Vol 16 No 2 (2012): Desember

Aku dalam Tuhan: Implikasi Teologi Proses pada Era Kontemporer

Suhermanto Ja’far (IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya)

Article Info

Publish Date
07 Nov 2017


Theological implications in social lives are still worth analyzed. This paper discusses the authentic image of man as I in the relationship with God and the world. These relationships affect the nature of the world and the world to change the nature of God. The implications of the inclusion of God in the world is God’s presence to the world and the world is affected God. Immanent God is the God who is present in every human being, every living being, and the universe. Every human being is unique and as I am in the uniqueness of God is present. In the directionality that God wanted man and the world become “like Him”, they are united with him; He is involved in the principles and ways of working people and the world. Even though God is in everything and everything is in God, it does not mean that everything is identical, or equal with God. God that is “above” and present “in” the world to make people as I was in the Lord.

Copyrights © 2012

Journal Info





Religion Arts Humanities Education Social Sciences


Ulumuna (P-ISSN: 1411-3457; E-ISSN: 2355-7648), a journal of Islamic studies published twice a year (June and December) by State Islamic University (UIN) of Mataram since 1997, publishes original (library or field) research articles in the field of Islamic studies. It promotes multidisciplinary ...