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Eksistensi Pemaknaan Santet pada Pembaharuan Hukum Pidana Reski Anwar
ISLAMITSCH FAMILIERECHT JOURNAL Vol 2 No 01 (2021): Islamitsch Familierecht Journal
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Ekonomi Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/ifj.v2i01.1700


This paper discusses about witchcraft which is one of the controversial delict in draft criminal law september 2019 (RKUHP) in Indonesia. This is because most of the general public assumes that witchcraft is believed to be an act that can harm people, suffer and or even kill people. However, in accordance with the principle of legality and the difficulty of proof, witchcraft deeds so far can not be entered into the realm of justice so that it is not uncommon for people accused of witchcraft to lose their lives without going through legal process. Therefore, in this study by analyzing the witchcraft delict in the construction of RKUHP this study uses normative legal research methods whose data are obtained through literature studies. The results obtained revealed that witchcraft is a criminal act that must be constructed into the category of delik formil whose proof does not necessarily lead to the existence or absence of a supernatural force it self owned by the perpetrator or individual. However, what can be used as a delik is a criminal act committed that is a person who deliberately announces himself to have supernatural powers as article 252 paragraph 1 RKUHP.
ISLAMITSCH FAMILIERECHT JOURNAL Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Islamitsch Familierecht Journal
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Ekonomi Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/ifj.v4i1.3533


Abstract: The context of judicial pardon will be the focus of this journal. As a form of substansial justice, the current national Criminal Code recognizes the principle of pardoning judicials, especially for minor offenses involving short-term deprivation of rights. Additionally, this tenet can act as a foundation for balancing justice in society. Through the regulation of judge pardons in the national Criminal Code, efforts to reform material criminal laws are serious issues that require special attention. The way a judge grants a pardon is written suggests that the government wants to go back to how it was before in order to do justice and do it well. In order to account for a judicial's pardon, special conditions or restrictions are used as a reference point. It is impossible to combine the position of a judicial's pardon and its application in a decision, specifically a judicial's pardon decision, into a single free or adjudicated decision; rather, each decision must be considered separately. The draft Criminal Procedure Code and the current Criminal Procedure Code, which will soon be able to accommodate and serve as a direct bridge to prevent this article on the judge's pardon from becoming a wasted article also known as a death sentence are both in this position. Keywords: Judicial Pardon, Rechterlijk Pardon, Substantial Justice Abstrak: Jurnal ini secara khusus akan membahas pengaturan pemaafan hakim (judicial pardon). Pada KUHP nasional saat ini sudah mengenal yang namanya asas pemaafan hakim sebagai bentuk keadilan substansial yang bertujuan untuk sedapat mungkin menghindari hukuman penjara, terutama untuk kejahatan ringan yang melibatkan perampasan hak dalam jangka pendek. Asas ini juga bisa sebagai fondasi sebagai pedoman untuk menyeimbangkan keadilan yang ada didalam masyarakat. Upaya pembenahan undang-undang pidana materiil melalui pengaturan pengampunan hakim dalam KUHP nasional merupakan persoalan serius yang perlu menjadi perhatian khusus. Rumusan mengenai pengampunan hakim mengandung makna bahwa pemerintah berkeinginan untuk kembali kepada keadaan semula demi mewujudkan keadilan dan kembali kepada keadilan yang substansial. Batasan atau syarat khusus dijadikan tolak ukur dalam perumusan pengampunan hakim agar dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Kedudukan pengampunan hakim dan penerapannya dalam suatu putusan, yaitu putusan pengampunan hakim, tidak dapat dirumuskan menjadi satu putusan, baik bebas maupun putusan, melainkan menjadi putusan tersendiri. KUHAP saat ini dan Rancangan KUHAP yang akan datang secepatnya bisamengakomodir dan menjembatani langsung agar pasal pengampunan hakim ini tidak menjadi pasal yang terbuang sia-sia alias pasal mati. Kata Kunci: Pengampunan, Pemaafan Hakim, Keadilan Substansial
ISLAMITSCH FAMILIERECHT JOURNAL Vol 5 No 1 (2024): Islamitsch Familierecht Journal
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Ekonomi Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/ifj.v5i1.4627


Abstract: Violence is an act that causes pain or suffering, either directly or indirectly, to another person. Meanwhile, domestic violence is categorized as criminal behavior that has a negative impact on the victim; These adverse impacts may be physical, mental or psychological. Due to the negative impacts caused by this law and the large number of cases that frequently occur, a law has been developed that can regulate the eradication of this problem. This written study carried out a literary study. The research methodology implements a normative legal approach because research is not committed to discussing the implementation of regulations and the implementation carried out is a qualitative approach by collecting information from books and journals. Domestic violence (KDRT) is something that often occurs in social violence, where this violence is universal in nature because it can occur within a household without the division of culture, religion, national culture, and the nature of the perpetrators and the victims. Because of this, it can occur in households of ordinary, poor and remote families as well as households of rich, educated, well-known and prominent families. This means that here violence emerges as a result of each individual's personality without thinking in a healthy manner and a high level of egoism, the domestic violence criminal law regulates other ways of racial justice in the criminal law law book which not only regulates prison sentences and criminal law, that is, it can result in criminal wrongdoing. social and justice restoration programs implemented against someone who has committed an evil act. This is intended so that perpetrators do not carry out things that are completely despicable. Keywords: Violence Domestic, Perpetrators, Victims, Justice.