Journal of Pharmaceutics and Pharmacology
Vol 1, No 1 (2012)

Formulasi Gel Dari Ekstrak Rimpang Jahe Merah (Zingiber officinale Roscoe)

Ester Natalia Panjaitan (Universitas Sumatera Utara)
Awaluddin Saragih* (Universitas Sumatera Utara)
Djendakita Purba (Universitas Sumatera Utara)

Article Info

Publish Date
29 Dec 2012


Background: Red ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) is a tribe of Zingiberaceae plants that have been used as medicine from generations to generations because they have the highest volatile compound (essential oil) and non-volatile compound (oleoresin) when compared with other types of ginger. Red ginger rhizome is commonly used as a cure for colds, indigestion, lowering cholesterol level, as an analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and others. Objective: To formulate red ginger rhizome extract in a gel dosage form and to determine the best formula based on the quality of the physical and organoleptic assessment test. Results: The results of the characteristic examination of the dried red ginger rhizome were 7.96% of water content, 21.78% water-soluble extract content, 10.43% ethanol-soluble extract content, 3.42% total ash content, and 1.32% acid insoluble ash content. The result of the stability preparation showed no change in consistency, color, and smell except for the 8% gel preparation that had changing in consistency, which was phase separation during storage. The resulted gel preparations were homogeneous and has a pH range from 5.3 to 6.0. The gel preparation viscosity decreased during storage. In irritation test, 6 and 8% gel preparations could caused redness and itchy on the skin.Methods: The examination stages were the characteristic of the dried red ginger rhizome, extraction by percolation using 96% ethanol, then the extract was concentrated using a rotary evaporator and dried with a freeze dryer to obtain the viscous extract, basic gel preparation using hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) with the concentrations of the red ginger extract 2, 4, 6, and 8%, the determination of the physical quality of the preparation for 12 weeks at room temperature included checking the stability and homogenity, the determination of pH, viscosity, and skin irritation test of 12 volunteers, as well as organoleptic assessment test using hedonic method with 20 volunteers based on the smell, the sensation in the skin, and the color of the preparation parameters. Conclusion: The extract of red ginger rhizome can be formulated in HPMC-based gel and the best formula based on physical and organoleptic assessment test is the formula with 4% of red ginger rhizome extract. Key words: gel, red ginger, Zingiber officinale ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Jahe merah (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) merupakan tumbuhan suku Zingiberaceae yang sudah digunakan sebagai obat secara turun-temurun sejak dulu karena mempunyai komponen volatile(minyak atsiri) dan non volatile (oleoresin) paling tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan jenis jahe yang lain. Rimpang jahe merah biasa digunakan sebagai obat masuk angin, gangguan pencernaan, menurunkan kadar kolesterol, sebagai analgesik, antipiretik, antiinflamasi, dan lain-lain.Tujuan: Memformulasi ekstrak rimpang jahe merah dalam sediaan gel dan menentukan formula sediaan yang paling baik berdasarkan mutu fisik dan uji penilaian organoleptik sediaan.Metode Penelitian: Tahapan penelitian ini adalah pemeriksaan karakteristik simplisia, pembuatan ekstraksecara perkolasi menggunakan pelarut etanol 96%, kemudian dipekatkan menggunakan rotary evaporator dan dikeringkan denganfreeze dryersehingga diperoleh ekstrak kental, pembuatan sediaan gel berbasishydroxy propyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) dengan konsentrasi ekstrak rimpang jahe merah 2, 4, 6, dan 8%, penentuan mutu fisik sediaan selama 12 minggu pada suhu kamar meliputi pemeriksaan stabilitas dan homogenitas, penentuan pH, viskositas, dan uji iritasi terhadap kulit 12 sukarelawan, serta uji penilaian organoleptik sediaan dengan metode Hedonik menggunakan 20 sukarelawan berdasarkan parameter aroma, sensasi di kulit, dan warna sediaan.Hasil: Hasil pemeriksaan karakteristik simplisia diperoleh kadar air 7,96%, kadar sari larut air 21,78%, kadar sari larut etanol 10,43%, kadar abu total 3,42%, dan kadar abu tidak larut asam 1,32%. Hasil pemeriksaan stabilitas sediaan menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada terjadi perubahan konsistensi, warna, dan aroma kecuali pada sediaan gel 8% yang mengalami perubahan konsistensi, yaitu pemisahan fase selama penyimpanan. Sediaan gel yang dihasilkan homogen dan mempunyai range pH 5,3-6,0. Sediaan gel mengalami penurunan viskositas selama penyimpanan. Pada uji iritasi, sediaan gel 6% dan 8% dapat menyebabkan kulit kemerahan dan gatal-gatal.Kesimpulan: Ekstrak rimpang jahe merah dapat diformulasi dalam sediaan gel berbasis HPMC danformula sediaan yang paling baik berdasarkan mutu fisik dan uji penilaian organoleptik sediaan adalah formula sediaan gel dengan ekstrak rimpang jahe merah 4%. Kata kunci: gel, jahe merah, Zingiber officinale*Korespondensi penulis:

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Medicine & Pharmacology


Journal of Pharmaceutics and Pharmacology is a monthly published online journal by Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sumatera Utara. This journal publishes scientific articles which are based on research in pharmacy field, particularly in pharmaceutical technology and ...