Jurnal Kelautan : Indonesian Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Vol 7, No 2: Oktober (2014)


Dafiuddin Salim (Prodi Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Lambung Mangkurat)
Yusli Wardiatno (Departemen Management Sumberdaya Perairan Institut Pertanian Bogor)
Luky Adrianto (Departemen Management Sumberdaya Perairan Institut Pertanian Bogor)

Article Info

Publish Date
02 Oct 2014


Makalah ini menilai efektivitas manajemen di Marine Sanctuary (Daerah Perlindungan Laut atau DPL) dari Mattiro Labangeng Kabupaten Village-Pangkep. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa dampak dan efektivitas proses manajemen dinilai menggunakan indikator, termasuk indikator biofisik, sosial ekonomi dan institusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada dampak positif dalam beberapa indikator ekologi (karang, ikan dan benthos), sosio-ekonomi dan institusi. The increasion total persen tutupan karang diikuti oleh kelompok meningkatkan ikan karang (indikator, target dan jurusan) dan benthos organisme di DPL. Dari sudut ekonomi ini pandangan, nilai-nilai ekonomi terumbu karang sumber daya dari kegiatan perikanan sebelum dan sesudah DPL adalah Rp 42,635,910.51/ha/tahun dan Rp 52,084,390.18/ha/tahun, masing-masing. Efektivitas DPL ini ditunjukkan oleh grafik teknik Amoeba dan hasil yang disajikan nilai-nilai positif. Ringkasan adalah nilai indikator saat ini lebih besar dari nilai ambang batas kritis / CTV.Kata Kunci: CTV, efektivitas, indikator, perlindungan laut, teknik amubaTHE EFFECTIVITY OF MARINE SANCTUARY MANAGEMENT (CASE STUDY OF MATTIRO VILLAGE OF LABANGENG PANGKEP DISTRICT)ABSTRAKThis paper is assessing management effectiveness in Marine Sanctuary (Daerah Perlindungan Laut or DPL) of Mattiro Labangeng Village-Pangkep Regency. It is showed that impacts and effectiveness of the management process was assessed using indicators, includes biophysical, socio-economic and institution indicators. The results showed that there are positive impacts in some indicators of ecology (corals, fish and benthos), socio-economic and institution. The increasion in percent total of coral cover was followed by the increasing groups of reef fish (indicators, targets, and majors) and benthos organisms in DPL. From economic’s point of views, the economic values of coral reefs resource from fisheries activities before and after DPL were Rp 42,635,910.51/ha/year and Rp 52,084,390.18/ha/year, respectively. Effectiveness of this DPL was shown by graph of Amoeba technique and results of that presented the positive values. The summary is current indicators values were greater than the critical threshold values/CTV.Keywords: amoeba technique, CTV, effectiveness, indicators, marine sanctuary

Copyrights © 2014

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This journal encompasses original research articles, review articles, and short communications, including: Marine and fisheries ecology and biology, Marine fisheries, Marine technology, biotechnology, Mariculture, Marine processes and dynamics, Marine conservation, Marine pollution, Marine and ...