Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017): Early Childhood: Jurnal Pendidikan


Nandhini Hudha Anggarasari (Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 May 2017


Abstraksi Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan strategi pembelajaran sosiodrama dan presentasi. Dugaan awal yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah ada perbedaan antara strategi pembelajaran sosiodrama dan presentasi. Strategi pembelajaran sosiodrama lebih efektif dalam penyerapan informasi pada mahasiswa daripada pembelajaran presentasi. Subjek penelitian adalah semua mahasiswa yang ada di kelas psikologi perkembangan di A dan B. Peneliti memberikan posttest setiap selesai melakukan presentasi dan sosiodrama di masing-masing kelas, kemudian mereview proses pembelajaran. Posttest dilakukan dalam 12 kali pertemuan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen Posttest Only, Equivalent Control Group Design, yaitu subjek yang diberi perlakuan merupakan keseluruhan subjek dalam kelompok tersebut. Metode analisis data dilakukan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan fasilitas program SPSS versi IBM 22,00 dan analisis data deskriptif dari hasil observasi. Teknik analisis uji U-Mann Whitney test menunjukkan skor p > 0,05 yang artinya tidak ada perbedaan antara menggunakan strategi pembelajaran sosiodrama dan presentasi. Namun, dari hasil rata-rata nilai posttest kelas, ditemukan bahwa kelas yang menggunakan metode sosiodrama memiliki nilai rata-rata yang lebih tinggi daripada metode presentasi. Kata kunci : strategi pembelajaran, sosiodrama, presentasi Abstract This study aims to determine the differences in learning strategies sociodrama and presentation. Initial allegations put forward in this study is there is a difference between learning strategies sociodrama and presentation. Sociodramas more effective learning strategies in the uptake of information on student learning rather than presentation. Subjects numbered are all students in the class in the A and B. Researchers gave posttest after each presentation and sociodramas in each class, and then reviewing the learning process. Posttest conducted in 12 meetings. The method used was experimental posttest Only, Equivalent Control Group Design, the subject being treated is a whole subject in the group. Methods of data analysis performed in this study using the facilities of IBM SPSS version 22.00 and descriptive data analysis of the results of observation. Engineering test analysis Mann Whitney U-test showed score p> 0.01, which means there is no difference between the use of learning strategies sociodrama and presentation. However, the results of the average posttest value, it was found that the class using sociodramas method has an average value higher than the method of presentation. Keywords: learning strategies; sociodramas; presentation

Copyrights © 2017

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Religion Humanities Education Social Sciences


EARLY CHILDHOOD EARLY CHILDHOOD is a scientific journal containing research results and community service related to Early Childhood, published by PG-PAUD, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Tasikmalaya. Published 2 times in 1 year in the field of Early Childhood ...