Majalah Kedokteran Bandung
Vol 47, No 2 (2015)

Ekstrak Air Daun Padi Memperbaiki Hematopoesis pada Tikus yang Terpajan Plumbum

Santosa, Budi (Unknown)
Sunoko, Henna Ria (Unknown)
Sukeksi, Andri (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Jun 2015


Plumbum (Pb) asetat menyebabkan gangguan hematopoesis melalui hambatan biosintesis heme dan defisiensi enzim G-6PD yang menimbulkan penurunan hemoglobin dan jumlah eritrosit, serta peningkatan sel retikulosit. Ekstrak daun padi mengandung protein metallothionein yang mengikat Pb. Tujuan penelitian adalah membuktikan ekstrak daun padi memperbaiki gangguan hematopoesis pada tikus terpajan Pb. Metode penelitian adalah randomized post test only control-group design, 28 tikus dibagi ke dalam 4 kelompok yaitu 1 kelompok kontrol dan 3 kelompok perlakuan. Kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan dipajan Pb 0,5 g/kgBB/hari dan kelompok perlakuan diberi ekstrak daun padi 0,2; 0,4; 0,8 setiap hari melalui sonde sampai minggu ke-8. Hari terakhir  minggu ke-8 diperiksa jumlah kadar Hb menggunakan cyanmethemoglobin dan jumlah eritrosit diukur menggunakan haematology analyzer, serta retikulosit menggunakan pengecatan BCB. Tempat penelitian dilaksanakan di LPPT UGM dan laboratorium biomedik UNIMUS Semarang, Maret–Mei 2014. Perbedaan antarkelompok untuk kadar Hb dan jumlah eritrosit dilakukan uji one way enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ANOVA) dan Kruskal-Wallis untuk jumlah retikulosit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar Hb rata-rata mengalami kenaikan tidak bermakna (p=0.81), jumlah eritrosit rata-rata tidak ada perbedaan antara kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan (p=0,83), jumlah retikulosit rata-rata menurun bermakna dari kelompok kontrol sampai perlakuan (p=0,00). Simpulan, ekstrak daun padi mampu memperbaiki hematopoesis pada tikus terpajan Pb. [MKB. 2015;47(2):84–90]Kata kunci: Ekstrak daun padi, hematopoesis, pajanan Pb, tikusRice Leaf Water Extract Improves Hematopoiesis in Lead-Exposed Rats  Abstract Plumbum ( Pb ) acetate leads to hematopoiesis disruption by inhibiting heme biosynthesis and creating G-6PD enzyme deficiency, leading to decreased hemoglobin concentration and red cell count as well as  increased reticulocyte cells. Rice leaf extract contains metallothionein proteins that bind Pb. This study aimed to prove the ability of rice leaf extract wa to improve hematopoiesis disorder conditions in rats exposed to Pb. The method used was the randomized post-test only control group design. Twenty eight rats were divided into 4 groups: 1 control group and 3 treatment groups . In the control group and the treatments groups, the experimental rats were treated with 0.5 g/kg/day Pb. The treatment groups were treated by 0.2, 0.4, and 0.8 rice leaf extract, respectively, every day for 8 weeks. On the last day of the 8th week, blood samples were collected for Hb concentration measurements using cyanmethemoglobin and the erythrocytes and reticulocytes number were counted using a hematology analyzer and BCB, respectively. This study was conducted in LPPT UGM and Biomedicine UNIMUS in March–May 2014. The differences between groups in hemoglobin and erythrocyte parameters were tasted  using one way ANOVA while  Kruskal-Wallis test was used for the reticulocyte count. The results show that rice leaf extract treatment to rats exposed to Pb did not affect Hb (p=0.81) and erythrocytes count  (p=0.83), However, the mean reticulocyte count decreased significantly in Pb-exposed rats treated with rice leaf extract (p=0.00). In conclusion, rice leaf extract is able to improve hematopoiesis in rats exposed to Pb. [MKB. 2015;47(2):84–90]Key words: Hematopoiesis, Pb, rice leaf extract, rat DOI: 10.15395/mkb.v47n2.458

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Medicine & Pharmacology


Majalah Kedokteran Bandung (MKB)/Bandung Medical Journal publishes peer-reviewed original articles and case reports in basic medical research, clinical research, and applied medical science. This journal is published quarterly (March, June, September, and December) by Faculty of Medicine Universitas ...