Jurnal Riset Kesehatan Nasional
Vol 4, No 1 (2020)


Rahayuni, I Gusti Ayu Rai (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
25 Jun 2020


ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Rumah singgah merupakan pusat pemberdayaan Orang Dengan Skizofrenia (ODS) di masyarakat. Rumah Singgah Rai-Manggis Kelurahan Pedungan Denpasar Selatan memfasilitasi ODS melaksanakan kegiatan berbasis spiritual yaitu memotong kembang rampe dan membuat canang sebagai pelengkap upacara agama hindu.Metode: Studi kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui secara mendalam Pengalaman ODS dalam Melaksanakan Pemberdayaan, meliputi gambaran riwayat hidup, perasaan, pengalaman, masalah-masalah yang dihadapi dan harapan. Indeepth Interview dilakukan kepada 11 informan yang meliputi 5 ODS sebagai Informan utama dan 6 Informan Pendukung yaitu 3 keluarga, 2 orang petugas kesehatan dan 1 orang kader kesehatan jiwa yang dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive sampling pada bulan Mei-Juni 2019.Hasil: Hasil penelitian secara umum menyatakan ODS kadang masih memandang dirinya negatif mengingat beberapa kali rawat inap di rumah sakit jiwa (RSJ) dengan kondisi kekambuhan yang dideritanya sejak 5 sampai puluhan tahun. Meraka merasa senang bahwa kegiatan dirumah singgah sangat bagus, bermanfaat dan positif, selain bisa bersosialisasi dengan sesama juga dapat melatih kemampuan yang dimiliki dengan kegiatan produktif sehingga harga diri bisa meningkat secara bertahap.Kesimpulan: Pengalaman mereka dalam Melaksanakan Pemberdayaan sangat berharga sehingga berharap adanya pengembangan kelompok usaha secara berkesinambungan, pengaturan manajemen dengan baik sehingga usaha dapat menghasilkan income serta mengurangi kekambuhan. Kendala yang informan rasakan terkait modal karena yang disediakan berupa alat juga memerlukan bahan baku untuk operasionalnya untuk menghasilkan produksi yang banyak selain itu juga masalah antar jemput ke lokasi rumah singgah.Kata Kunci: Rumah Singgah, Pemberdayaan, SkizofreniaABSTRACTBackground: The Halfway house is a place for empowered people with schizphrenia ( ODS )  in the community. Rumah Singgah Rai-Manggis, Kelurahan Pedungan in South of Denpasar, provide the facilitation for ODS to implemented spiritual-based activities, there are cutting Rampe flowers and making Canang for Hindu religious ceremonies.Methods: This qualitative study with a phenomenological approach aims to find out in depth the ODS's Experience in Implemented Empowerment that include a description of  ODS’s life history, feelings, experiences, problems encountered and expectations. Indeepth Interview was conducted on 11 informants that include 5 ODS as main informants and 6 Supported Informants that include 3 families, 2 health workers and 1 mental health voluntier who were selected by using purposive sampling techniques during May-June 2019.  Results: The results of the study generally stated the Main Informants sometimes they feeling negative about themself because have experiences a long time was hospitalized in a mental hospital with conditions of reccurence which suffered from 5 to more than 10 years ago. They feel happy that the activities at Halfway house was very good, useful and positive, in addition they able to socialize with others and also can train their abilities with productive activities so that the self-esteem can gradually increase.Conclusion: Their experience in implemented empowerment is valuable. They hope that volunteer provided sustainable business group development, good management arrangements so that the businesses can generate income and also reduce recurrence. The problem that the informant feels is related to the money because in that place only provided the form of tools also requires raw materials for its operations to produce more products. Besides that, the problem of transportation to go to the location of the Halfway house.Keywords: Halfway house, Empowerment, schizophrenia

Copyrights © 2020

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Health Professions Immunology & microbiology Medicine & Pharmacology Nursing Public Health


Jurnal Riset Kesehatan Nasional (JRKN) is a journal published by the Bali Institute of Technology and Health (ITEKES) and registered without ISSN 2580-6173 (Print) ISSN 2548-6144 (Online). The National Journal of Health Research (JRKN) provides a special forum for researchers and lecturers to ...