Jurnal Forum Nuklir
JFN Vol 3 No 1 Mei 2009


Ngasifudin . (Pusat Teknologi Akselerator dan Proses Bahan Jl.Babarsari Kotak Pos 1008, Yogyakarta 55010 Telp. 0274 488435 Faxs 487824)

Article Info

Publish Date
28 Jun 2013


The transport phenomena of cobalt-60 (Co-60) in the soillayer has been investigated using column and batch methods. The association of Co-60 with soil and its components were studied by extraction methods. The concentration profile of Co-60 in the soil column was composed of two logarithmic curves that showing Co-60 would be consist of mobile and immobile fraction. The immobile fraction of Co-60 was adsorbed by soil and was distributed near in the top of column. Although the mobile Co-60 was little sorbed by soil and migrated through the soil column, themaximum concentration of Co-60 in the effluents decreased slightly with increasing length of the soil column. Extraction of Co-60 from the soil and from its components showed that Co-60 was sorbed by manganese oxide and clay minerals. Manganese oxide is one of the soil components that could be decrease the maximum concentration of Co-60 in the effluents. Although the content of manganese oxide in the soil was 0.24-0.29%, manganese oxide is the important component to preventthe migration of Co-60 in the low acidic solution.Keywords : Transport phenomenon, Cobalt-60, soil component Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang fenomena gerakan Kobalt-60 (Co-60) pada lapisan tanah yang dilakukan secara kolom dan batch. Penggabungan Co-60.dengan tanah dan komponennya dipelajari dengan serangkaian teknik ekstraksi. Gambaran konsentrasi Co- 60 di dalam kolom tanah tersusun oleh dua kurva logaritma yang menunjukkan Co-60 terdiri atas fraksi gerak dan tidak-gerak. Fraksi Co-60 tidak-gerak diserap oleh tanah dan didistribusikan di dekat bagian atas kolom. Meskipun Co-60 fraksi gerak hanya sedikit terserap oleh tanah dan di-transportkan melalui kolom tanah, konsentrasi maksimum Co- 60 di dalam efluen sedikit menurun dengan kenaikan panjang kolom tanah. Ekstraksi Co-60 dari tanah dan komponennya menunjukkan bahwa Co-60 diserap oleh mangan dioksida dan komponen lempung. Mangan oksida merupakan salah satu komponen tanah yang dapat menurunkan konsentrasi maksimum Co-60 di dalam efluen. Bahkan kandungan mangan oksida 0,24-0,29% dalam tanah menjadi komponen penting untukmencegah proses transport Co-60 pada larutan keasaman rendah.Kata kunci : Fenomena transport, Kobalt-60, komponen tanah 

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Journal Info





Materials Science & Nanotechnology


Jurnal Forum Nuklir (JFN) adalah jurnal ilmiah bertaraf nasional dengan ruang lingkup semua aspek yang terkait dengan ilmu pengetahuan nuklir, teknologi nuklir, termasuk pendidikan dan sumber daya manusia nuklir. JFN (ISSN 1978-8738) diterbitkan oleh Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nuklir BATAN ...