Media Akuakultur
Vol 12, No 1 (2017): (Juni, 2017)


Raden Roro Sri Pudji Sinarni Dewi (Pusat Riset Perikanan)
Evi Tahapari (Balai Riset Pemuliaan Ikan)

Article Info

Publish Date
15 Aug 2017


Peningkatan produksi ikan lele perlu didukung oleh ketersediaan benih berkualitas baik. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengujian penggunaan benih unggul ikan lele hasil seleksi (strain Mutiara) dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai performa hasil seleksi terhadap pertumbuhan, sintasan, konversi pakan, rasio RNA/DNA, dan nilai bioekonominya. Pengujian dilakukan di sentra budidaya ikan lele di Kabupaten Sleman. Hasil pengujian pertumbuhan pada kolam tembok berukuran 12,5 m2 menunjukkan bahwa strain Mutiara menunjukkan bobot akhir, sintasan, dan biomassa panen yang lebih tinggi (P<0,1) dibandingkan strain lokal. Strain Mutiara lebih efisien dalam memanfaatkan pakan dibandingkan strain lokal yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai FCR yang lebih rendah. Pertumbuhan strain Mutiara yang lebih cepat didukung oleh peningkatan rasio RNA/DNA yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan strain lokal. Berdasarkan analisis nilai bioekonomi, biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk menghasilkan 1 kg ikan lele strain Mutiara lebih murah (Rp 12.576,-) dibandingkan strain lokal (Rp 15.105,-). Nilai BCR pada budidaya ikan lele strain Mutiara (1,3) lebih tinggi dibandingkan strain lokal (1,1), yang menunjukkan bahwa budidaya ikan lele strain Mutiara lebih menguntungkan dibandingkan strain lokal. Keuntungan yang diperoleh pada budidaya ikan lele strain Mutiara (31,2) mencapai tiga kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan strain lokal (9,9), berdasarkan nilai pengembalian modal (ROI). Masa pengembalian modal (PP) pada budidaya ikan lele strain Mutiara (3,2 siklus) adalah 3 kali lebih singkat daripada strain lokal (9,9 siklus).The effort to increase African catfish production should be supported by the availability of good quality seed. In this study, we evaluated the performance of superior African catfish seed (Mutiara strain) that was resulted through selection program on growth, survival rate, feed conversion ratio, RNA/DNA ratio, and bioeconomic paramaters. The experiment was conducted at the center of catfish farming in Sleman District. Fish were cultivated in 12.5 m2 concrete pond. The result showed that the use of Mutiara strain could significantly increase growth, survival rate, and biomass harvest (P<0.1)). Mutiara strain were more efficient at utilizing feed than that of local strains which was indicated by low FCR value. The fast growth of Mutiara strain correlated with the increase of RNA/DNA ratio. Based on the analysis of bioeconomic value, the cost for producing 1 kg of Mutiara strain (IDR 12,576) was lower than that of local strain (IDR 15,105). The BCR value for Mutiara strain farming (1.3) was higher than that of local strain (1.1), indicated that Mutiara strain farming was more beneficial than that of local strain. The value of return of investment (ROI) for Mutiara strain (31.2) was three times higher than that of local strain (9.9). The payback period (PP) on the Mutiara strain farming (3.2 cycles) was shorter than that of local strain (9.9 cycles).

Copyrights © 2017

Journal Info





Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology


Media Akuakultur as source of information in the form of the results of research and scientific review (review) in the field of applied aquaculture including genetics and reproduction, biotechnology, nutrition and feed, fish health and the environment, and land resources in ...