Jurnal Manajemen Update


Admin, ALBER SEAN SIMBOLON B1024161008 (Unknown)

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Publish Date
19 Feb 2020


ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research evaluation is to analyze the effect of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, trust, customer satisfaction and intention to reuse online payments in Pontianak. In current technological developments or better known as the 4.0 era. In the complex, namely in the world of business, politics, social and education. This research is a quantitative study using a survey method with a questionnaire as a tool to obtain data. Questionnaires were given to 100 samples that met the requirements. In this case my research target was adults in Pontianak who were invited for a minimum of 17 years. This study uses a data analysis model of partial least square structural equations (SEMPLS). To conduct the analysis using the PLS method, this study uses a smartPLS 3.0 data testing machine. The hypothesis of this study is H1: perceived ease of use has a significant effect on online payment reuse intentions, H2: perceived benefits of online payment reuse intentions, H3: trust in online payment reuse intentions and H4: customer satisfaction with repayment intention on line. The results of this study prove that H1, H2, H3 and H4 were accepted.Key word: Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness, Trust, customer satisfaction and Online payment reuse intention             References(Al-Mamary, Al-nashmi, Hassan, & Shamsuddin, 2016). A Critical Review            of Models and Theories in Field of Individual Acceptance of Technology          VOL. 9. No.6 (2016). Pp. 143-158 Alreck.P& R.Settle (2004), Survey Research Handbook (third ed.), McGraw Hill, New York,NYAnderson, E., and Weitz, B. (1989). Determinants of Continuity in Conventional   Industrial Channel Dyads. Marketing Science, 8 (4), 310-323.  Anderson, J. C., and Gerbig, D. W. (1988). 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