Punuindoong, Aneke
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JURNAL ADMINISTRASI BISNIS (JAB) Vol 5, No 002 (2017): Jurnal Adminnistrasi Bisnis
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35797/jab.5.002.2017.15692.%p


ABSTRAK. Given the number of malls and supermarkets (supermarket) which is located in the same area, then by itself would give birth to the fierce competition to seize visitors and buyers. Additionally the competition also came from some retailers in traditional markets and shops are scattered in the same area. Golden Supermarkets is one of the famous retail among some retail in the city of Manado. In the motion of daily operations, Golden Supermarkets as shopping centers provide a variety of different goods with different types, brands and sizes at varying price levels. Problem formulation, Based on the background outlined above, then the problem is: What is the quality of services that includes Tangible, Realibility, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy effect on customer satisfaction in the Golden Supermarket Manado.Objective, while the objectives of this research is to determine how much the quality of the services provided by Golden Supermarket. "Quality of service refers to judgments of customers about the core of this service and the service provider itself or the entire service organization, most people are now beginning to show demand towards service excellence, they are no longer just need a quality product, but they prefer to enjoy the convenience of service "The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative method in accordance with the purpose of the research presented in advance outlining the nature of the nature and looking for a systematic description of the facts under investigation From the discussion above results show that the performance of the services provided by the service provider is very influential on consumer satisfaction, the strategy adopted by a Golden Supermarket Manado, especially in the service sector should be implemented properly. It can be concluded, responsiveness (Responsiveness) is a variable that shows the desire and willingness of employees Golden in providing services to consumers Golden. The management of Golden should provide great motivation for all employees of Golden supports the activities of service to consumers in adil.Akan better if the motivation given to employees of Golden in the form of rewards according to ability.Keywords: Quality, Service, and Satisfaction
Pengaruh Periklanan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Pada PT. Astra International Daihatsu Malunsenge, Surandy; Tamengkel, Lucky F; Punuindoong, Aneke Y.
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35797/jab.0.0.2017.18914.%p


This research is based on thinking on several factors that influence consumers to buy in car dealers. With the growing efforts of the automotive industry today the level of competition among automotive industry is increasingly competitive, each dealer has a strategy in persuading the customers to choose and / or buy a car. Due to the innovation of marketing strategy changes and from the supporting factors such as; give Attention, desire analysis, ad image, techniques to increase attractiveness. And interesting advertising support will make consumers take a decision in buying at Astra international (Daihatsu). This activity was held at PT. Astra International Daihatsu branch Manado in order to know the relationship of these factors affect consumers to buy. Besides, this research is expected to be input to the leadership of PT. Astra International Manado and is a contribution in marketing and advertising strategy. Data collection using the instrument in the form of questionnaires / interviews, observation and document studies, and for data analysis using quantitative methods. The results of this study to answer the hypothesis there is a significant relationship factors that influence consumers to buy, with a determinant indicates 49.92% which means that the increase or decrease in customer savings depends on those factors are strong enough 0.7066%, the remaining 50.08% is another factor. Positive linear functional relationships of 1: 0.7378 scale means the increase in advertising will affect the increased purchase decision of 0.7378Keyword : Advertising, Costumer Decision
Pengaruh Komunikasi Pemasaran Terhadap Citra Perusahaan Jasa Penyewaan Alat Berat Pada PT. Buana Oto Mandiri Madengke, Anna N.; Sumampouw, Harry J.; Punuindoong, Aneke Y.
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35797/jab.0.0.2017.18377.%p


