Jurnal Tata Boga
Vol 8, No 2 (2019)



Article Info

Publish Date
11 Jan 2019


AbstrakBrownies kukus tepung jagung dan tepung kacang merah dimasak dengan cara dikukus. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui: 1) pengaruh proporsi tepung jagung dan tepung kacang merah terhadap sifat organoleptik yang meliputi warna, tekstur, aroma, rasa, dan kesukaan brownies kukus, dan 2) kandungan gizi brownies kukus hasil uji organoleptik terbaik meliputi karbohidrat, protein, lemak, kalsium, fosfor, dan serat. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan perlakuan proporsi tepung jagung dan tepung kacang merah yaitu: (1:1), (3:2), (7:3), dan (4:1). Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara observasi 30 panelis. Analisis data menggunakan statistik uji Anova tunggal (One Way Anova) dengan program SPSS dan uji lanjut Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Uji kandungan gizi meliputi karbohidrat, protein, lemak, kalsium, fosfor, dan serat. Penelitian menunjukkan: 1) proporsi tepung jagung dan tepung kacang merah berpengaruh nyata terhadap sifat organoleptik aroma, rasa, dan kesukaan brownies kukus, namun tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap warna, dan tekstur, dan 2) brownies kukus terbaik yaitu formula J4K1 dengan proporsi tepung jagung dan tepung kacang merah (4:1). Berdasarkan uji kimia pada produk terbaik kandungan gizi brownies kukus terdiri dari karbohidrat 55,08%, protein 7,81%, lemak 5,72%, kalsium 21,80 mg, fosfor 381,5 mg, dan serat 3,82%. Pada satu takaran saji brownies kukus seberat 34 g/potong dapat mensuplai gizi anak umur 7-9 tahun sebanyak : energi 5,84 % (108 kkal), karbohidrat 7,23% (18,36 g), protein 5,33% (2,61 g), lemak 2,66% (1,91 g), kalsium 0,77% (7,27 mg), fosfor 12,32% (123,17 mg), dan serat 4,93% (1,28 g). Kata Kunci : Brownies kukus, Tepung Jagung, dan Tepung Kacang Merah Abstract Steamed brownies of corn flour and red bean flour are cooked by steaming. The research aims to: 1) the effects of the proportion of corn flour and red bean flour on organoleptic properties including color, texture, aroma, taste and preference for steamed brownies, and 2) the nutritional content of steamed brownies from the best organoleptic tests including carbohydrates, proteins, fats, calcium, phosphorus, and fiber. This type of research is an experimental study with the treatment of the proportion of corn flour and red bean flour, namely: (1: 1), (3: 2), (7: 3), and (4: 1). Data collection techniques in this research were conducted by observing 30 panelists. Data analysis used single ANOVA (One Way Anova) test statistics with SPSS program and Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) advanced test. Tests for nutrient content include carbohydrates, protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, and fiber. The results: 1) the proportion of corn flour and red bean flour has a significant effect on the organoleptic properties of aroma, taste, and preference for steamed brownies, but does not significantly affect color, texture, and 2) the best steamed brownies, namely J4K1 formula with the proportion of corn flour and red bean flour ( 4: 1). Based on chemical tests on the best products the nutritional content of steamed brownies consisted of 55.08% carbohydrates, 7.81% protein, 5.72% fat, 21.80 mg calcium, 381.5 mg phosphorus, and 3.82% fiber. At one serving of steamed brownies weight 34 g / piece can supply the nutrition of children aged 7-9 years as much as: energy 5.84% (108 kcal), carbohydrates 7.23% (18.36 g), protein 5.33% ( 2.61 g), 2.66% fat (1.91 g), 0.77% calcium (7.27 mg), 12.32% phosphorus (123.17 mg), and 4.93% fiber (1 , 28 g). Keywords: Steamed Brownies, Corn Flour, and Red Bean Flour

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