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Journal : Social Science Academic

Implementasi Khotaman Al-Quran dalam Membentuk Karakter Religius IPNU IPPNU Desa Bekiring Eka Zahrotu Shokhifah; Hanafi Hadi Susanto
Social Science Academic SPECIAL ISSUE: Pengabdian Berdampak Membangun Potensi dan Transformasi Masyarakat
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/ssa.v0i0.3615


The formation of the Banom or IPNU IPPNU organization in Bekiring village, Pulung sub-district, Ponorogo, already has one of the programs, namely Al-Quran khotaman. The aim of this research is to describe the habituation of religious activities in forming religious character. The service method used is Asset Based Community Development (ABCD). Data collection techniques use observation, interviews and documentation. Because character education itself is a behavioral education that is formed through habitual action or habits and exemplary, to form the character itself there must be habituation that must be done. With the Khotaman Al-Qur'an activity, it is hoped that it will be able to provide understanding to youth and the community in Bekiring Village, Pulung District, to continue reading the Koran and be able to strengthen faith. The program is to make khotamil Qur'an activities as a medium of da'wah which aims to deepen religious knowledge and also to strengthen the IPNU IPPNU membership forum in Bekiring village, Pulung sub-district.
Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Ikatan Pelajar Nahdlatul Ulama Melalui Komplongisasi di Desa Bekiring Mega Putri Aulia; Hanafi Hadi Susanto
Social Science Academic SPECIAL ISSUE: Pengabdian Berdampak Membangun Potensi dan Transformasi Masyarakat
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/ssa.v0i0.3633


This study aims to find out how the strategy for implementing the complementary activities, how the methods used in the complementary activities. The method used in this study is the ABCD (Asset Based Community Driven-Development) method in the form of proper guidance and direction of activities. The results of the study show that the provision of public facilities can be realized through mutual cooperation which is reflected in the grouping activities. The conclusion from this study is that komplongisasi is one of the efforts to provide capital for community activities such as fees for garbage, street lights and various other joint fees. Komplongisasi also shows the traditions of the village community who continue to uphold mutual cooperation, togetherness and helping each other. By holding the komplongisasi tradition, several benefits are obtained, namely helping residents who have economic deficiencies, improving public facilities. Through the implementation of this activity, it can increase the independence of citizens to be able to meet the needs of residents, one of which is development through community self-help. The program for making compounding in Bekiring Village can run smoothly, along with the enthusiasm of the residents who take part in this program.
Peningkatan Kualitas Keagamaan Jamaah Ibu-Ibu Desa Bekiring Melalui Pelatihan Bilal Tahlil Rima Alfiatul Azizah; Hanafi Hadi Susanto
Social Science Academic SPECIAL ISSUE: Pengabdian Berdampak Membangun Potensi dan Transformasi Masyarakat
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/ssa.v0i0.3641


This study aims to determine the increase in the religious quality of the congregation of Bekiring Village women through community service in the form of Bilal Tahlil training. The method used in this research is ABCD (Asset Based Community Driven-Development) in the form of providing education in the form of Bilal Tahlil training by providing guidance and assistance in learning to read Tahlil properly and correctly. The result of this training is an increase in the religious quality of the congregation of Bekiring Village women which can be seen by the abilities possessed by the training participants in becoming Leader Bilal Tahlil after participating in the Bilal Tahlil training.
Pelatihan Bilal Tahlil dan Pendidikan Karakter pada Kader IPPNU di Desa Bekiring Ponorogo Rahmadina Laksana Putri; Hanafi Hadi Susanto
Social Science Academic SPECIAL ISSUE: Pengabdian Berdampak Membangun Potensi dan Transformasi Masyarakat
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/ssa.v0i0.3662


This study aims to determine the increase in the quality of religion and deepen the character education of IPPNU adolescents in Bekiring Village. Character education itself is a behavioral education that is formed through habitual action or habits and exemplary embodiment. To form a person with character, there must be learning or training that must be taught from an early age through dedication in the form of Bilal Tahlil training. The method used in this research is, To form a person with character, there must be learning or training that must be taught from an early age through dedication in the form of Bilal Tahlil training. The method used in this research is ABCD ( Assed community Development) in the form of providing education in the form of Bilal Tahlil training by providing guidance and assistance in learning to read Tahlil properly and correctly. The result of this training is an increase in the religious quality of IPPNU youth in Bekiring Village which can be seen by the abilities possessed by the training participants in becoming Bilal Tahlil after attending Bilal Tahlil training.
Peningkatan Sikap Moderat Remaja Melalui IPNU-IPPNU di Desa Bekiring Maskur Hanafia; Hanafi Hadi Susanto
Social Science Academic SPECIAL ISSUE: Pengabdian Berdampak Membangun Potensi dan Transformasi Masyarakat
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/ssa.v0i0.3671