This research is motivated by the problems found in PT. Buana Oto Mandiri company, which there is a lack of public communication or communication to the public in the company's introduction and understanding of corporate image. The purpose of this study is to know the marketing communication whether there is influence on the image of heavy equipment rental companies at PT. Buana Oto Mandiri. Lack of public communication will have an effect and create a lack of trust from consumers in using the services of the company as a result will impact on the image of the company will decline. Therefore, it is necessary to have good communication to the community. Attractive and efficient communication will create trust by the public public to the company. And in the end there will be an increasing demand of heavy equipment rental services offered by the company. In this research, the method used is descriptive quantitative research method by spreading questionnaire 75 respondents who become sample in this research. The data were collected by questionnaires that have been tested for their validity and reliability. And writer’s data analysis is descriptive and inferential statistic, consisting of simple correlation coefficient and regression done by using program SPSS for windows version 23.0. The results showed that there is a significant influence between marketing communications on corporate image at PT. Buana Oto Mandiri and this means the work hypothesis or alternative hypothesis accepted. This means there is a positive influence between marketing communications to corporate image with a level of influence of 30.3%. For suggestions, companies are expected to maintain marketing communications because of the company's influential image in order to improve leasing. Keywords: Marketing comunication, corporate image.
Pengaruh Industri Gula Aren Terhadap Tingkat Kesejahteraan Rumah Tangga Di Desa Mopolo Kecamatan Ranoyapo Pusung, Rizky A.; Tumbel, Tinneke M.; Punuindoong, Aneke Y.
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35797/jab.7.2.2018.22030.10-20


Palm sugar is one of the most important food needs for daily needs in the household and food and beverage industries, both large and small. The activity of making palm sugar has long been carried out by the people of Mopolo Village, even some of them have carried out these activities for decades. Palm sugar is not only consumed by itself but also for sale. High economic value is one of the factors for brown sugar makers. The palm sugar industry is located in Mopolo Village, Ranoyapo District, Minahasa Selatan District North Sulawesi. Mopolo Village has a land area after expansion of approximately 1700 ha. ’'The Effect of the Palm Sugar Industry on the Household Welfare Levels of Industrial Owners in Mopolo Village, Ranoyapo District" has the formulation of the problem whether the Palm Sugar industry has an effect on the household welfare level of industrial owners in Mopolo Village, Ranoyapo District.This study aims to determine the effect of the Palm Sugar industry on the level of household welfare of industrial owners in Mopolo village, Ranoyapo. District. The object of this study is the owner of palm sugar industry in mopolo village, Ranoyapo sub-district, south Minahasa Sulawesi in the north.The results of hypothesis testing showed that industrial variables had a positive and significant effect on the level of household welfare of industrial owners. This study was the first study on palm sugar industry in mopolo village, Ranoyapo sub-district, minsel North Sulawesi.
Kelompok Usaha Pengolahan Buah Kelapa Sebagai Sumber Penghasilan Masyarakat Desa Tateli Kecamatan Mandolang Kabupaten Minahasa Provinsi Sulawesi Utara Walangitan, Olivia F. C.; Punuindoong, Aneke Y.
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35797/jab.7.2.2018.22028.1-5


