Jurnal Midpro
Vol 11, No 2 (2019): JURNAL MIDPRO

Parents' Capacity for Autistic Child Personal Hygiene

Lucia Ani Kristanti (STIKES Bhakti Husada Mulia Madiun)
Cintika Yorinda Sebtalesy (STIKES Bhakti Husada Mulia Madiun)

Article Info

Publish Date
29 Dec 2019


ABSTRAK Anak autisme memiliki kebutuhan dasar yang sama dengan anak normal lainnya. Namun akibat dari gangguan perkembangan yang dialami menyebabkan mereka tidak atau kurang mampu memenuhi kebutuhannya tersebut secara mandiri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kapasitas orang tua terhadap personal hygiene anak autis. Jenis penelitian deskriptif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua orang tua yang memiliki anak autis dengan jumlah sampel 30 responden. menggunakan teknik total sampling. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah kapasitas orang tua terhadap personal hygiene anak autis. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner. Data yang diperoleh kemudian diproses editing, coding, scoring dan tabulating. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar orang tua memiliki kapasitas maksimal terhadap personal hygiene (mandi) anak autis yaitu 21 orang (70%). Sebagian besar orang tua memiliki kapasitas maksimal terhadap personal hygiene (keramas) anak autis yaitu 21 orang (70%). Sebagian besar orang tua memiliki kapasitas maksimal terhadap personal hygiene (gosok gigi) anak autis yaitu 22 orang (73,3%). Sebagian besar orang tua memiliki kapasitas maksimal terhadap personal hygiene (cuci tangan) anak autis yaitu 20 orang (63,7%). Sebagian besar orang tua memiliki kapasitas maksimal terhadap personal hygiene (memotong kuku) anak autis yaitu 19 orang (63,3%). Saran dari hasil penelitian yaitu memberikan pendidikan dan pelatihan kepada orang tua yang memiliki anak autis dalam mengelola sumber-sumber daya yang dimiliki, paling tidak uang dan waktu dalam upaya peningkatan kapasitas orang tua terhadap personal hygiene anak autis. Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat dikembangkan dengan menyertakan variabel yang belum diangkat dalam pelaksanaan penelitian ini. Kata kunci : Kapasitas Orang Tua, Anak Autis, Personal Hygiene ABSTRACT Children with autism have the same basic needs as other normal children. However, the result of developmental disruptions caused them to be unable or less able to meet these needs independently. The purpose of this study is to determine the capacity of parents of autistic children personal hygiene. Descriptive research type. The study population was all parents who have autistic children with a sample of 30 respondents. using total sampling techniques. The variable in this study is the capacity of parents for personal hygiene in children with autism. The research instrument used a questionnaire. The data obtained is then processed editing, coding, scoring and tabulating. The results showed that most parents have the maximum capacity for personal hygiene (bathing) of autistic children, which is 21 people (70%). Most parents have the maximum capacity for personal hygiene (shampooing) for autistic children, which is 21 people (70%). Most of the parents have a maximum capacity for personal hygiene (brush teeth) of autistic children, that is 22 people (73.3%). Most parents have the maximum capacity for personal hygiene (hand washing) of autistic children, which is 20 people (63.7%). Most parents have a maximum capacity for personal hygiene (nail cutting) of autistic children, 19 people (63.3%). Suggestions from the results of the study are to provide education and training to parents who have autistic children in managing their resources, at least money and time in an effort to increase the capacity of parents to autistic children personal hygiene. It is expected that the results of this study can be developed by including variables that have not been raised in the implementation of this study. Keywords: Parental Capacity, Personal Hygiene, Autistic Children

Copyrights © 2019

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MIDPRO is a scientific journal maintained by Vocational Program of Midwifery, Universitas Islam Lamongan, Indonesia. This journal provides a venue for the publication of research relevant to midwives, midwifery practice and education. It publishes quantitative and qualitative original research ...