Along with the emergence of complaints and problems faced by the NU Branch Management and the community in Bekiring Village, Pulung regarding increasing and strengthening the moderate attitude of youth who are not facilitated. From this, a solution emerged so that teenagers could be facilitated by how the moderate attitude of teenagers increased and became stronger, namely by forming an organized organization under the auspices of the Nahdlatul 'Ulama which is commonly called the Nahdlatul 'Ulama Student Association (IPNU) and the Nahdlatul 'Ulama Female Student Association (IPPNU). This program was assisted and accompanied by participants in the Community Service Lecture (KPM) group 3 of INSURI Ponorogo. This organization can become a bridge to improve and strengthen the moderate attitude of youth in Bekiring Village, which is the hope of the NU Branch Management and the local community. The methodology used in this program is through the coaching and actualization stages. Coaching is carried out by providing insight and understanding of organization, national insight and moderate attitudes among Jam'iyyah Nahdlatul 'Ulama. The results of increasing the moderate attitude of teenagers in this program can be seen from how the process is carried out during the coaching period and providing insight about moderation. And it can be concluded that the provision of guidance and insight into moderate attitudes can increase the moderate attitude of youth through the IPNU-IPPNU forum in Bekiring Village.
Meningkatkan Peran TPQ An-Nur Desa Bekiring Dalam Mengajarkan Tajwid Dewi Nofitasari; Hanafi Hadi Susanto
Social Science Academic SPECIAL ISSUE: Pengabdian Berdampak Membangun Potensi dan Transformasi Masyarakat
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/ssa.v0i0.3673


This research was motivated by the importance of studying tajweed. And also because it is motivated by the importance of understanding the material tajwid science because The law of reading the Qur'an with tajwid is fardhu 'ain, especially for future tahfidz students. This research is intended to answer these problems. The purpose of this learning is to improve the child's ability to read the Al-Qur'an properly and correctly. Knowledge of the study of the Qur'an is useful for believing and practicing the teachings of his religion so that children become someone who has a Muslim personality. The method used is the ABCD (Asset Based Community Development) approach by emphasizing empowerment, understanding the potential and challenges that are owned to improve the quality of individuals and groups. Based on the ABCD Method, the activity begins with conducting research or observing conditions in the field, the authors find that one of the problems in TPQ An-Nur Krajan Hamlet Bekiring Village is still lacking in the application of learning. This is due to the lack of teaching staff, namely there is only one teacher who does not mention the science of repitation in his lesson. It was from here that the KPM team saw potential with the hope of developing and looking for additional teaching staff who could help teach Mr. Kyai Jemangin as a teacher at TPQ An-Nur Bekiring Village.
Penguatan Karakter Cinta Sholawat Pada Santri Melalui Pendampingan Ekstraulikuler Hadroh di Madin Miftahul Ulum Kesugihan Pulung Ponorogo Ririn Supiyah; Hanafi Hadi Susanto
Social Science Academic SPECIAL ISSUE: Pengabdian Berdampak Membangun Potensi dan Transformasi Masyarakat
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/ssa.v0i0.3728


Islamic education is education that aims to form a complete human personality, form the character of love and prayer through hadroh extracurriculars which are closely related to religion. This study aims to find out the steps taken to strengthen the character of the love of prayer for students through Hadroh extracurricular assistance at Madin Miftahul Ulum Kesugihan Pulung Ponorogo. The method used in this research is Asset Based Community Development (ABCD). The stages of dedication using the ABCD method are contained in 5 (five) mentoring steps, namely discovery, dream, design, define, and destiny. The results of the study show that the steps taken to strengthen the character of the love of sholawat are carried out by introducing the figure of Rasulullah SAW, the exemplary attitude of Rasulullah SAW.
Penanaman Nilai-Nilai Keagamaan Melalui Sholat Sempurna di TPQ An-Nur Bekiring Ria Puspita Ayuningtyas; Hanafi Hadi Susanto
Social Science Academic SPECIAL ISSUE: Pengabdian Berdampak Membangun Potensi dan Transformasi Masyarakat
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/ssa.v0i0.3744


