Construction and Material Journal
Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Construction and Material Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 Maret 2019


Sumiati, Sumiati (Unknown)
Mahmuda, Mahmuda (Unknown)
Syapawi, A (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
18 Mar 2019


Kerusakan jalan akhir-akhir ini semakin sering terjadi pada lapis perkerasan jalan  berupa  retak-retak, terkelupasnya agregat, lubang-lubang hingga amblasnya perkerasan jalan. Hal  ini dapat terjadi disebabkan: tingginya temperatur permukaan jalan, intensitas curah hujan yang sulit diprediksi serta beban lalulintas yang semakin hari semakin bertambah. Aspal modifikasi dibuat dengan menambahkan bahan yang bersifat elastomer seperti karet alam, maupun karet sintetis dan bahan plastik, sehingga dapat meningkatkan sifat-sifat fisik dari aspal seperti: elastisitas, ketahanan terhadap temperatur dan dapat meningkatkan stabilitas pada campuran aspal beton. Uji coba pemanfaatan limbah plastik sebagai bahan pengganti aspal telah dilaksanakan pada jalan nasional di Indonesia maupun di Manca negara, hal ini menimbulkan pro dan kontra dari  aktivis lingkungan. Namun menurut beberapa sumber menyatakan bahwa aspal modifikasi ini bisa bertahan di suhu ekstrem (- 4,5oC hingga  80oC). Berdasarkan permasalahan di atas akan diteliti, berapa persen limbah plastik HDPE yang efektif ditambahkan pada aspal modifikasi untuk campuran Laston (AC-BC) agar tahan terhadap cuaca ekstrem.  Pengujian dilakukan pada 75 benda uji dengan kadar aspal optimum 5,4 % dan limbah plastik HDPE bervariasi 0%; 2%; 4%; 6% dan 8% terhadap berat aspal. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh suhu dari campuran Laston, sebelum dilakukan Marshall Test, terlebih dahulu benda uji direndam pada suhu 60oC; 70oC; 80oC selama 30 menit dan 60oC  selama 24 jam. Berdasarkan Spesifikasi Lapis Perkerasan aspal (Bina Marga revisi 3, 2010), limbah plastik HDPE yang dapat ditambahkan pada campuran LASTON (AC-BC)  hanya   2-4 % terhadap berat aspal, yang memenuhi nilai karakteristik Marshall dan tahan terhadap cuaca ekstrem.Kata kunci: Limbah plastik HDPE, aspal beton, cuaca ekstrem Recent road damage is increasingly common in pavement layers in the form of cracks, peeling aggregates, holes, until the pavement is inundated. This can happen because: the high surface temperature of the road, the intensity of rainfall that is difficult to predict and the traffic load that increasingly day. Asphalt modification is made by adding elastomeric materials such as natural rubber, as well as synthetic rubber and plastic materials, so as to enhance the physical properties of asphalt such as: elasticity, resistance to temperature; and can increase the stability of concrete asphalt mixture. Plastic waste utilization trials as asphalt substitute have been implemented on national roads in Indonesia as well as in many countries, leading to the pros and cons of environmental activists. However, some sources have stated that this modified asphalt can survive in extreme temperatures (- 4.5°C to 80°C). However, according to some sources stated that this modified asphalt can survive in extreme temperatures (- 4.5°C to 80°C). Based on the above issues, it was examined how much the effective percentage of HDPE plastic waste was added to modified asphalt for the Laston mixture (AC-BC) which was resistant to extreme weather. The test was conducted on 75 specimens with optimum asphalt content of 5.4% and HDPE plastic waste varied 0%; 2%; 4%; 6% and 8% to asphalt weight. To determine the effect of temperature from the mixture of Laston, before the Marshall Test conducted, the first specimen is immersed at 60°C; 70°C; 80°C for 30 minutes and 60°C for 24 hours. Based on Asphalt Pavement Specification (Bina Marga Revision 3, 2010), the HDPE plastic waste that can be added to the LASTON (AC-BC) mixture is only 2-4% of the asphalt weight, which meets the Marshall characteristics and is resistant to extreme weather.Key words: HDPE plastic waste, concrete asphalt, extreme weather

Copyrights © 2019

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Civil Engineering, Building, Construction & Architecture


Jurnal Construction And Material adalah jurnal Teknik Sipil yang mencakup bidang keahlian Dasar Teknik, Struktur, Material, Manajemen Konstruksi, Tata Laksana, Transportasi, Sumber Daya Air dan Lingkungan, Geoteknik, Pengukuran dan Jalan Raya. Jurnal ini diperuntukkan bagi mahasiswa, pengajar, dan ...