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Jurnal Penelitian Politik Vol 12, No 1 (2015): Demokrasi, PEMILU Serentak, dan Pelembagaan Partai Politik
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Politik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (475.136 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/jpp.v12i1.527


Kepercayaan merupakan pondasi utama untuk membangun legitimasi politik dan keberlanjutan sistemdemokrasi. Sebagai negara demokrasi yang sedang berkembang, Indonesia menghadapi berbagai tantanganuntuk membangun kepercayaan politik pada masa transisi, khususnya pada dekade awal Orde Reformasi. Untukmengidentifikasi bangunan kepercayaan politik masyarakat Indonesia pada periode tersebut, artikel ini menganalisiskepercayaan politik pada lembaga-lembaga yang mendukung proses demokratisasi pada masa-masa kritis ini. Artikelini menawarkan dua argumen utama. Pertama, penelitian ini menunjukkan tren kepercayaan masyarakat Indonesiayang cukup tinggi pada lembaga-lembaga demokrasi. Meskipun demikian, sebagian besar responden justru tidakmempercayai partai politik. Kedua, studi ini menganalisis tingkat kepercayaan masyarakat Indonesia denganmengacu pada teori kepercayaan politik. Teori ini menyatakan bahwa tingkat kepercayaan politik dipengaruhi olehdua faktor utama. Pertama, adalah faktor dan budaya dan kedua adalah faktor rasionalitas dengan mengacu padakinerja kelembagaan. Hasilnya, studi ini mendukung asumsi bahwa tingkat kepercayaan politik Indonesia lebihditentukan oleh prestasi kelembagaan, khususnya demokrasi dan kinerja pembangunan ekonomi.Kata Kunci: kepercayaan politik, lembaga demokrasi, modal sosial, sistem politik Indonesia.
YOUTH AND NATIONALISM IN AN INDONESIAN BORDER COMMUNITY Yani, Andi Ahmad; Sangkala, Sangkala; Ramli AT, Muhammad; Burhanuddin, Agussalim; Ahmad, Badu
ISJN Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Volume 1 Issue 1 2019
Publisher : Indonesia Social Justice Network (ISJN)

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The spirit of nationalism in youth groups is still in the question due to globalization awareness. This becomes a bigger question in border communities since they may have ?split national identity? in the daily life. In most studies of nationalism, traditional and liberal notion are highlightedTamir,1993; Druckman, 1994; Ignatieff, 1994; Shulman, 2002;). Traditional nationalism mainly refers to the love of the country affected by emotional attachment as native citizens. Conversely, liberal nationalism implies to a concept of nationalism based on the value of rationality and the desire for more independent thinking. Since there has not been many studies discussing youth nationalism in border areas, this research aims to identify the nationalism dynamic of youth groups in Sebatik Island, a border area with Malaysia?s territory in North Kalimantan Province. The study used survey and interview methods with 115 twelfth-grade students of four senior high schools as the subjects. The numbers of respondents represented four sub-districts in Sebatik Island. Using purposive sampling methods, the researchers selected students who have obtained the right to vote to address their political view. The result indicated that the youths of Sebatik Island tended to have traditional rather than liberal nationalism
Jurnal Pemberdayaan: Publikasi Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 4, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (482.727 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/jp.v4i2.1950