The values of worship as a form of fostering Islamic religious education in Madrasahs are an effort to create quality human resources, so that they are able to compete in the era of globalization as is happening today while still upholding the teachings of Islam. For this reason, the teacher as the main actor in instilling religious and religious values to students requires certain strategies so that the values of worship can be absorbed and become part of the daily lives of students.So this study aims to determine the religious values that are instilled in the students of tpq an-nur bekiring through perfect prayer. Perfect prayer is prayer that is performed in accordance with the correct procedure, the correct movement, and the correctreading according to Islamic guidance. the difference with ordinary prayers is that ordinary prayers are performed only with movements as in general prayers, without knowing how to do the correct movements and how to recite the correct prayers, so it is an ordinary prayer. how to teach TPQ An-nur children, especially on the practice of Asr prayer by focusing on reading and prayer movements.The menthod used in this research is ABCD (Asset Based Comunity development), where the primary data is taken thruogh the observatoin menthod by going directly to the object of research in order to get the results in accordance with what the researcher expects.
Labelisasi Pengurus Ranting NU dalam Peningkatan Ghirah Berkhidmat dan Membentengi dari Faham Radikalisme Desa Bekiring Ponorogo Ja'far Shodiq; Hanafi Hadi Susanto
Social Science Academic SPECIAL ISSUE: Pengabdian Berdampak Membangun Potensi dan Transformasi Masyarakat
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/ssa.v0i0.3757


This work and research program aims to reduce the influx of radicalism in Bekiring Village through dedication in the form of labeling/plangisation of Bekiring Village NU branch and committee members and also labeling of assets in the form of mosques, prayer rooms and also educational institutions such as Al-Quran Education Parks (TPQ) and so on. The method used in this study is ABCD (Asset Based Community Driven-Development) in the form of installing signs at the houses of the NU branch management and NU banom. The results of this study are that the impact of the work program is starting to be seen, namely an increase in enthusiasm to serve the NU Branch Managers of Bekiring Village to the NU organization, this was evidenced during the Clean village grand recitation on Monday evening Tuesday, August 7 2023 which was filled in by K.H.Ja'far Shidiq Al Badawi caretaker of the Sendang Drajad Jambon Islamic Boarding School, Ponorogo, all the administrators of the NU Branch and the NU Banoms worked together hand in hand to make the event a success, where previously there were gaps and miss communication between administrators now there has been good communication well, and also to prevent/protect radicalism from entering Bekiring Village, because they will think that their ideology has no room anymore in Bekiring Village, Pulung District, Ponorogo Regency.
Peran Majelis Solawat dalam Mencegah Degradasi Moral Remaja di Desa Bekiring Sugiyono Sugiyono; Hanafi Hadi Susanto
Social Science Academic SPECIAL ISSUE: Pengabdian Berdampak Membangun Potensi dan Transformasi Masyarakat
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/ssa.v0i0.3904


The solawat assembly is a religious assembly in which there are groups of people who chant solawat to seek intercession from Allah SWT. and the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Assemblies are a source of religious teachings that teach noble morals, provide guidance in life, help with mental difficulties and overcome moral problems. Moral problems are a problem that is becoming a ghost for today's society, because with technological advances and the era of existing morality starting to decline and even being ignored. Moral damage can interfere with shared comfort. The Zahrotul qolbi prayer assembly at Dsa Bekiring will have a tremendous impact on the moral degradation of youth. With this solawat assembly, youth in Bekiring Village will be filled with positive and religious activities that help reduce the moral degradation of youth. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method which is a study that describes natural phenomena that occur in the Bekiring Village Community environment, the approach used is a social and psychological approach. Collecting data using observation, interviews, and documentation. The resource persons were taken from members of the solawat assembly who are still active and the community. The results of this research are the role of the solawat assembly in building youth morality through religious activities including reciting solawat, routine recitation, spiritual cleansing and commemorating Islamic holidays.