Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Vol 8, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Teknik Sipil


Simatupang, Partogi H. (Unknown)
Kaputing, Arlend R. P. (Unknown)
Kumalawati, Andi (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
29 Jul 2019


Wilayah Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) termasuk daerah tektonik yang mengakibatkan sering terjadi gempa di wilayah perairan laut maupun daratan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui respon struktur dengan analisis riwayat waktu yang ditinjau berdasarkan displacement dan drift. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, dilakukan penelitian tentang respon struktur pada salah satu portal Gedung Keuangan Negara Kupang dengan metode time history (analisis riwayat waktu). Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan software SAP2000 dan dibagi kedalam 2 jenis yaitu analisis linear dan analisis nonlinear.Hasil dari analisis tersebut digunakan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar displacement dan mengontrol level kinerja struktur. Kesimpulan dari penelitian menunjukkan diplacement terbesar terjadi pada lantai paling atas sebesar 0,0123 m dalam arah memanjang dan sebesar 0,0248 m dalam arah melintang. Menurut Applied Technology Council (ATC) 40, gedung termasuk dalam taraf kinerja Immediate Occupancy (IO). DenganMaksimal Drift = 0.000436 m dan Maksimal In-elastic Drift = 0.000167 m dalam arah memanjang dan Maksimal Drift = 0,000881 m dan Maksimal In-elastic Drift = 0,000517 m dalam arah melintang. Analisis linear dan analisis nonlinear mendapatkan hasil yang sama baik itu displacement maupun level kinerja gedung.East Nusa Tenggara region is included in the tectonic region that always cause earthquake often in water and land region. The purpose of this research is to find the structure response with the time history analysis that considerate on the displacement and the drift of the structure.Based on that, the researcher has done some research on the structure response on one of the frame in Finances Building in Kupang with the time history method. The analysis that has been done by use the SAP2000 software and divided into 2 kind that are linear analysis and non linear analysis. The result of the analysis will be used to find how much the displacement that happen and to control the level of structure performance. The conclusion of this research is to show the highest displacement that happen on the high story that is 0,0123 meter in longitudinal direction and 0,0248 meter in transverse direction. According to Applied Technology Council 40, the building will be count as Immediate Occupanc. With the maximum drift is 0,000436 meter and the maximum in-elastic drift is 0,000167 meter in longitudinal direction and maximum drift is 0,000881 meter and the maximum in-elastic drift is 0,000517 meter in transverse direction. The linear analysis and the non linear analysis get the same results on the displacement and the performance level of the building.

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