Sarwahita : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Vol 16 No 02 (2019): Sarwahita : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat


Sahlan Hasbi (Universitas Djuanda)
Zaldy Suhatman (Program Studi Akuntansi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Pamulang)

Article Info

Publish Date
03 Dec 2019


Abstract The change in the BKPK Cooperative system from a conventional pattern to a Sharia pattern in which Islamic legal principles are an important part of the Cooperative's business activities based on fatwas has also an impact on the use of contracts in the collection of funds and in the distribution of funding. Increasing education and socialization that is more structured and systematic after the conversion is absolutely necessary as an effort to increase the competency of the human resources management and members of the Cooperative. As a manifestation of the implementation of the College's tasks, community service activities are carried out using the Pupular Education method, which is devoted to learning with the community or strengthening community abilities, potential and assets. Out of all 30 participants, only 4 (13.3%) have received training on Sharia or Sharia Cooperative training. While the remaining 26 participants (86.7%) had never attended training. The average value of the competency test results of the participants after the training, generally increased. For sharia maqasid competencies, the average pre test score was 6.67 points, an increase of 60% or the average post test score was 16.50 points. The competency value of Fatwa, Deposit Agreement and Financing during pre-test was 16.17 points, increasing by 43% or becoming 28.50 points during post-test. The competency value of the Operational Mechanism during the pre-test was 11.50 points, increasing by 55% or becoming 25.33 points during the post-test. As an accumulation of the three competencies, the average post test score of participants was 72.5 points with the lowest score being 50 points and the highest score being 95 points. Abstrak Perubahan sistem Koperasi BKPK dari pola konvensional menjadi pola Syariah di mana prinsip hukum Islam menjadi bagian penting dalam kegiatan usaha Koperasi dengan berdasarkan fatwa berdampak pula pada penggunaan akad-akad dalam penghimpunan dana maupun dalam penyaluran pembiayaan. Peningkatan edukasi dan sosialisasi yang lebih terstruktur dan sistematis pasca konversi menjadi mutlak dilakukan sebagai upaya peningkatan kompetensi sumber daya manusia pengurus dan anggota Koperasi. Sebagai wujud dari implementasi tugas Perguruan Tinggi, maka dilaksanaknlah kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan menggunakan metode Pendidikan Masyarakat, yakni kegiatan pengabdian yang ditujukan untuk belajar bersama masyarakat atau menguatkan kemampuan, potensi dan aset masyarakat. Dari seluruh peserta pelatihan yang berjumlah 30 orang, hanya sebanyak 4 orang peserta (13.3%) yang sudah pernah mendapatkan pelatihan tentang syariah atau Koperasi Syariah pelatihan. Sedangkan sisanya sebanyak 26 orang peserta (86.7%) belum pernah mengikuti training. Nilai rata-rata hasil test kompetensi para peserta pasca training, umumnya mengalami kenaikan. Untuk kompetensi maqasid syariah, nilai rata-rata pre test adalah 6.67 poin mengalami kenaikan sebesar 60% atau rata-rata nilai post test adalah 16.50 poin. Nilai kompetensi Fatwa, Akad Simpanan dan Pembiayaan saat pre test adalah 16.17 poin mengalami kenaikan sebesar 43% atau menjadi 28.50 poin saat post test. Nilai kompetensi Mekanisme Operasional saat pre test adalah 11.50 poin mengalami kenaikan sebesar 55% atau menjadi 25.33 poin saat post test. Secara akumulasi dari ketiga kompetensi tersebut, nilai rata rata post test peserta adalah 72.5 poin dengan nilai terendah adalah 50 poin dan nilai tertinggi 95 poin.

Copyrights © 2019

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Humanities Education Social Sciences Other


The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of community services. Sarwahita, particularly focuses on the main problems in the development of the sciences of community services areas as follows: ...