Permasalahan empirik Badan Usaha Milik Desa adalah lemahnya kapasitas kelembagaan, yang meliputi lemahnya manajemen pengelolaan, rendahnya kualitas pengelola, dan lemahnya permodalan dan regulasi yang mendukung. Sehingga membutuhkan bimbingan teknis untuk peningkatan kapasitas kelembagaan. Kegiatan ini dilakukan melalui metode bimbingan teknis di Kecamatan Tellulimpoe Kabupaten Bone. Kegiatan tersebut telah dilakukan pada tanggal 28-29 Agustus 2019 bertempat di Aula Kantor Kecamatan. Bimbingan teknis ini diikuti oleh 35 peserta dari 11 Desa. Hasil yang diperoleh setelah di evaluasi menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang signifikan bagi peserta setelah mengikuti seluruh rangkaian materi yang disediakan. Tindak lanjut dari kegiatan ini disarankan agar pemerintah desa dan pengelola untuk mengambil kebijakan dan langkah secara teknis untuk meningkatkan profesionalisme pengelolaan dan lebih mengenali potensi bisnis inti Badan Usaha Milik Desa di setiap desa.
Reframing Concept of Governance in Public Administration Researches: A Philosophical Discussion Yani, Andi Ahmad
BISNIS & BIROKRASI: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Organisasi
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The concept of governance is widely employed in various field of studies. Governance also commonly employed to characterize institutions both in public sector institutions and private domains, describe both formal and informal organizations, and define both international and local networks. In the field of public administration, the concept of governance has been explored in last three decades. The usage of the word of governance could be in diverse ways and has various meanings which seems that governance is tend to be applied as rhetorical reasons rather than theoretical argumentations. This review article provides two philosophical approaches to understand governance concept in public administration study. They are pragmatic philosophy and phenomenology philosophy. Both philosophical approaches provide dynamic and complex issues that be considering by public administration scholars in future research agendas.
Policy Advocacy Training for Women Victims of Violence in Maros Regency Muh Tang Abdullah; Andi Ahmad Yani; Atta Irene Allorante; Amril Hans
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement) Vol 7, No 1 (2021): March
Publisher : Direktorat Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (758.504 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jpkm.38592


Cases of violence against women in Maros Regency are quite high. For example, in 2016, according to Department of Women Empowerment and Child Protection (DP3A) data, there were 68 cases and 21 police data cases. Likewise, divorce data in the Religious Courts are more caused by domestic violence. Of course, this social problem must be immediately addressed through local government policies. However, in fact, no policy specifically regulates the handling of this problem. Therefore, community service in the form of policy advocacy training for village women victims of violence needs to be carried out. This advocacy training was attended by 25 participants from various villages. Participants were provided with policy advocacy materials covering (1) government policies and programs on the protection of women; (2) the concept and practice of policy advocacy; (3) issues of violence and protection of women; (4) technical public speaking and lobby strategy, and (5) public opinion and press release materials. The results of the training evaluation resulted in an increase in knowledge and skills for participants after following the entire set of materials provided. Recommendations for activities are suggested to immediately take more concrete action in the form of policy advocacy to encourage the issuance of the Regional Regulation (Perda) of Maros Regency concerning Protection of Women from Violence
Indonesia’s Social Justice Indexes 2018 Sujarwoto Sujarwoto; Andi Ahmad Yani; Asal Erlin Mulyadi; Dominggus Elcid Li
ISJN Journal Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Volume 3 Issue 1, 2021
Publisher : Indonesia Social Justice Network (ISJN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38026/journalhsj.v3i1.52


We proposed measurement for Indonesia’s Social Justice Indexes (ISJI). Based on proposal, we calculated the indexes using national representatives’ surveys data and official public statistics. We adopted Alkaire Multidimensional Poverty measure to calculate the indexes. The score of social justice indexes of Indonesia in 2018 was 63.46. We confirmed that that citizens in Papua, West Papua and East Nusa Tenggara were the lowest among 34 provinces across archipelago. Addressing inequality of social justice development was critical for Indonesia development now and in the future. Abstrak Kami membuat indeks keadilan sosial Indonesia dan menghitung skor indeks keadilan sosial di 34 provinsi di Indonesia dengan menggunakan data yang bersumber dari beberapa survei nasional dan laporan statistik lembaga pemerintah. Kami menggunakan formula penghitungan kemiskinan multidimensional yang dibuat oleh Alkaire dkk. Hasil penghitungan indeks keadilan sosial Indonesia 2018 adalah 63.64. Skor indek terendah ada di Provinsi Papua, Papua Barat dan Nusa Tenggara Timur. Menghapus/mengurangi ketimpangan dalam pembangunan keadilan sosial adalah isu krusial dalam pembangunan Indonesia saat ini dan masa-masa yang akan datang.