Eduprof : Islamic Education Journal
Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Eduprof : Islamic Education Journal

Kritik Nalar Al-Jabiri ; Bayani, Irfani dan Burhani dalam Membangun Islamic Studies Integrasi-Interkoneksi

Muhammadun Muhammadun (IAI BUNGA BANGSA CIREBON)

Article Info

Publish Date
22 Sep 2019


ABSTRACT The formulation of reasoning in religion, as well as the reformulation of its rationalism, must be based on doctrinal principles, clearly have a specific purpose and purpose, namely aimed at shari'ah makers (Allah and His Messenger) to humans which ultimately lead to human values. wisdom (al-fadilah). The point is that according to al-Jabri, the idea of "maqasid ash-shari'ah" in the religious sciences is comparable to the idea of "the laws of causality in nature" in the discipline of philosophy. Thus, this rearrangement provides a re-foundation of the relationship between babies. and burhani which is based on the rational-empirical paradigm, meaning that the reality of religion and the reality of philosophy is studied in a rational-critical and empirical spirit, with the aim that the experts can preserve the contents of both (religion and philosophy) and reconstruct them again. This is a new direction in the horizon of the knowledge system in the Arab-Islamic world. Abstrak Perumusan penalaran dalam agama, serta reformulasi rasionalismenya, harus berdasar pada prinsip-prinsip doktrinal, secara jelas mempunyai tujuan dan maksud tertentu, yakni ditujukan oleh pembuat syari‟ah (Allah dan Rasul-Nya) kepada manusia yang pada akhirnya membawa manusia kepada nilai-nilai kebijkan (al-fadilah). Intinya menurut al-Jabiri bahwa gagasan “maqasid asy-syari‟ah” dalam disiplin ilmu-ilmu agama sebanding dengan gagasan “hukum-hukum kausalitas di alam ini” dalam disiplin filsafat.Dengan demikian, penataan ulang ini memberikan landasan ulang terhadap hubungan antara bayani dan burhani yang didasarkan pada pradigma rasional-empiris, artinya realitas agama dan realitas filsafat dikaji dengan semangat rasional-kritis dan empiris, hal ini bertujuan agar para pakar dapat menjaga kandungan keduanya (agama dan filsafat) dan merekonstruksinya kembali. Inilah arah baru dalam cakrawala sistem pegetahuan di dunia Arab-Islam.

Copyrights © 2019

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Religion Education


Jurnal Eduprof is a scientific publication of research articles from the islamic educational field where every issue has the focus of educational administration, educational management, and educational leadership. Eduprof is issued by the Management of Education Master Degree of IAI Bunga Bangsa ...