Adi Husada Nursing Journal
Vol 3 No 1 (2017): Adi Husada Nursing Journal


Sukarno, Muchlis A.U.S, Mardiyono (Magister Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro Semarang, Magister Sains Terapan Poltekkes Semarang)

Article Info

Publish Date
24 Aug 2017


Sesak napas merupakan kondisi yang tidak nyaman. Pernapasan pasien PPOK rata-rata menjadi cepat, sehingga terjadi kelelahan otot diafragma, karena terjadi penurunan aktivitas sistem syaraf yang menurunkan aliran darah ke otot. Latihan pernafasan yoga (pranayama) merupakan latihan pernapasan dengan tehnik bernapas secara perlahan dan dalam, menggunakan otot diafragma, sehingga memungkinkan abdomen terangkat perlahan dan dada mengembang penuh. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh pemberian latihan pernafasan yoga (pranayama) terhadap dyspnea pasien PPOK. Penelitian ini menggunakan quasy experiment dengan 32 responden (intervensi dan kontrol) dengan alat ukur PFSDQ-M (pulmonary functional status and dyspnea modified). Penelitian dilaksanakan di RS Paru Dr. Ario Wirawan. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh pemberian latihan pernafasan yoga (pranayama) terhadap dyspnea pasien PPOK (p=0,001). Kata kunci : PPOK, Dyspnea, Latihan Pernapasan yoga (pranayama) ABSTRACT Shortness of breath is a condition that is uncomfortable. Breathing COPD patients on average to be fast, causing the diaphragm muscle fatigue, a decrease in the activity of the nervous system that reduce blood flow to the muscles. Yoga breathing exercises (pranayama) is a technique of breathing exercises with breathing slowly and deeply, using the diaphragm muscle, allowing the abdomen and chest lifted slowly swelled. The purpose of this study to identify the effect of yoga breathing exercises (pranayama) to dyspnea patients with COPD. This study uses quasy experiment with 32 respondents (intervention and control) measuring devices PFSDQ-M (pulmonary functional status and dyspnea modified). The research was conducted on Dr. Ario Wirawan Lung Hospital. The results show is the effect of yoga breathing exercises (pranayama) to dyspnea COPD patients (p = 0.001). Keywords: COPD, dyspnea, yoga breathing exercises (pranayama) DAFTAR PUSTAKA Black J. M., & Hawk J. H. (2014). Keperawatan Medikal Bedah : Manajemen Klinis untuk Hasil yang Diharapkan. (Edisi 8). St. Louis: Elsevier. Inc. 2014. Alsagaff H & Mukty H. M. (2006). Dasar-Dasar Ilmu Penyakit Paru. Surabaya: Airlangga University Press. Smeltzer, S.C., & Bare, B.G. (2006). Texbook of Medical Surgical Nursing 10th. Philadelphia. Lippincott Raven Publishers. Celli B. R. (2004). Standards for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. American Thoracic Society dan European Respiratory Society. New York. Worby C. (2007). Memahami segalanya tentang yoga : Tingkat kekuatan, kelenturan, dan kesehatan anda (S.C. Simanjuntak, trans). In Y.I Wahyu (Eds). Yoga : Everything yoga book. Jakarta : Karisma Publishing Group. Sindhu P. (2015). Panduan Lengkap Yoga : untuk hidup sehat dan seimbang. Bandung. Qanita. Ruprai K. R., Kamble P., Kurwale M. (2013). Effect of Yoga Training on Breathing Rate and Lung Functions in Patients of Bronchial Asthma. International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology. Vol. 5, Issue 3. (2004). Human Physiology : From Cells to Systems. 6th edition. USA : Thomson. Dharma K. K. (2011). Metodologi Penelitian Keperawatan : Panduan melaksanakan dan menerapkan hasil penelitian. Jakarta : Trans Info Media. (2005). Statistik untuk Penelitian. Bandung: CV. Alfa Beta. Sastroasmoro S. & Ismael S. (2010). Dasar-dasar Metodologi Penelitian klinis (3th ed). Jakarta: Sagung Seto. Stanley et al. (2011). Benefits of a holistic breathing technique in patients on hemodialysis Nephrology Nursing Journal : 38(2) 149-152. Profil Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Tengah Tahun 2011. Sani R. (2013). Yoga Untuk Kesehatan. Dahara Prize. Semarang. Lindberg et al. (2005). Prevalence of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease According to BTS, ERS, GOLD and ATS Criteria in Relation to Doctor’s Diagnosis, Symptoms, Age, Gender, and Smoking habits. Respiration (72) : PP 471-479. Kovelis D et al. (2008). Validation of The Modified Pulmonary Functional Status and Dyspnea Questionnaire and The Medical Research Council Scale for Use in Brazilian Patients With Cronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. J Bras Pneumol. Vol 34(12): 1008-1018. Katiyar K. S., Bihari S. (2006). Role of Prnayama in Rehabilitation of COPD patients – a Randomized Controlled Study. Indian J Allergy Asthma Immunol. 20 (2) PP : 98-104. DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT PDF >>

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Nursing Public Health


Adi Husada Nursing Journal (AHNJ) is a peer review and open access journal that publishes scientific work in the field of nursing (print ISSN: 2443-4019, e-ISSN: 2502-2083). The journal has been published since 2015 and was developed by the Research and Community Service Unit, STIKes Adi Husada. The ...