Jurnal Pendidikan Manajemen Perkantoran (JPManper)
Vol 5, No 1 (2020): Januari 2020


Widiastuti, Widiastuti (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
27 Jun 2020


This research  is to understand the activities of the office work performed by a student when doing fieldwork practices. The population was selected from Diploma students of the English Language Program class 2016 semester VI, who in the second semester of 2018/2019 conducted Field Work Practices in several institutions. Data and information are processed from questionnaires distributed to respondents, processed through descriptive statistical analysis of 17 respondents which can be processed by 14 respondents. Based on the research results, it was concluded that 93% of office work carried out in work practice is a series of activities such as collecting, recording, processing, doubling, sending, and storing. The type of office work that is often done by respondents during work practices are the activity of collecting letters (64%), recording work activities (71.4%), making reports (64%), duplicate work is an activity carried out by all respondents in the form of photocopies and print documents (100%), the work of distributing or sending e-mails and facsimile (92%) of respondents, while the activity of storing letters / information (64%) is still manually.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas dari jenis-jenis pekerjaan kantor yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa pada saat melakukan praktik kerja lapangan. Populasi dipilih dari mahasiswa program studi Bahasa Inggris D3 Universitas Darma Persada angkatan 2016 semester VI, pada semester genap 2018/2019 melaksanakan kegiatan Praktik Kerja Lapangan pada beberapa instansi. Data dan informasi diketahui melalui kuesioner yang disebar ke responden, diolah melalui analisa statistik deskriptif dari 17 responden yang dapat diolah 14 responden. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh simpulan, diketahui bahwa 93% pekerjaan kantor yang dilakukan dalam praktek kerja adalah pekerjaan kantor berupa rangkaian aktivitas, menghimpun, mencatat, mengolah, mengganda, mengirim, dan menyimpan. Sedangkan jenis pekerjaaan kantor yang sering dilakukan responden pada saat praktik kerja berupa aktivitas mengumpulkan surat (64%), mencatat kegiatan kerja (71,4%), membuat laporan (64%), pekerjaan mengganda merupakan aktivitas yang dilaksanakan seluruh responden berupa fotocopy dan cetak dokumen (100%), pekerjaan menyalurkan atau mengirim email dan faxsimili (92%) responden, sedangkan aktivitas menyimpan surat/informasi (64%) masih secara manual.

Copyrights © 2020

Journal Info





Social Sciences Other


This journal publishes research results on topics related to the teaching and learning of Office Management Education and other relevant fields of study, especially those carried out in the contexts of Vocational High Schools, higher education institutions, and workplaces. Major topics covered in ...