Kusuma, Sri A. F.
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

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Journal : Jurnal Farmasi Klinik Indonesia

Deteksi Gen Resistensi Kloramfenikol (cat) pada Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolat Klinik dengan Metode Polymerase Chain Reaction Milanda, Tiana; Dewi, Lisa K.; Kusuma, Sri A. F.
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 3, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1147.428 KB) | DOI: 10.15416/ijcp.2014.3.4.141


Pseudomonas aeruginosa adalah bakteri oportunistik Gram negatif yang menyebabkan infeksi pada mata, telinga, kulit, tulang, sistem saraf pusat, saluran pencernaan, sistem peredaran darah, jantung, sistem pernapasan, dan saluran kemih. Kloramfenikol saat ini tidak lagi digunakan sebagai obat pilihan karena banyaknya kasus resistensi terhadap antibiotik tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi keberadaan gen resistensi kloramfenikol pada P. aeruginosa isolat klinik. Bakteri ini diisolasi dari nanah pasien otitis eksternal di Rumah Sakit Dr. Hasan Sadikin (RSHS) Bandung. Metode Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR-koloni maupun PCR-DNA) digunakan untuk mendeteksi gen resistensi tersebut. Elektrogram dari produk PCR menunjukkan bahwa resistensi P. aeruginosa isolat klinik disebabkan oleh gen cat (317 pb). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, gen cat dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksiresistensi antibiotik kloramfenikol pada pasien otitis eksternal.Kata kunci: cat, gen resistensi kloramfenikol, polymerase chain reaction, Pseudomonas aeruginosa Detection of Chloramphenicol Resistance Genes (cat) in Clinical Isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa with Polymerase Chain Reaction MethodPseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic Gram negative bacteria, which may cause infection in eyes, ears, skin, bones, central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, circulatory system, heart, respiratorysystem, and urinary tract. Recently, chloramphenicol is no longer used as the main option of the therapy due of its resistance case. The aim of this research was to detect the presence of gene which is responsible to chloramphenicol resistance in clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa. These bacteria isolated from pus of external otitis patients in Hasan Sadikin Hospital in Bandung City. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method (colony-PCR and DNA-PCR) were performed to detect this resistance gene. Electropherogram from PCR products showed that the chloramphenicol resistance in clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa was caused by cat gene (317 bp). Based on this research, cat gene may be used to detect the chloramphenico resistance in patients with external ostitis.Key words: cat, chloramphenicol resistance gene, polymerase chain reaction, Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Pengaruh Kontaminasi Mikroba terhadap Kualitas Obat Antituberkulosis Racikan di Bandung Kautsar, Angga P.; Kusuma, Sri A. F.; Kurniawati, Kartini; Ab. Razak, Syahidah Binti
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (569.635 KB)


Berdasarkan profil tuberkulosis (TBC) Indonesia dari World Health Organization (WHO), total kasus baru penyakit TBC pada tahun 2011 adalah 313.601 kasus dan 8,9% melibatkan anak-anak di bawah 15 tahun. Tingkat kesembuhan TBC pada anak dipengaruhi terutama oleh kualitas pengobatan Obat Anti Tuberkulosis (OAT) yang diberikan. Pertimbangan pemberian obat dalam bentuk racikan tersebut karena perhitungan dosis dapat disesuaikan dengan berat badan dan umur anak secara lebih tepat. Tujuanpenelitian ini adalah mengukur pengaruh kontaminasi mikroba terhadap kualitas OAT racikan guna meningkatkan efek terapi yang diharapkan dan mencegah kegagalan pengobatan TBC. Uji kontaminasi mikroba menggunakan Metode Angka Lempeng Total (ALT). Hasil uji menunjukkan kondisi kadar kontaminasi mikroba seluruhnya dalam kategori memenuhi syarat. Kualitas obat racik menunjukkan 82% masuk dalam kategori cukup baik, dan 18% masuk dalam kategori baik. Kata kunci: Tuberkulosis, proses peracikan, Metode Angka Lempeng TotalEffect of Microbes Contamination in Quality of Compounding Antitubeculosis Drugs in BandungBased on The Indonesia’s TBC profile from WHO, total of TBC new cases in year 2011 is 313.601 cases and 8.9% involve children under age of 15. TBC cure rate for pediatric patient was influenced primarily by the quality of antituberculosis medicine given. Consideration of drug delivery in the form of compoundedmedicine because the dose can be calculated and adjust base on weight and age of the pediatric patient. The qualities of compounded medicine need to be monitored in order to increase the expected therapeutic effect and to prevent TBC treatment failure. Survey has been carried out in the level of microbecontaminations test using Total Plate Count Method (TPC). From the TPC test, all of the microbe contaminations tests (100%) show qualified levels of contaminations. Both of the results, the qualitiesof compounded medicine shows 82% categorize as good and 18% as very good.Key words: Tuberculosis, compounding processes, Total Plate Count Method
Polimorfisme Gen γ-Aminobutyric Acid Type A Receptor Subunit α-6 (GABRA6) dan Gangguan Kecemasan Barliana, Melisa I.; Purabaya, Carissa P.; Kusuma, Sri A. F.; Abdulah, Rizky
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 5, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (645.85 KB) | DOI: 10.15416/ijcp.2016.5.2.123


