Jurnal Edukasi Sumba (JES)
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017)


Kristoforus Dowa Bili (STKIP Weetebula)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Oct 2017


Human life is dynamic. In its dynamics, education is one sector that influences the quality of human life in the world, including rural communities. Thus, Education is the spearhead of a country [province, district, sub-district, and village]. Through this idea, education must be the main concern of all citizens, especially the villagers. With primary attention to education, the progress achieved through it can be experienced. The reality shows a significant gap when villagers have not put education as the spearhead of progress. As a result, financial use is prioritized for various non-educational matters, one of which is culture. This has an effect on the low attention to the cost of education so that it places villagers in a vortex of lagging. This scientific paper aims to make villagers understand the importance of education as the spearhead of the progress of a region; understand the type of education or the Three Education Center in Indonesia; understand the benefits or uses of education; and realize "education as a future investment in rural communities". The results of this work were obtained through the study of various literature. The various library sources are mixed into a work that is presented to readers, especially the village community. Thus, through this scientific work the villagers are expected to touch on the importance of education as the spearhead of progress. Therefore, the thoughts and priorities of financial use are prioritized for the education of children as future generations and future investments.

Copyrights © 2017

Journal Info







Jurnal Edukasi Sumba (JES) merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang mulai diterbitkan pada tahun 2017 dan menerbitkan artikel ilmiah hasil penelitian di bidang pendidikan secara umum yang mencakup Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK), pengembangan model dan teknologi pembelajaran, analisis pendidikan baik pada ...