Vol 3, No 1: Januari, 2020


Iman Rubiana (Universitas Siliwangi Tasikmalaya)
Fegie Rizkia Mulyana (Universitas Siliwangi)
Ari Priana (Universitas Siliwangi)

Article Info

Publish Date
16 Jan 2020


ABSTRAKTujuan pengabdian ini memasyarakatkan olahraga dan mengolahragakan masyarakat dengan senam umum didaerah perumahan. Karena banyak kendala yang didapat pada setiap perumahan yaitu keadaan sosial didalam perumahan yang terasa asing dikarenakan penghuni berasal dari warga baru yang tidak saling mengenal dan kehidupan warga yang hanya berkonsentrasi kepada pekerjaan dan kebutuhan keluarga masing-masing, serta hilangnya kesempatan dan waktu untuk bersilaturahmi serta berolahraga. Selain faktor tersebut dampak dari era globalisasi serta kemajuan teknologi bisa membuat manusia dihinggapi penyakit hipokinetik. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan di dua perumahan yaitu perumahan margabakti duta pratama dan perumahan grand citra ciakar kecamatan cibereum kota tasikmalaya sebanyak 6 kali. Hasil pengabdian melalui senam umum ke warga Perum Margabakti Duta Pratama dan Perum Grand Mutiara Citra Ciakar, Cibeureum Tasikmalaya, masing-masing warga perum merasakan hal positif seperti terjalinnya keakraban dan kebersamaan sesama warga dan terlihat antusias dalam berolahraga.Kata Kunci : masyarakat, olahraga, senam umum ABSTRACTThe purpose of this service is to promote sports and sports people with general gymnastics in residential areas. Because there are many obstacles encountered in every housing, which are social conditions in housing that are unfamiliar because the residents come from new residents who do not know each other and the lives of residents who only concentrate on their work and family needs, and the loss of opportunity and time to stay in touch and to exercise. In addition to these factors, the impact of the globalization era and technological advances can make humans infested with hypokinetic disease. The dedication was carried out in two housing estates namely margabakti ambassador Pratama housing and the grand image of ciakar ciib cibereum sub-district of Tasikmalaya city 6 times. The results of dedication through public gymnastics to the residents of Perum Margabakti Duta Pratama and Perum Grand Mutiara Citra Ciakar, Cibeureum Tasikmalaya, each of the residents of Perum felt positive things such as the establishment of intimacy and togetherness among residents and looked enthusiastic in exercising.Keywords: community, sports, general gymnastics

Copyrights © 2020

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