Vol 23, No 3 (2013): Sejarah, Konseptualisasi, dan Praksis Tradisi Kreatif Seni

Proses Kreatif Koreografi Karya Tari ‘Subur’

Dwi Maryani (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Sep 2013


ABSTRACT This paper describes the creative process of choreography of fat people. It also explains that a dancer with a fat posture is not always unpleasant. A fat person is more represented, in a posi- tive way of thinking, with “subur” person. The questions to be discussed are: how is the character of dance movement of the fat people? And how is the choreography of the fat people in order to be looked beautiful and attractive? The creative process has been conducted through analyzing self dance movements and comprehending someone’s painting works. The result of the study shows that dances which are performed by fat people can also be looked attractive, smooth and beautiful. Keywords: creative process, choreography  ABSTRAK Tulisan ini menguraikan proses kreatif koreografi orang bertubuh gemuk. Tulisan ini juga menjelaskan bahwa seorang penari bertubuh gemuk tidak selalu jelek. Orang yang gemuk,  dalam  pengertian  positif,  lebih  banyak  diartikan  dengan  orang  yang  ‘subur ’. Permasalahan yang diangkat ialah bagaimana karakter gerak tarian orang bertubuh ge- muk? Serta bagaimana koreografi orang bertubuh gemuk agar kelihatan indah dan me- narik? Proses kreatif dilakukan melalui penelaahan gerak-gerak dari diri sendiri serta pemahaman terhadap karya seni lukis seseorang. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa ta- rian yang ditampilkan oleh orang gemuk bisa juga terlihat menarik, halus, dan indah. Kata kunci: proses kreatif, koreografi  

Copyrights © 2013

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Panggung is online peer-review journal focusing on studies and researches in the areas related to performing arts and culture studies with various perspectives. The journal invites scholars, researchers, and students to contribute the result of their studies and researches in those areas mentioned ...