Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran
Vol 3, No 6 (2014): Juni 2014


., Rudiansyah (Unknown)
Atiq, Ahmad (Unknown)
Yunitaningrum, Wiwik (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
24 Jun 2014


Abstract: Whether there is a relationship problem penelititan leg muscle strength,and agility to speed dribbling relationship. The purpose of the study to determinewhether there is a relationship penelititan leg muscle strength, and agility to speeddribbling relationship. The method is a method of correlation. Footballextracurricular student population in SMA 1 Slash totaling 18 people, with asaturation sampling technique that is taking the entire population of 18 people.Data were analyzed using product moment correlation and multiple correlationanalysis. The results of the analysis of the relationship of the leg muscle strengthgained speed dribbling rhitung 0835 > rtabel for 0389 means there is arelationship hypothesis leg muscle strength against speed dribbling accepted.Relationship rhitung dribbling speed agility to 0.625 > 0.389 rtabel hypothesismeans there is a relationship dribbling speed agility to be accepted . Relationshipof leg muscle strength and agility to speed dribbling rhitung 0.777 > 0.389 rtabelhypothesis means there is a relationship of leg muscle strength and agility to thespeed of the ball mengiring accepted.Keywords: Leg Muscle Strength, Agility, Dribbling Soccer .Abstrak: Masalah penelititan apakah terdapat hubungan kekuatan otot tungkai,dan hubungan kelincahan terhadap kecepatan dribbling. Tujuan penelitian untukmengetahui penelititan apakah terdapat hubungan kekuatan otot tungkai, danhubungan kelincahan terhadap kecepatan dribbling.. Metode penelitian adalahmetode korelasi. Populasi siswa ekstrakurikuler sepak bola di SMA Negeri 1Tebas yang berjumlah 18 orang, dengan teknik sampling jenuh yaitu mengambilseluruh populasi yang berjumlah 18 orang. Analisis data dengan korelasi productmoment dan analisi korelasi berganda. Hasil analisis hubungan kekuatan otottungkai terhadap kecepatan dribbling didapat rhitung 0.835 > rtabel sebesar 0.389artinya hipotesis terdapat hubungan kekuatan otot tungkai terhadap kecepatandribbling diterima. Hubungan kelincahan terhadap kecepatan dribbling rhitung0.625 > rtabel 0.389 artinya hipotesis terdapat hubungan kelincahan terhadapkecepatan dribbling diterima. Hubungan kekuatan otot tungkai dan kelincahanterhadap kecepatan dribbling rhitung 0.777 > rtabel 0.389 artinya hipotesis terdapathubungan kekuatan otot tungkai dan kelincahan terhadap kecepatan mengiringbola diterima.Kata Kunci: Kekeuatan Otot Tungkai, Kelincahan, Dribbling Sepak Bola.

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