Indonesian Journal of Conservation
Vol 2, No 1 (2013): IJC


Bayu Argadyanto Prabawa, Ahmad Cahyadi Efrinda Ari Ayuningtyas ( Magister Perencaan Pengelolaan Pesisir dan Daerah Aliran Sungai (MPPDAS), Fakultas Geografi Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Jun 2013


Karst area in Gunungkidul Regency has a unique hydrological conditions. Groundwater system in this region is dominated by dissolution cracks which caused drier conditions at the surface. The condition also causes the groundwater in this area have groundwater vulnerability to pollution is high. Some of the results of previous studies is that some sources of water from groundwater in karst areas in Gunung Escherecia coli bacteria contaminated. These bacteria are thought to originate from the sanitary conditions are not good. This paper discusses the sanitary conditions in Gunungkidul karst area, sanitation systems are in harmony with conservation of groundwater in karst areas, as well as to discuss the efforts that must be done so that the sanitary conditions in Gunungkidul karst area be in harmony with the conservation of groundwater in the region. Sanitary conditions in Gunungkidul karst area is currently in poor condition so it could potentially cause contamination of groundwater in the region. Sanitary waste can be managed with the use of septic tank system modifications such as tripikon-s which will produce output that is environmentally friendly. As well as the system of sanitation in Gunungkidul karst area is more suited made ​​with system communal, is built on the karst alluvial plains with adding a channels filters which can be utilized as a media crop. Keywords:  Karst, Groundwater Vulnerability, Groundwater Conservation, Sanitation  Kawasan Karst Gunungkidul memiliki kondisi hidrologi yang unik. Sistem airtanah di kawasan ini di dominasi oleh celah-celah hasil pelarutan yang menyebabkan kondisi kering di permukaan. Kondisi tersebut juga menyebabkan airtanah di kawasan ini memiliki kerentanan airtanah terhadap pencemar yang tinggi. Beberapa hasil penelitian terdahulu menyebutkan bahwa beberapa sumber air yang berasal dari airtanah di Kawasan Karst Gunungkidul telah tercemar bakteri Escherecia coli. Bakteri ini diperkirakan berasal dari kondisi sanitasi yang tidak baik. Makalah ini membahas kondisi sanitasi di Kawasan Karst Gunungkidul, sistem sanitasi yang selaras dengan upaya konservasi airtanah di kawasan karst, serta untuk membahas upaya yang harus dilakukan agar kondisi sanitasi di Kawasan Karst Gunungkidul dapat selaras dengan upaya konservasi airtanah di kawasan tersebut. Kondisi sanitasi di Kawasan Karst Gunungkidul saat ini masih dalam kondisi kurang baik sehingga sangat berpotensi menyebabkan terjadinya pencemaran airtanah di kawasan tersebut. Limbah sanitasi dapat dikelola dengan menggunakan sistem septic tank modifikasi seperti tripikon-s yang akan menghaasilkan keluaran yang ramah lingkungan. Selain itu, sistem sanitasi di Kawasan Karst Gunungkidul lebih cocok dibuat dengan sistem komunal, dibangun pada dataran aluvial karst dengan menambahkan saluran penyaring yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai media tanaman. Kata Kunci:  Karst, Kerentanan Airtanah, Konservasi Airtanah, Sanitasi  

Copyrights © 2013

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The Indonesian Journal of Conservation [p-ISSN 2252-9195] is a journal that publishes research articles and conservation-themed conservation studies, including biodiversity conservation, waste management, green architecture and internal transportation, clean energy, art conservation, ethics, and ...