Vol 10, No 1 (2017): Al-Kauniyah Jurnal Biologi


Mote, Norce (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
29 Apr 2017


Abstrak Salah satu sumberdaya hayati perairan muara yang penting adalah jenis-jenis ikan. Muara sungai Kumbe adalah daerah estuari yang memainkan peran strategis bagi kelangsungan sumber daya ikan di Kabupaten Merauke. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman jenis ikan di Muara Sungai Kumbe Kabupaten Merauke. Pengambilan sampel ikan dilakukan selama bulan Februari hingga Juli 2016 pada tiga stasiun pengamatan. Alat tangkap yang digunakan adalah jaring insang berukuran 1; 1,5; 2 inci dan pukat pantai. Sampel ikan yang diperoleh di lapangan diawetkan dengan formalin 10%. Parameter biologi yang diamati adalah kekayaan jenis, indeks keragaman (H’), indeks kemerataan (E) dan indeks dominansi (C). Hasil penelitian diperoleh kekayaan jenis berkisar 24─38 jenis; H’= 2,993,51; E= 0,97─1,22. Indeks keragaman jenis dan kemeretaan cukup tinggi dan ikan yang mendominasi setiap stasiunnya bervariasi. Ikan penghuni perairan pesisir hingga muara sungai yang bersubstrat pasir, lumpur, berbatu dan tergolong memiliki distribusi yang luas adalah Nibea saldado, Pennahia macrocephalus, Hilsa kelee dan Mugil dussumieri, sedangkan ikan penghuni muara sungai dengan substrat pasir berbatu adalah Kurtus gulliveri. Abstract One of the important aquatic biological resources at estuarine is the various kind of fish. Estuarine of Kumbe River is an area which plays a strategic role for the survival of fish resources in Merauke. The aims of this study are to determine the diversity of fish species in the estuary of Kumbe River at Merauke regency. The fish sampling was carried out during six months i.e. between February and July 2016 at three observation stations. There were two fishing gears used in this research, which were gill-nets with mesh size 1; 1.5; 2 inches and beach seine. Fish samples obtained in the field were preserved by using 10% formalin. Biological parameters measured were species richness, diversity index (H'), evenness index (E) and dominance index (C). The results obtained the species richness of 24─38 species; H '= 2.99 to 3.51; E= 0.97 to 1.22. The value index of species diversity and evenness were quite high, and the fish species that dominated at each station were varied. The fishes inhabitant of coastal waters up to the river mouth have substrates of sand, mud, rocky and classified as having a wide distribution were Nibea saldado, Pennahia macrocephalus, Hilsa kelee and Mugil dussumieri, while the fish mouth of the river with rocky sand substrate was Kurtus gulliveri. 

Copyrights © 2017

Journal Info





Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology Materials Science & Nanotechnology


Al-Kauniyah: Jurnal Biologi (p-ISSN: 1978-3736, e-ISSN: 2502-6720) is an Open Access Journal published by Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, and established since 2007. Since 2016 Al-Kauniyah has established a collaboration ...