Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB
Vol 5, No 1 (2014)


-, Istiqomah (Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya)

Article Info

Publish Date
22 May 2014


Keywords: Illocutionary Acts, Television Advertisement, Mie Sedaap. This study investigates the illocutionary actsdemonstrated by the actors’ and actresses’ utterancesin television advertisement of Mie Sedaap. In this study, the writer investigates two problems of the study which are: (1) Whatare the types of illocutionary acts found in Mie Sedaapinstant noodle advertisement on television? (2) What type of illocutionary acts is mostly used in Mie sedaapinstant noodle advertisement on television?The main theory to answer the problems of the study is the theory of speech act especially in taxonomy of illocutionary acts by Searle (1979). This study used qualitative approach in textual analysis since the data of this study are in the form of words rather than numbers, and uses the transcription of the actors’ and actresses’ utterances to be analyzed. The data of this study werethe actors’ and actresses’ utterances in Mie Sedaapinstant noodle advertisement on television containing illocutionary acts. To analyze the data, the context of each advertisement is explained first. Then, the data are presented and analyzed by using speech act theory. Based on the findings of this study, the writer found five types of illocutionary acts based on Searle’s theory; Assertives, Directives, Commisives, Expressives, and Declaration. The occurrences of those types are: 10 utterances contained assertive type of illocutionary act, 6 utterances contained directive, 3 utterances contained commisive type, 19 and 3 utterances contained expressive and declaration respectively and 7 utterances contained two types of illocutionary act. The type of illocutionary acts that are mostly used by the actors and actresses is expressive. This type is mostly in the form of adjective. The speakers use this type merely to express apleased feeling toward Mie Sedaap.Finally, the writer the writer suggests for the linguistic readers to be aware of using of utterances in other TV advertisements as they are not only used to express a feeling, but they also used to conclude, declare, promise, or command. It depends on the topic of the advertisement itself.The writer also expects the next researchers to analyze and to add the other aspect of illocutionary actssuch as illocutionary and its IFIDs (illocutionary Force Indicating Device).

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