study used a written test and an observation sheet as data collection instruments, involving 20 students of class XI-IPA at SMA Muhammadiyah 7 Makassar as participants. The results show that visual pictures sequence in learning can increase students’ ability in writing based on the evaluation result to participants. In addition, based on the observation result, the application of pictures sequence in learning can increase students’ activity and self-confidence, resulting in a change in attitude for the better in the learning process.
Perceptions of Teacher and Students on the Use of E-Mail as A Medium in Distance Learning Nashruddin Nashruddin; Fiptar Abdi Alam; Novalia Tanasy
Berumpun: International Journal of Social, Politics, and Humanities Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Berumpun : International Journal Of Social, Politics, and Huma
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences University of Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/berumpun.v3i2.40


The covid-19 pandemic that hit the world including Indonesia has caused the teaching and learning system change from face-to-face in the classroom to distance learning or online learning. Online learning requires teachers and students to be able to use the information and communication technology (ICT). In ELT, the learning system is also implemented online. One of platforms commonly used in online communication is e-mail. This current study aims to describe: (1) teacher’s perceptions about the use of e-mail as a learning medium in ELT, (2) students’ perceptions about the use of e-mail as a learning medium in ELT. The subjects of this descriptive qualitative research were an EFL teacher and 20 students at a senior high school in Barru. For collecting data, the researchers applied questionnaire, documentation, and interview. Data was analyzed inductively or qualitatively. The results indicated the teacher’s perceptions on the use of e-mail in learning that email is an effective device, e-mail can be used to send many documents, e-mail as a tool to achieve learning objectives, and e-mail makes learning easier. Students’ perceptions on the use of e-mail are e-mail can be used for getting learning materials, e-mail is easy to use, and students can access various assignments on email. However, a small number of students still encountered obstacles in using email as a learning medium.
Literature Learning in the Students of Class-X at SMA Muhammadiyah Pangkep Roslina Roslina; Mutawakkil Mutawakkil; Nashruddin Nashruddin; Ahmad Amin
JELITA Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Journal of English Language Teaching and Literature (JELITA)
Publisher : STKIP Muhammadiyah Barru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (53.344 KB)


This research aims at decribing the process of literature learning at a senior high school in the academic year of 2019/2020. This study is a descriptive qualitative research with the subjects are a teacher of literature and 15 students of the tenth grade at SMA Muhammadiyah Pangkep. The instruments for collecting data are observation result, interview result, and documentation. The research results showed that the goals of literature learning were well-achieved, indicated by the students’ capability in appreciating literary works and expressing the appreciation in the form of poems and short stories. The success in learning literature was marked by the increase of the students’ reading interest, their frequently browsing of articles on both literary and non-literary materials from various websites, and their work products in the form of poetry. The achievement of those students was caused by the effort applied by the teacher, namely supporting students in developing their creativity on literary activities, either inside or outside school hours, such as short story writing contest, poetry writing contest, poetry reading contest, and drama performance.