Vol 13, No 1 (2020): Al-Kauniyah Jurnal Biologi


Robika Robika (Universitas Bangka Belitung)
Henri Henri (Universitas Bangka Belitung)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Apr 2020


AbstrakHabitat alami Hoya coronaria di Pulau Bangka adalah di hutan kerangas yang miskin hara, kondisi mikroklimat yang ekstrem dan rawan gangguan kebakaran hutan. Evaluasi adaptasi morfologi dan fisiologis enam varietas H. coronaria di luar habitat alaminya perlu dilakukan untuk mendukung upaya konservasi Hoya. Percobaan dirancang dan dilaksanakan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap faktorial dengan terdiri dari 2 faktor. Faktor pertama: intensitas cahaya terdiri dari tiga taraf, yakni 15 klux (naungan 75%), 23 klux (naungan 50%), dan 59 klux (tanpa naungan). Faktor kedua yakni varietas H. coronaria berdasarkan variasi warna bunga yang terdiri dari enam taraf (V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, dan V6). Intensitas cahaya tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap variabel panjang ruas, jumlah ruas, jumlah buku, dan kandungan klorofil pada enam varietas H. coronaria yang diamati. Intensitas cahaya berpengaruh nyata terhadap variabel panjang batang, diameter batang, dan jumlah daun enam varietas Hoya. Semua varietas H. coronaria menunjukkan mampu tumbuh pada kisaran intensitas cahaya 15–59 klux. Namun, respon pertumbuhan yang ditunjukkan oleh keenam varietas berbeda-beda. Lima varietas menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang relatif stabil pada berbagai perlakuan intensitas cahaya, sedangkan satu varietas yaitu V2, menunjukkan adanya perlambatan pertumbuhan pada intensitas cahaya rendah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, keenam varietas Hoya lebih tepat dibudidayakan pada lokasi yang lebih banyak terkena cahaya.Abstract Hoya coronaria's natural habitat on Bangka Island is in nutrient-poor heath forests, extreme microclimate conditions and prone to forest fires. Evaluation of the morphological and physiological adaptations of six H. coronaria varieties their natural habitat outside needs to be done to support Hoya's conservation efforts. The experiment was designed and carried out using a factorial complete randomized design with treatment consisting of 2 factors. The first factor is the light intensity consists of three levels namely: 15 klux (75% shade), 23 klux (50% shade), and 59 klux (without shade). The second factor is H. coronaria variety based on flower color different which consists of six levels (V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, and V6). The intensity of the light did not significantly affect the variable length, segment number, number of node and chlorophyll content in the six varieties of H. coronaria observed. Light intensity significantly affected the variable length of the stem, stem diameter and number of leaves of six Hoya varieties. All H. coronaria varieties were shown to be able to grow in the range of light intensities of 15–59 klux. However, the growth response shown by the six different varieties. Five varieties showed relatively stable growth in various light intensity treatments, while one variety, V2, showed a slowing down of growth at low light intensity. The results of this study suggest that, the six Hoya varieties are more precisely cultivated in locations where more light is exposed.

Copyrights © 2020

Journal Info





Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology Materials Science & Nanotechnology


Al-Kauniyah: Jurnal Biologi (p-ISSN: 1978-3736, e-ISSN: 2502-6720) is an Open Access Journal published by Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, and established since 2007. Since 2016 Al-Kauniyah has established a collaboration ...