SYARIATI : Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an dan Hukum
Vol 2 No 02 (2016): SYARIATI : Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an dan Hukum

The Scientific Revolution of Thomas Kuhn and Their Relevances for Humanization of Islamic Law

Muhamad Ali Mustofa Kamal (Universitas Sains Al Qur`an)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Nov 2016


This paper tries to explore the views of Thomas Kuhn that science is moving through the stages that will culminate in normal conditions and then "rot" because it has been replaced by science or new paradigm. So next. The new paradigm threatens the old paradigm that had previously become the new paradigm. With this thinking concept, Thomas Kuhn is not just a major contribution in the history and philosophy of science, but more than that, he has initiated the theories that have broad implications in the social sciences, arts, politics, education and even religious sciences , provide an important contribution in order to project humanization Islamic sciences. in showing Islamic humanist deconstruction re the primary sources of Islam, namely the Qur'an and Tafseer already should keep abreast of the needs of Muslim humanist paradigm so that the functional interpretation theories and theories of literacy is very possible to grow, to challenge the needs of the times.

Copyrights © 2016

Journal Info





Religion Humanities Economics, Econometrics & Finance Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice


Jurnal Syariati adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Syari’ah dan Hukum Universitas Sains Al-Qur`an. Terbit pertama kali tahun 2015. Jurnal ini fokus pada studi Al-Qur`an dan Hukum dengan berbagai pendekatan keilmuan. Redaksi mengundang para ahli, peneliti, dan segenap civitas ...