Jurnal Adabiya
Vol 21, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Adabiya

Peran Unit Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Litbang) Harian Serambi Indonesia Terhadap Sarana Temu Balik Informasi untuk Jurnalis

Fitri Rahmasari (Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh`)
Zikrayanti Zikrayanti (Univeersitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh)

Article Info

Publish Date
17 Jul 2020


 This research "The Role of Research Units and Development (R & D) newspaper of Serambi Indonesia towards information seeking behavior for Journalist." this research examine (1) how the role of the research unit and development ( R & D) newspaper of Serambi Indonesia towards information seeking behavior for journalist and to know (2) how was form Information Seeking behavior for journalist on document R & D newspaper of Serambi Indonesia. This research used methods qualitative using Interview and documentation. The results of this research is to show that role R & D newspaper of serambi Indonesia as documentator, supplier data requirements for internal parties and external, provider source information newspaper, compiler news thematic, data supplier for commercial necessity, archiver history newspaper of Serambi Indonesia, and companion content visual. In order to information seeking behavior journalist that is through set document the results coverage journalist, indexation based on title news, date published news, and covering news, accordingly with needs information use, strategy searches have done based on title news, date published, and covering news, browse set documents found, and judgment relevance.

Copyrights © 2019

Journal Info





Religion Humanities Library & Information Science Social Sciences


Journal of Adabiya is a scholarly journal published biannually, February and August by Fakultas Adab and Humaniora of UIN of Ar-Raniry with registered number 2567/SK.Ditjen.PPG/STT/1999, dated July 6, 1999 (ISSN 1411-6588). On February 2, 2017 the Jurnal Adabiya has been approved its online ISSN ...