Sirok Bastra
Vol 7, No 2 (2019): Sirok Bastra

KONSTRUKSI INGATAN BUDAYA DAN IDENTITAS PAHLAWAN NASIONAL DALAM KARYA SASTRA SEBAGAI BUDAYA MATERIAL (The Construction of Cultural Memory and Identity of National Heroes in Literary Works as Material Culture)

Cut Novita Srikandi (Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang)

Article Info

Publish Date
31 Dec 2019


AbstrakKajian tentang ingatan budaya menekankan bahwa ingatan kita ternyata sangat selektif. Ingatan budaya dapat dikomunikasikan melalui media tertentu. Media-media tersebut dapat berupa bentuk budaya material yang paling dasar misalnya pidato lisan, cerita kakek tentang masa lalu, dan dapat pula berupa budaya material yang biasanya memiliki wujud dan beroperasi melalui sistem simbolik seperti monumen, foto sejarah, lukisan, film dokumenter, novel historis, dan bangunan-bangunan sejarah. Dengan demikian, karya sastra dapat ditempatkan sebagai salah satu budaya material. Mengingat eratnya keterkaitan ingatan budaya dengan budaya material, tulisan ini berupaya mengungkap bagaimana budaya material dan pembentukan ingatan budaya dapat menjadi kajian yang menarik dalam penelitian sastra. Tulisan ini mengungkap bagaimana representasi ingatan budaya tokoh pahlawan nasional di dalam berbagai budaya material, termasuk karya sastra. Representasi ini terkait dengan identitas budaya tokoh pahlawan nasional tersebut yang menjadi bagian dari ingatan budaya masyarakat Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapatnya perbedaan yang cukup siginfikan dalam representasi tokoh pahlawan nasional dalam masing-masing budaya material, terkait identitas budaya yang dihadirkan. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ‘cara mengingat’ mempengaruhi pembentukan budaya material termasuk karya sastra dan identitas budaya terhadap tokoh pahlawan nasional yang pernah hidup di suatu masa.Kata kunci: budaya material, ingatan budaya, penelitian sastra sejarah, konstruksi identitas AbstractThe focus of cultural memory studies emphasizes on our selective memory. Cultural memory would be communicated by certain media. These media can These media can be the most basic forms of material culture such as oral speech, grandfather's story about the past, and can also be a material culture that usually has a form and operates through a symbolic system such as monuments, historical photographs, paintings, documentaries, historical novels, and historical buildings. Thus, literary works can be placed as one of material culture. Considering the close relationship between cultural memories and material culture, this paper seeks to reveal how material culture and the formation of cultural memories can be interesting studies in literary research. This paper will reveal how the cultural memory representation of national hero figures in various material cultures, including literary works. This representation is related to the cultural identity of the national hero who takes part of the cultural memories of the Indonesian people. The results showed that there were significant differences in the representation of national hero figures in each material culture, related to the cultural identity presented. Thus, it can be concluded that the 'way of remembering' influences the formation of material culture including literary works and cultural identity of national hero figures who have lived at a time.Keywords: material culture, cultural memory, the research of historical literature, identity construction

Copyrights © 2019

Journal Info





Humanities Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media


SIROK BASTRA is a journal which publishes language literature and language literature education research, either Indonesian, local, or foreign research. All articles in SIROK BASTRA have passed the reviewing process by peer reviewers and edited by editors. SIROK BASTRA is published by Kantor Bahasa ...