Gangguan kecemasan sering terjadi karena pengaruh lingkungan dan juga dipengaruhi oleh variasi genetik. Gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptors Subunit α-6 (GABRA6) adalah reseptor dari Gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA). Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) gen GABRA6 pada posisi rs3219151 (T1521C) mempengaruhi respon seseorang terhadap stres. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah identifikasi genotipe gen GABRA6 pada populasi di Kota Bandung serta korelasinya dengan kondisi stres. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 112 responden yang mengisi kuesioner The Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) untuk melihat kondisi stres. Sampel darah diambil untuk identifikasi variasi gen GABRA6 dan dianalisis menggunakan metode Polymerase Chain Reaction-Refractory Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) dengan enzim restriksi AlwN1. Hasil identifikasi gen GABRA6 menunjukkan bahwa sebesar 84 responden (75%) memiliki genotipe CC, 14 responden (12,5%) memiliki genotipe CT, dan 14 responden (12,5%) lainnya memiliki genotipe TT. Meskipun mayoritas responden memiliki genotipe CC, namun data genotipe tidak memenuhi asas kesetimbangan Hardy-Weinberg serta tidak ada korelasi antara variasi gen GABRA6 dengan kondisi stres yang menggunakan analisis bivariate (Chi-Square).Kata Kunci: GABRA6, Gangguan Kecemasan, Indonesia, PCR-RFLP, SNPγ-Aminobutyric Acid Type A Receptor Subunit α-6 (GABRA6) Gene Polymorphism and Anxiety Disorder Anxiety disorder caused by environmental factor and individual genetic variations. Gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptors Subunit α-6 (GABRA6) is γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA) receptor. Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) of GABRA6 gene at rs3219151 (T1521C) affected individual response of stress. The aim of present study was to identify GABRA6 genotype variations in Bandung city population and its correlation with stress condition. Samples were collected from 112 respondents who filled The Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) questionnaire for stress condition. Blood samples were collected and identification of GABRA6 gene was analyzed using Polymerase Chain Reaction‑Refractory Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) by AlwN1 restriction enzyme digestion. The result of present study showed that 84 respondents (75%) have CC genotype, 14 respondents (12.5%) have CT genotype, and other 14 respondents (12.5%) have TT genotype. Most of respondents have CC genotype but the data did not meet the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and showed no correlation between GABRA6 gene variations and stress condition using bivariate analysis (Chi-Square).Keywords: Anxiety disorder, GABRA6, Indonesia, PCR-RFLP, SNP
Deteksi Gen Resistensi Ampisilin (bla) pada Escherichia coli Isolat Klinik dengan Metode Polymerase Chain Reaction Milanda, Tiana; Saragih, Bonar C.; Kusuma, Sri A. F.
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 3, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (205.271 KB) | DOI: 10.15416/ijcp.2014.3.3.98


Escherichia coli merupakan bakteri batang Gram negatif yang dapat menjadi patogen jika jumlahnya meningkat atau berada di luar saluran pencernaan. E. coli yang patogen akan menghasilkan enterotoksin yang menyebabkan diare atau infeksi pada saluran kemih. Ampisilin merupakan salah satu antibiotik pilihan untuk mengatasi penyakit infeksi tersebut. Akhir-akhir ini ampisilin tidak lagi digunakan sebagai obat pilihan karena banyaknya kasus resistensi E. coli terhadap antibiotik tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mendeteksi keberadaan gen yang bertanggung jawab terhadap resistensi antibiotik ampisilin pada E. coli isolat klinik. Sampel yang digunakan adalah hasil isolasi urin midstream pasien dengan gejala sistitis di Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin (RSHS) Bandung. Uji resistensi antibiotik menggunakan metode Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), baik PCR-koloni maupun PCR-DNA. Berdasarkan hasil uji resistensi terhadap ampisilin, E. coli hasil isolasi telah resisten terhadap ampisilin. Elektroforesis hasil PCR-koloni dan PCR-DNA menunjukkan bahwa resistensi terhadap ampisilin disebabkan oleh gen bla berukuran 199 pb. Diperlukan pemilihan antibiotik yang selektif dan rasional untuk mencegah resistensi ampisilin pada pasien dengan gejala sistitis.Kata kunci: bla, Escherichia coli, gen resistensi ampisilin, polymerase chain reactionDetection of Ampicillin Resistance Genes (bla) in Clinical Isolates ofEscherichia coli with Polymerase Chain Reaction MethodEscherichia coli is a rod negative Gram which could be pathogenic, if its value increases or located in outer gastrointestinal tract. Pathogenic E. coli will produce enterotoxin which will cause diarrhea or infection in urine tract. Ampicilin was one of particular antibiotics to overcome infection. Ampicilinnowadays is no longer used as first choice medicine, because of its resistance case. The aim of this research was to detect the presence of gene which is responsible to ampicilin resistant E. coli. We used isolated midstream urine from cystitis object in Hasan Sadikin Hospital as samples. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method (colony-PCR and DNA-PCR) were performed to invenstigate the antibiotic resistency. Based on the result of antibiotic susceptibility testing to ampicillin, E. coli samples were resistant to ampicilin. Electropherogram products of colony-PCR and DNA-PCR showed that the resistance case of ampicilin caused by bla gene (199 bp). Our result suggested that bla gene may be use to detect the ampicilin resistance. Furthermore, selective and rational antibiotic treatment is required toprevent ampicillin resistance in patients with symptoms of cystitis.Key words: Ampicillin resistance gene, bla, Escherichia coli, polymerase chain reaction