Kelapa adalah bahan baku pembuatan minyak kelapa dan turunannya. Kelompok mitra yang dipilih adalah masyarakat desa Tateli.Dengan adanya kegiatan penyuluhan mengenai usaha pengolahan kelapa sebagai sumber penghasilan di lokasi mitra, maka diharapkan masyarakat sekitar termotivasi untuk ikut serta. Kelompok Usaha Pengolahan Buah Kelapa Sebagai Sumber Penghasilan Masyarakat Desa Tateli memberikan pengetahuan dan wawasana yang bermanfaat bagi mitra untuk mendistribusikan hasil produksi melalui salauran pemasaran, melalui pendekatan ekonomi masyarakat, untuk mengembangkan potensi usaha pengolahan buah kelapa.Melalui Program Kemitraan Masyarakat, dengan memberikan pemahaman dan pengetahuan tentang pengembangan dan usaha pengolahan buah kelapa melalui metode  penyuluhan / pemberian materi dan  akan berdamapak atau memberikan penigkatan produktivitas mitra, antara lain : Memberikan manfaat bagi mitra mengenai usaha pengolahan buah kelapa untuk masuk dalam komunitas kelembagaan melalui kegiatan usaha pengolahan buah kelapa, memberikan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan dalam mendistribusikan atau menjual hasil olahan buah kelapa, meningkatnya  kesadaran mengelola usaha untuk memperoleh pendapatan yang layak, meningkatnya jiwa kewirausahaan dan pengetahuan bagaimana mengembangkan usaha pengolahan buah kelapa, dapat bermanfaat bagi Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarkat Unsrat serta bermanfaat bagi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik jurusan Ilmu Administrasi khususnya Program Studi Administrasi Bisnis
Analisis Pelayanan Obat-Obatan Dalam Kepuasan Konsumen Pada Apotek Syalom Amurang Silalahi, Irene Sinta; Tampi, Johny R. E.; Punuindoong, Aneke Y.
JURNAL ADMINISTRASI BISNIS Vol 8, No 2 (2019): Marketing, Human Resources And Company Management
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This study aims to determine customer satisfaction with drug services at the Syalom Amurang Pharmacy. The focus of the research is, product quality, service quality, Emotional, Cost, and Price. The theory used in this study is the theory of Consumer Satisfaction by Lupyoadi. In this study using qualitative methods, data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews and documentation. The informants in this study were the Amurang City Community who had bought medicine at the Syalom Pharmacy. Location research at Syalom Amurang Pharmacy, with the basis used in law No. 25 of 2009 concerning the standard of public service, the standard of service that has been determined by the service unit, working to serve every citizen and resident to fulfill their rights is not the need for basic needs within the framework of service. Pharmacy units the importance of the service of medicines in community satisfaction can be measured by a predetermined standard, namely, service satisfaction for the services of the Syalom Pharmacy in Amurang in terms of service requirements, product quality, price, service quality, emotional, cost. From the 5 service standards there are results that state that they are not satisfied with the quality of service, product quality emotionally satisfied to eat a short service time, customer fees or rates according to and satisfied with service, price and cost, product quality, Syalom pharmacy Amurang field observation.
Pengaruh Faktor Pribadi Dan Psikologi Terhadap Keputusan Berlangganan TV Kabel Transvision Di Kelurahan Tongkaina Harun, Sharas Devi; Tamengkel, Lucky F.; Punuindoong, Aneke Y.
JURNAL ADMINISTRASI BISNIS Vol 8, No 1 (2019): Marketing And Financial Performance
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This study aims to determine: (1) the influence of personal factors on the decision to subscribe to Transvision cable TV, (2) the influence of psychological factors on the decision to subscribe to Transvision cable TV, and (3) the influence of personal factors and psychological factors on the decision to subscribe to Transvision cable TV. This study uses a quantitative approach by collecting data through literature and questionnaire methods. This study also uses saturated sampling techniques or sampling techniques if all populations are sampled. The sample in this study were 98 Transvision cable TV customers who included the Tongkaina urban community in Manado. Data collection techniques use questionnaires that have been tested for validity and reliability. The data analysis technique used to answer the hypothesis is multiple regression. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Personal factors have a positive effect on subscription decisions, as evidenced by the value of t count which is 2.363 with a significance value of 0.020, smaller than 0.05 and the regression coefficient has a positive value of 0.143. (2) Psychological factors have a positive effect on subscription decisions, as evidenced by the value of t count of 2.114 with a significance value of 0.037, smaller than 0.05 and the regression coefficient has a positive value of 0.145, and (3) Personal factors and psychological factors have a positive effect on subscription decision, evidenced by the results of F count of 5.236 with a significance of 0.007. The R square value or coefficient of 0.099 shows that the ability of the independent variable in explaining the variation of the dependent variable is 9.90%, while the remaining 90.10% is explained by other variables outside the study.
Analisis Pelayanan Obat-Obatan Dalam Kepuasan Konsumen Pada Apotek Syalom Amurang Silalahi, Irene Sinta; Tampi, Johny R. E.; Punuindoong, Aneke Y.
JURNAL ADMINISTRASI BISNIS (JAB) Vol 8, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35797/jab.8.2.2019.23564.67-74


