Volume 7, No.2, Mei 2012


Susihono, Wahyu (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
15 Feb 2013


PT Sumiati Ekspor Internasinal bergerak pada usaha penjualan handycraft yang dipasok oleh lima industri kecil binaannya. Perusahaan akan melakukan privatisasi dalam waktu dekat, manajer pusat menginginkan ada satu industri kecil mengambil alih pengelolaan. Pihak manajemen perusahaan menghendaki ada penilaian teknologi secara internal dan eksternal kepada lima industri kecil binaanya sebagai dasar pengambilan keputusan. Dalam Penelitian ini dilakukan penilaian kepada semua industri kecil pemasokhandycraft dengan pendekatan model teknometrik, yaitu memperkirakan derajat sophistication komponen teknologi, evaluasi tiap komponen technoware, humanware, inforware dan organware dan menilai state-of-the-art. Kuesioner yang disebarkan dari lima industri kecil diolah menggunakan pairwise comparison Analytic Hierarchy Process”(AHP), dilanjutkan dengan perhitungan TCC (Technology Contribution Coefficient). Penilaian internal perusahaan dilakukan dengan model DEA (data envelopment analysis). Hasil akhir TCC dan DEA secara kuantitatif dibandingkan. Hasil TCC (Technology Contribution Coefficient) secara berturut-turut dari industry yang memperoleh nilai terbesar adalah Industri Maharani 52.23%, Industri Bestari 42.87%, Industri Priyo 41.51%, Industri Rizky 32.66%, Industri Teguh 31.93%. Unsur kontribusi teknologi terbesar yang dihasilkan industri Maharani adalah organware, sedangkan empat perusahaan lainnya humanware. Unsur teknologi yang harus dikembangkan dalam jangka pendek untuk semua industri kecil adalah technoware. Hasil penilaian internal perusahaan dengan model DEA menunjukan bahwa industri Maharani mempunyai rangking tertinggi, sedangkan Industri Rizki pada rangking terrendah. Model teknometrik dikombinasi pairwise comparison AHP dan DEA dapat membantu perusahaan besar melakukan penilaian teknologi kepada industri kecil sejenis. Kata Kunci : penilaian teknologi, model teknometrik, pairwise comparison AHP, DEA   Abstract Sumiati Export International Corporation is one of handicraft companies supplied by five small industry of its trainee. Since the company will be privet in a short time, the head office manager wanted one of small industries take over its management. Therefore the company needs to determine one of small industry which is the best. The management intends to make an assessment of technology to five small industries of its trainee internally and externally as the basic of decision making. This research will be held by making an assessment to all of handicraft suppliers by using technometric model approach. In this approach assessment conducted by determining degree of technology component sophistication, valuing state-of-the-art, determining contribution of technology component, making the map of relation between the components, and valuing intensity of contribution components. The questioners spreading to five small industries analyzed by pairwise comparison Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) then concluded by the calculation of TCC (Technology Contribution Coefficient). The company made internal assessment by using DEA (data envelopment analysis) model then compare the result of TCC white DEA quantitatively. TCC result showed that the values of the industry in a row are Maharani by 52.23%, Bestari by 52.23%, Priyo by 41.51%, Rizky 32.66%, and Teguh by 31.93%. The greatest contribution for Maharani came from organware while the rest companies came from humanware. In the future, all of small industries expected to develop technology known by technoware. The Result of internal assessment of Sumiati Export International Corporation by DEA model showed that Maharani in the first position and Rizky in the last position. Technometric model with combination of pairwise comparison AHP aids big companies to make technology assessment to small industries. Keywords: assessment of technology, technometric model, pairwise comparison AHP, DEA

Copyrights © 2012

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Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering


J@ti Undip: Jurnal Teknik Industri [e-ISSN 2502-1516] merupakan jurnal nasional yang mengangkat tulisan-tulisan penelitian dalam disiplin ilmu teknik industri. Pertama kali terbit sejak tahun 2006 hingga saat ini dengan frekuensi terbit tiga (3) kali dalam setahun. Setiap edisi terbitan berisi 8 ...