This study aims to determine customer satisfaction with drug services at the Syalom Amurang Pharmacy. The focus of the research is, product quality, service quality, Emotional, Cost, and Price. The theory used in this study is the theory of Consumer Satisfaction by Lupyoadi. In this study using qualitative methods, data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews and documentation. The informants in this study were the Amurang City Community who had bought medicine at the Syalom Pharmacy. Location research at Syalom Amurang Pharmacy, with the basis used in law No. 25 of 2009 concerning the standard of public service, the standard of service that has been determined by the service unit, working to serve every citizen and resident to fulfill their rights is not the need for basic needs within the framework of service. Pharmacy units the importance of the service of medicines in community satisfaction can be measured by a predetermined standard, namely, service satisfaction for the services of the Syalom Pharmacy in Amurang in terms of service requirements, product quality, price, service quality, emotional, cost. From the 5 service standards there are results that state that they are not satisfied with the quality of service, product quality emotionally satisfied to eat a short service time, customer fees or rates according to and satisfied with service, price and cost, product quality, Syalom pharmacy Amurang field observation.
Pengaruh Faktor Pribadi Dan Psikologi Terhadap Keputusan Berlangganan TV Kabel Transvision Di Kelurahan Tongkaina Harun, Sharas Devi; Tamengkel, Lucky F.; Punuindoong, Aneke Y.
JURNAL ADMINISTRASI BISNIS (JAB) Vol 8, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35797/jab.8.1.2019.23497.28-35


This study aims to determine: (1) the influence of personal factors on the decision to subscribe to Transvision cable TV, (2) the influence of psychological factors on the decision to subscribe to Transvision cable TV, and (3) the influence of personal factors and psychological factors on the decision to subscribe to Transvision cable TV. This study uses a quantitative approach by collecting data through literature and questionnaire methods. This study also uses saturated sampling techniques or sampling techniques if all populations are sampled. The sample in this study were 98 Transvision cable TV customers who included the Tongkaina urban community in Manado. Data collection techniques use questionnaires that have been tested for validity and reliability. The data analysis technique used to answer the hypothesis is multiple regression. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Personal factors have a positive effect on subscription decisions, as evidenced by the value of t count which is 2.363 with a significance value of 0.020, smaller than 0.05 and the regression coefficient has a positive value of 0.143. (2) Psychological factors have a positive effect on subscription decisions, as evidenced by the value of t count of 2.114 with a significance value of 0.037, smaller than 0.05 and the regression coefficient has a positive value of 0.145, and (3) Personal factors and psychological factors have a positive effect on subscription decision, evidenced by the results of F count of 5.236 with a significance of 0.007. The R square value or coefficient of 0.099 shows that the ability of the independent variable in explaining the variation of the dependent variable is 9.90%, while the remaining 90.10% is explained by other variables outside the study.
Pengaruh Display Terhadap Perilaku Impulse Buying Di Transmart Bahu-Manado Tawas, Indry F. N.; Tamengkel, Lucky F.; Punuindoong, Aneke Y.
JURNAL ADMINISTRASI BISNIS (JAB) Vol 9, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35797/jab.9.1.2019.23713.137-146


This study aims to determine; the effect of variable display on impulse buying on Transmart Bahu-Manado.; to determine how much influence the display has on the behavior of impulse buying on Transmart Bahu-Manado. Consumer behavior is an action that is directly involved in acquiring, consuming, and spending, a product or service, including the process of decision that precedes and follows this action. Impulse buying is a purchase that is not planned in advance or is a spontaneous purchase, impulse buying occurs when consumers suddenly experience a strong and strong desire to buy something as soon as possible, spontaneously, reflex, sudden and automatic. Data obtained from questionnaires. The samples in this study were 97 respondents taken from the Accidental Sampling method. The analysis technique used simple regression technique and coefficient of determination (R square). The results of the study show that: display variables have a significant effect on impulse buying. It is expected that Transmart Bahu-Manado can maintain and even improve the arrangement of its products.